CliqueClack TV

White Collar continues to impress

- Season 1, Episode 3 - "Book of Hours"

White Collar s01e03

White Collar fans, we have not forsaken you! In fact, the show is so popular amongst our writing staff that I was only able to hold onto my review gig for a few weeks. Unfortunately, the show is so good as to have rendered most everyone else speechless. That’s without speech, people! So now that you’re all caught up….

I continue to enjoy the recognizable faces that the show casts in small parts. How great was it that Artie Bucco (John Ventimiglia) got the chance to be on the other side of the meat cleaver for a change? This is separate from the show, but it would be nice to actually see him in action as a mobster … doesn’t he deserve it?

Now that we’re three episodes in (hey, that’s 25% of a cable season!), I’m feeling as if we’re finally getting somewhere as far as series plot goes. For instance, not that I expected them to hug and kiss him, but I did roll my eyes at hearing James Rebhorn’s Reese Hughes mention the reservations that some people have about Caffrey working with the FBI.

It’s one thing for a guy like Ruiz (Kirk Acevedo) to say it, but for a bureau chief to openly question the decision of the higher-ups? Even Ruiz blatantly ignoring his superiors’ orders by choosing to distrust Caffrey, and therefore Burke, with information was groan-worthy, as I see it never going away. I know that Ryan will tell me that no one ordered Ruiz to do anything, but it’s implicit in the decision to add Caffrey to Burke’s team.

I also was surprised by Burke’s using Caffrey’s skills to circumvent the FBI, but I loved how it introduced the potential for Neal, when he used Peter’s jacket, and Mozzie, to score the info and “The Healing Bible.” We also now get to wonder what Peter knows about Mozzie, and how and when that will come into play.

I also enjoy where the Kate thing appears to be heading right now. It’s a side project for Neal, and he’s utilizing the same skills solving the mystery surrounding her disappearance as he is in helping Burke. Plus I think it’s the only way we could get a full slate of him. Without the Kate story, we’d only have reason to see Caffrey during the day.

What isn’t really getting better is Caffrey’s wardrobe. I’m sorry to all of you fans, but he looks ridiculous in that vintage stuff, and even a bit more so in his more modern fashion. Everything is too small and too tight for a man who’s probably comfortable running up-to-date computer scams, and hobnobbing with models.

But it’ll do if it must, because even that can’t detract from how great Neal Caffrey is. But it couldn’t hurt to update him….

Photo Credit: USA Network

3 Responses to “White Collar continues to impress”

November 10, 2009 at 9:07 PM

I’m glad you’re enjoying White Collar, Aryeh. I think it’s a great show, and I’m looking forward to more. I’m not a fan of the Kate side mystery. I know most procedurals have the side mystery related to family members (Castle and Beckett’s mom, Bones and Bones’ mom/dad in S1/S2, Mentalist and Red John/his family), but it doesn’t capture me as much as the main mystery. In fact, I’d be more interested in watching him plan his escape from the FBI or pulling another heist. I actually love the hat and his old suit style. Clearly, he’s wearing the clothes of an older man from another generation, and I like that they aren’t magically making them fit. And, while I like that D. Carroll and her niece aren’t popping in each week to detract from the mystery, I wouldn’t mind seeing the former return, even if to get her boarder to plan a heist due to her longlost riches -

November 11, 2009 at 11:07 AM

Thanks! :)

I actually think that the Kate mystery will stumble into some of what you’re looking for, i.e. that Caffrey will look to run once he’s reached a certain point in his investigation. He has to save her, right? And Burke likely won’t agree to help. I also would like to see a heist in the works. My guess is it will happen, and it may very well tie into the Kate thing, like Neal needs to steal something for the people who have her, or something like that.

And I also have been missing D. Carroll … I didn’t expect her to be around regularly, but I did imagine more from her, especially after the cryptic comment about her husband having been a criminal. Not sure if it was a reboot from the pilot, or if it’s just coming later.

November 11, 2009 at 11:50 AM

Matthew Bomer looks incredible no matter what he’s wearing. And that’s a fact.

I’m really enjoying the series but I think I’d watch it for him even if I wasn’t!

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