CliqueClack TV

Californication – When will Hank abandon Becca at his local firehouse?

What’s going on out there on the West Coast, folks? For two seasons, you carried Californication high on your shoulders, through different plots and different settings, everything gelling together for one great and interesting series.

- Season 3, Episode 6 - "Glass Houses"

Californication season 3 - Rick Springfield

What’s going on out there on the West Coast, folks? For two seasons, you carried Californication high on your shoulders, through different plots and different settings, everything gelling together for one great and interesting series.

But now? Ever since entering the realm of the classroom, the show’s failed for me — well, these last two weeks — whenever it’s ventured outside of it (“it” including people, places, and things). Where’s Jill? Why must we enjoy Felicia only as she relates to a mad Karen? Even Jackie was MIA … so is Professor Hank merely a tool for filling in the down-times?

Yes, there was about a half-a-second of an uncomfortable moment when Jill hung around after class, and when Jackie asked Karen what her name was, and then when Felicia walked in on Karen and Hank in his classroom. But beyond that? Karen’s annoying, Becca could use a punch in the side of the head, and even Charlie’s spinning off the planet at a ferocious velocity.

The suggestions to move back to New York are getting a bit old, inasmuch as it’s clearly not going to happen — or else they’d have to change the name of the show to some weird mash-up of a different city. And Karen being back alters the trajectory of everything I’ve enjoyed thus far this season. It makes me kind of annoyed to imagine that these three women are on the show for no more purpose than to be complications in Karen and Hank’s relationship. What a waste that would be.

I did enjoy the Karen-to-Jackie-to-Karen-to-Jill-to-Karen-to-Felicia-back-to-Karen action in Hank’s classroom, but it never went beyond a little tension, so what’d we gain? I was surprised, though, that Jill was the one who ended up seemingly flustered — I had my money on Jackie not keeping it together, because of her crazy and all. But there’s still time. And of course, as I said above, there was barely a hint of the affair when Felicia and Karen interacted, because Karen was so focused on Chelsea and her terrible influence. There’s more to come, I’m sure, but so far it fell kind of flat to me, all around.

It was rather funny, however, that Natascha McElhone (Karen), born in London and playing an American, made fun of Embeth Davidtz’s (Felicia) faux British accent (she’s from Indiana). Cute little poke at McElhone’s own country.

I didn’t expect Rick Springfield to return. Seriously — who in the world is he? I have no idea, and so a lot of the references mean nothing to me. What I didn’t miss was how disgusting Marcy is, though. No one should be excused for cheating, but Marcy seems to always forget that her spiraling drug-addiction was the first debit in the Runkle ledger. Even if they’re still not even, having sex with another man, loudly, with your husband, estranged husband, ex husband, or whatever, walking around in the house? Repulsive.

I’ll say it for the second week in a row — here’s hoping next week steps it up. What did you think about last night’s episode?

Photo Credit: Showtime

11 Responses to “Californication – When will Hank abandon Becca at his local firehouse?”

November 2, 2009 at 3:47 PM

The show has slowed down a bit, but I am sure it will pick up. Becca is really annoying.

Who is Rick Springfield you ask? I don’t know if you notice that this cast of characters are not the cast of “Glee” or “High School Musical”. The are all 40+ (at least). I would find it strange for Marcy to get all hot and bothered for a Jonas Brother or the kid from Twilight. Sure, Springfield hasn’t been heard from for about 15-20 years, but I think that’s the humor of it. Incidentally, I thought Kathleen Turner was hot back in the days of “Body Heat” (1980’s). I think she is hilarious as the Charlie’s chain-smoking, sex-starved boss (but no longer sexy).

November 2, 2009 at 4:22 PM

Kathleen Turner is hilarious! “Collini out…”

Anyway, I was really hoping for some awkwardness with Karen in the classroom. Such a let-down.

I agree with Gary, Becca is getting really annoying. I’m calling it now, her & Chelsea are going to do some type of sexual act together. They’re bound to experiment with each other.

I hope it gets better than this ep. More Jill & Jackie!

November 2, 2009 at 4:46 PM

Rick Springfield had his first hit her int he early 70’s, had 14 top 10 hits in the 80’s, a high charting new cd release last summer, and continues to tour to sold out crowds across the country. A few of hits: Jessie’s girl, I’ve Done everything for you, and Love Somebody.

