CliqueClack TV

My favorite Lost moments – Alex held at gunpoint

Alex held at gunpoint

This week I turn my attention to one of the most shocking and sad moments in the history of Lost. It was a huge turn of events, particularly for the character of Ben. It was nothing more than a simple “held at gunpoint” scenario that has been used many times before. However, this time it would be different. It was such a great moment because the writers and creators of Lost decided to buck all the conventions regarding the cliched scenario.

That’s right, I’m talking about the standoff between Keamy (from the freighter) and Ben that included Alex being held at gunpoint that was featured in the fourth season episode “The Shape of Things to Come.”

For me, this was truly one of the more shocking moments from the show, eliciting an actual gasp from me when Keamy pulled the trigger and killed Alex execution style. I certainly didn’t see that outcome coming. Ben didn’t either, as he was calling Keamy’s bluff (or so he thought). What made the event even more tragic was the fact that Ben was calling the bluff by announcing how little Alex meant to him, hoping that the lies would make Keamy let her go. Instead, Alex’s final moments were full of hearing the man she considered a father saying how much he didn’t love her. Ouch.

Even though the moment was especially cruel to both Ben (not normally a very sympathetic character) and Alex, you have to give credit to the writers. By exploiting a cliche from TV and the movies, they were able to create a very powerful episode.

Alex’s death was a real turning point for Ben’s character. It was the culmination of his battle with the freighter folk (as sent by Charles Widmore) and marked the end of his time of power on the island. Ever since Alex’s death Ben has been a broken man and has gone from evil mastermind to struggling weasel. Sure, he still is constantly trying to manipulate and outsmart people, but Ben is no longer in a position of power. Instead, he is constantly trying to claw his way back into the island’s good graces.

While Alex’s death may have been one of the sadder moments of the series, it has set up Ben’s character for a great final season. I can’t wait to see what the writers have in store for us.

Photo Credit: ABC

3 Responses to “My favorite Lost moments – Alex held at gunpoint”

November 9, 2009 at 12:32 PM

I agree with you on the scene, but you only give credit to the writers? You should mention Michael Emerson, too. It’s his performance that elicits sympathy for the character of Ben. It’s without a doubt the most complex, nuanced performance in the series. I think that’s the first season he was nominated for an Emmy award (2007), although he didn’t win until 2009.

November 9, 2009 at 12:49 PM

Yes, you’re absolutely right. Emmerson is quite brilliant. I think he’s far and away the best actor on the show, and I was thrilled to see him finally win an Emmy.

The women on this show have been ignored though, in my opinion, Yun Jin Kim and Elizabeth Mitchell are both deserving of awards.

November 9, 2009 at 1:30 PM

Not to quibble, but while I agree that Emerson is the best actor, I wouldn’t call it “far and away”–I think Terry O’Quinn comes pretty close. Here’s a character that’s been wrong over and over again, a man whose life was over physically and mentally before he came to the island, a zealot since he got there–and yet I still like(d) Locke, even at his worst.

From the women, I don’t know what it is about Elizabeth Mitchell, but her performance really works. I read a catty comment somewhere about her having limited facial expressions due to supposed plastic surgery or Botox, and while I have no idea if there’s any truth to that, I have noticed that she doesn’t emote much through her face. Yet I really grew to like Juliet, and I even got a warm feeling from her when I watched “V” last week. She comes across as effortlessly intelligent and competent, something few actors can convey.

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