CliqueClack TV

Webisode Clack – Guess Again


I continue to be amazed at the sheer number of shows that are out there on the Internet, just waiting to be watched. And, happily, by the fact that a lot of them are really good. This week, we return to the comedy realm to check in on the guys from Guess Again. The show, at its core, is dead simple: Dean (Paul Carganilla), Jeremy (Keith Toll), and Rex (Max Abrams) are roommates, and they have strange conversations. It never really gets much more complicated than that, and that’s okay. Because the real gem of this one is in the writing.

The three main characters play very well together. If you’ve ever spent any time living in a house with a bunch of guys, you’ll recognize the dynamic. Jeremy is basically a good guy, but has some anger issues. Dean is an actor, kind of, and the most level headed. And Rex … well, Rex isn’t the brightest bulb in the drawer, but he is the funniest.

There is an ongoing gag where Rex tries to use a phrase, but just doesn’t quite get it. After learning that Jeremy would go gay for Obama, Rex can understand it. After all, Obama is “a good looking milano.” Or later, he tells Jeremy that he is “so anally receptive.” It’s very funny. With all of the episodes taking place in their living room, the wordplay is a big part of the attraction.

And that wordplay is at the center of my favorite of the six episodes released so far. “Black Ian” centers around a discussion about whether or not it’s racist for Rex to refer to his friend Ian, who is black, as Black Ian. Like the show itself, it’s a simple idea, but the execution is fantastic. Have a look for yourself at the embedded episode below.

And if you like that, there are five more episodes available at the official Guess Again site, as well as the usual assortment of links to various twitter and facebook treats. They’ve even gone so far as to create a website where you can get acting lessons from THE Dean George. Fun stuff all around. One final note … if you’re watching at work, or on your Nanna’s computer, you should know that the boys use their grown up words on occasion.

Episode Two: “Black Ian” from Guess Again on Vimeo.

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One Response to “Webisode Clack – Guess Again”

October 24, 2009 at 8:50 AM

I’ve watched this from the beginning and loved every episode. I love the Black Ian one too.

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