CliqueClack TV

Greek – Wild turkeys always make for the best Thanksgiving feast

greek s03e09 Kappa Tau

Since watching this episode of Greek, I’ve been trying to come up with a mental list of TV shows that managed to conveniently arrange for all of their adolescent characters to stay behind somewhere and make Thanksgiving together. The real 90210 keeps popping into my head, but I just can’t put my finger on it. I’m sure that Brandon and the gang did it more than once.

But likely not with as much promise as a Rusty and Dale cooked dinner. I saw it being added to the annals of television kitchen disasters, especially with Dale deep-frying the turkey out on their porch. Maybe even a building fire, trouble with Sheila the rental agent … who knows?

But then I forgot, just as the writers at times do, that Rusty and Dale are polymer science honors engineers, and their “polygamy science project[s]” (thanks, Beaver!) wait for no turkey holiday. At least Dale started a lab fire.

Rebecca and Casey spending one-on-one time together is not really what I want for the holidays. But the sad truth is that, besides for Ashleigh, there is no other go-to gal for Casey to hang out with. It could have been an opportunity for her to spend time with Cappie and Evan, but I did really like seeing Cappie spending time with his brothers in the turkey hunt. Besides, Evan, Casey, and Rebecca made for a hilariously awkward and uncomfortable threesome, so there was that.

Anyone else wondering why Heath would be graduating early? I mean, in the grander scheme of the show, not what personal reasons the character — who gets dumber as the weeks go by — would have to be out in less than four years. And did you hear Cappie tell Heath that, “had he realized that this would be Heath’s last turkey hunt….”? They’re seniors, so graduate in December or May and you’re not going to make it to next November. Was that a subtle way of letting us know that Cappie is due back for a fifth year?

For the first time in the history of Greek, Cappie and Casey connected romantically — for these purposes I don’t count the revenge sex that they had in the beginning of season one. Though I will get to how that affects my batting average soon, that was not the couple news that rocked me the most.… Instead, it was the schism that’s suddenly formed between Dale and Rusty. How upsetting was that?

I think Dale’s been underestimating Rusty from day one (not that Rusty’s ever shown the aptitude for an honors program, but still), and I’m not sure that Rusty was at fault here for competing with Dale for a potential grant. Should Rusty really be held back because his friend is in the running? Is competition suddenly a bad thing? Then again, Rusty could have come to Dale’s aid after the fire ruined his project. But whoever was in the wrong, it made me sad.

But back to happy thoughts: with Cappie and Casey locking lips, put me down for some #1. I have #s 5 and 6 locked up, and I still argue that there’s some #7 (Evan pining for Casey) going on — let’s call it a half.

I got #8 when the boys road tripped to a Comic Con, and Beaver reading the turkey hunt clue gives me #9, even if we already knew he could read and write. Thank goodness Dale’s been around and I can count #10, and we’ve gone back and forth on Cappie and Rusty hanging out, so #12 is a half. And lastly, Casey knowing the sordid details of Evan and Cappie’s re-friendship gives me 50% of #13. Even reducing my three halves to three thirds (I’m willing), I’m at 7 for 13, or .538 … and it feels so good. That’s Yankee territory! (That’s right: the microphone is mine, Oreo!)

And finally, some quotes to fill the time between now and next week’s mid-season finale:

“My parents don’t celebrate Thanksgiving; they side with the Native Americans. And the turkey — they’re vegetarians.” – Cappie

“I care about old people … I watch Desperate Housewives.” – Rebecca

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

17 Responses to “Greek – Wild turkeys always make for the best Thanksgiving feast”

October 27, 2009 at 12:22 PM

And like a good Yankee you are a cheater.,197210

You have 1,5,7,8,and 10. You might have six, but it is not a lock, one might be heard from next week. Beaver READ the turkey list, where is the proof he can spell? So you do not have 9.

You might have like 5% of number 12. “Rusty will spend a ton of time with Cappie”, a few minutes in one episode in a 10 episode “season” doesn’t equal a ton. Also neither one really seem to be running the KT house anymore. So 5% is me being nice… oh wait you are a Yankee fan, you get negative 276% because you cheat. :-p

5 for 13 is a .384, and the Yankees wish they were hitting like that.

Go Phillies minus Pedro!

October 27, 2009 at 12:54 PM

I think “cheaters” is a bit of a bitter barn. That, coupled with an anti NY and Boston bias … do we, by chance, have ourselves an Oriole’s fan here? Ouch. ;)

How could you jinx us by questioning #6?
#9 – Can you read if you can’t spell? But fine, I’ll give you that one.
#12 – Actually, you’re forgetting when Cappie helped Rusty get into the science building in (I think) the premiere, the assassins thing … “ton” is relative, but the time they spent together wasn’t just last week.
#13 – It’s not public knowledge, but it’s no longer a secret.