November 2, 2009 at 9:57 PM

And he was a crazy hot doctor on General Hospital in the 80s, too. Back when Demi Moore and John Stamos were on the show. I had no idea Aryeh was so young as to not know him.

November 2, 2009 at 8:40 PM

I find Becca’s transformation from the thoughtful punk tween to the annoying pretty teen to be an extremely accurate portrayal of the modern day teenager, so I’m glad the show for taking her character in this direction.

The rest of the show, however, is going downhill. All the outrageously stupid stuff seem so forced and contrived, as if the writers are trying to top each crazy situation with another. I feel like at least during the first two seasons, the characters seem real to me, but this year…not so much.

November 3, 2009 at 11:03 AM

Gary – It’s not a generational thing … Glee and High School Musical mean little to me as well. I’m not surprised by the plot line. I just feel as if the show failed to establish who he was before thrusting him into things.

xnifex – I’ve seen the future (well, the next two episodes) and the focus does come back around, so hang in. ;)

Kim V – Thanks! I think one of those songs actually sounds familiar! Maybe :)

Modwild – I’m not sure how old or young any of this makes me, but yes, I’m certainly too young to have known who he was if he was an ‘80s star. However, I appreciate classic great stuff, so had he fallen into that category…. Again, for me the question is more about the fact that the show never really established who he was for the younger demographic of people who watch the show, instead just assuming we’d get it. They did a more thorough job establishing the author in the season premiere who Hank replaces.

tvjunkie – The transformation may be traditionally accurate, but Becca was never what you’d expect either from someone her age or someone with her interests. I think the writers decided that Chelsea would be a bad influence, and only after-the-fact it occurred to them that they had to establish that that was what was happening. The effect for me, therefore, is random and unsubstantiated.

November 9, 2009 at 9:45 AM

Besides Rick Springfield being on the show off and on this season, the highlight of all the storylines this season for me are related to Charlie and Sue. Those 2 crack me up! Sue was a great addition in my opinion. :-)She has some of the funniest lines of anyone in the cast this time!

As for Rick, well…I have been an avid fan of his since 1981, so I’m pretty up-to-date on what he’s involved in, but I can see how a bit of an “introduction” would have been good for those who don’t really know who he is. Good point I hadn’t even thought of!

And just a friendly “correction” to the comment that he hasn’t been “heard from” for about 15-20 years—he’s been a very busy man since ’98, producing new music and doing a bit of acting. He’s even writing a book about his life! He was also busy throughout the 90’s as well, with a bit of music & numerous acting roles. :-)To this day, I still feel he is underrated as an artist.

I think it’s very much like Rick that he is able to go on Californication and poke a bit of fun at himself. The man has a fun and quirky sense of humor, and he has never been afraid to laugh at himself. I’m thrilled to see him there this season.


November 9, 2009 at 12:10 PM

Certainly he has no qualms about making himself look like, well, like not the greatest guy, which is laudable. There’s a crazy tailspin yet to come!

November 11, 2009 at 9:27 PM

Can’t wait for the “tailspin!” True….he is not afraid to laugh at himself & he loves an acting challenge. I think the irony in the whole thing with his “character” on this show is that Rick is not the full-of-himself jerk they have written him up to be, for the sake of the story, like the self-indulgent rock star type. I have met (and cruised!) with Rick several times and he’s actually a very humble and thankful (and clean-living) guy. So again…the flip personality he’s portraying is hilarious for his fans. (who by the way, are getting a real kick out of seeing him on the show. We’re eating it up & the Rick message boards have been pretty much smokin’ lately!)

November 11, 2009 at 11:46 PM

I love getting a totally new perspective on him. Thanks so much! I’ve seen the entire season already, but I’m watching them again as they air weekly, so I will be able to appreciate Rick from a whole new perspective going forward. Thanks again! :)

November 16, 2009 at 10:43 AM

Your welcome Aryeh! He’s done some great work and I love sharing it with others.

What comical scenes last night with he, Charlie and the strippers! And a LOT of skin! Whoo! ;-) I still can’t believe my teen idol is 60!! And wow, he was right when he said they make his character look like a self-indulgent ass! Funny!

Too bad Sue was absent last night. Although, I think Charlie had his hands full enough without Sue in the picture. lol

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