While I’ll grant you that you can’t get part of a hit, I don’t think you could call either 12 or 13 a strikeout. If anything, you’d have to rule it an error or a walk, in which case by your standards I’d be at a 5 for 11 or 12. With #6 due next week (and a potential public announcement of the Evan/Cappie relationship)…. Cheating’s got nothing to do with nothing! :)-

October 27, 2009 at 1:16 PM

13 is still a secret, just because Cassie knows, and is keeping it a secret, doesn’t mean they are out. Strikeout.

12 So they spent some time in 2 out of 9 episodes? That’s a ton of time! Rusty is hardly ever in the house never-mind running it. Strikeout.

I can read fine, but I’m a horrible horrible speller. Thankfully FireFox fixes that. Strikeout.

I know hope Max returns, he probably will to screw with Cassie and Cappie, and that Jordan returns just for the hell of it! :-p

I’m a Red Sox fan, I’m not a Boston fan, that city makes no sense and everyone there is a crazy drunk. Plus there is always this…

October 28, 2009 at 11:08 AM

As you said above, we have yet to see what happens next week, so I’d say 13 is still open (and I see hints of the secret being revealed).
I think Rusty and Cappie spent more time together than in two episodes, although less than in earlier seasons. Again, let’s see how the finale shakes out.
If Beaver writes something in the finale, 9 is mine. ;)
Ah, so the Pedro line was for defecting. Got it.

October 27, 2009 at 1:21 PM

On a completely unrelated matter, you missed the best quote ever on the show.

The KT gay guy said…

“No Omega Pi is stepping foot in this house without a pounding…”
*Everyone looks around*
“By me!”
*Everyone looks around*
“With my fist!”
*Everyone looks around*
*Walks away*

October 28, 2009 at 11:09 AM

That’s so funny! For some reason I thought it was Beaver and not Heath who said that. Thanks!

October 27, 2009 at 5:28 PM

Cappie and Casey together FINALLY finally lot’s of shippers are happy and i am happy for them.
Actually I like these two but i prefer Casey with Evan..and i am totally against Evan with Rebecca (no chemistry, too contrived, the girl can go chase other guys than Casey’s or..Ashley’s by the way ! Na! ..wink wink..and i like Rebecca i swear but in small proportions lol).

I like Rusty when he is with the awesome Dale (not so much as Jordan and ect’s puppy dog)

Love the Kappa Tau : fun bunch of buddies.

October 28, 2009 at 11:11 AM

I don’t see them going there with Evan and Rebecca … plus, I think Evan is not going to go quietly into the night regarding Cappie and Casey. Not after the last few weeks.

October 28, 2009 at 11:29 AM

I prefer Evan with Rebecca, they are both bitches who will act nicely until they get what they want and then be a bitch again. I think they are a perfect couple.

October 28, 2009 at 4:18 PM

Since dumping Frannie, walking away from his trust, and making up with Cappie, I’ve found Evan to be a much more likable, and enjoyable character. I think he’ll turn back to the old Evan if he and Rebecca start dating, and that’s not pleasant for anyone.

October 28, 2009 at 6:37 PM

Did you watch next week’s previews? I think he turns back into an ass once he can’t have Cassy, he doesn’t really want her, but he can’t share her anyways. I hate him, he is the next character that needs to go.

October 28, 2009 at 10:59 PM

I actually saw the finale today. Either way, I’ve been liking Evan more lately; I don’t think he needs to be “the villain,” or whatever. He can be fun to watch if they use him well.

October 28, 2009 at 1:17 PM

Bad news. The show is moving to 10pm on January 25th, I swear ABC Family is trying to kill this show off.

Why do they need three hours of new programing? Even Fox, or NBC, doesn’t do that. The ratings are horrible, I rather they wait until the summer to air the episodes. Now 10pm, wasn’t the show on 8pm only last “season”?

October 28, 2009 at 4:24 PM

Maybe the thought is if they air a full night of original programming, everything will benefit from the concentration. It could be that they see their audience getting fragmented because they were free on Monday, but not Tuesday, or whatever.

Also, the later hour could allow the show to get a bit more “adult,” maybe in an effort to score a wider demographic.

November 2, 2009 at 2:29 AM

No Evan is a multi-dimensional character and the actor is good. And i think he has more chemistry with Casey than with Rebecca. I love Evan (can’t help it) like i love Cappie and Casey so i want him to find an awesome girl.
I like Rebecca as a cute bitchy girl but she has to stop chasing after Casey’s boys.Period. lol

November 2, 2009 at 2:03 PM

I’ve never even seen Evan having any chemistry with Rebecca. They hooked up in the pilot, and the next time we really saw them interacting was late last chapter. Like I’ve said before, we’re kind of told something is happening there, without it actually happening on screen. If they end up together it will be completely forced.

November 2, 2009 at 2:31 AM

And he look likes Jason Dohring (aka the fabulous Logan from Veronica Mars) so he can not almost do wrong in my book..i am like that..yes..i am

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