CliqueClack TV

FlashForward – Five good minutes does not make a good episode

Any episode featuring a bad karaoke version of “Sister Christian” can’t be all bad. Right?


I’ve been enjoying Flashforward so far, but I think this episode was a real step in the wrong direction. My main problem was that most of the episode seemed like recap. How many times are we going to hear about Mark’s flashforward? Between the polygraph test, and then testifying before the senate committee, it was just too much. There wasn’t a whole lot of new information, and it felt like the story was stalling instead of moving forward.

With that being said, any episode featuring a bad karaoke version of “Sister Christian” can’t be all bad.

It’s one thing to move at a slow pace. I can put up with that, and in the case of a show like Lost, really enjoy it. The problem with this episode, though, is that I feel like if I had missed it and just tuned in next week, I wouldn’t have missed anything. It’s almost as if all the new information that was dispensed can be summed up in two or three sentences.

For me, it’s starting to seem like the last five minutes of every episode are the only ones worth watching. In this episode, the final moments featured the FBI agents (both in Washington and in LA) being attacked by armed Asian men. Janis took the brunt of the abuse, taking a shot to the gut. Who are these men? How are they associated with the blackout? Perhaps we will find out soon, or in the last five minutes of next week’s episode.

There is reason for hope, however. Dominic Monaghan’s character, who apparently knows why the blackout happened, is joining the cast next week, and he has ties to Lloyd. Also, if you missed the news this week, the show runner has left the FlashForward, to be replaced with David S. Goyer, one of the co-creators. I’m hoping that this will mean a return to the excellence of the pilot, which was written and directed by Goyer.

What did you think of this week’s episode? Am I way off base in thinking it was mainly a boring rehash?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

20 Responses to “FlashForward – Five good minutes does not make a good episode”

October 22, 2009 at 10:07 PM

I have to disagree. While the episode was not suspenseful, I think there was a great deal of new information. Perhaps, it is because the revelations don’t seem important now that it seemed a rehash. But, I expect they will be extremely pertinent in the future.

Janis is a lesbian. Interesting since she was pregnant in her flash forward. Makes the “how” it happens much more intriguing. Most likely not just a one night stand as some have suggested (prehaps on NYE).

Janis being shot…can the future change? Will she dies? I don’t think she will die, but brings up the question again can their flash forwards be changed.

The President had an affair and looked like an illegitimate child. How does that play into the future?

The new VP had a flash forward that she was President (or was she lying, perhaps?). The current President was awakened (so what time zone was he in?) and called “President” (though he would be called that even if no longer in the position).

And, as you mentioned the attacks. Why was the team attacked? Who ordered the attack?

There was progress on the Africa link. What happened there?

I know I’m missing a few other things too.

I really enjoyed it and the “bangs” at the end of each episode really work for me.

October 25, 2009 at 1:39 PM

@cj—I saw hints of Janis’ lesbian character emerging in the first episode when she rolled her eyes at the evangelicalesque Didi Gibbons (cup-cake lady) when Gibbons went on about her Pastor. Probably nobody finds evangelicals more tiresome than gays. She also stated in the first episode when her flashforward saw her own pregnancy, “I don’t even have a boyfriend!”. What clinched it is when the old Nazi made the comment about her thumb ring being a Slavic “symbol” of homosexual proclivities. It was too predictible IMO. I also predict that on April 29, 2010, (most likely the season finale) there will be another flashforward.
The show’s premise is good. I just hope it doesn’t become tedious like Lost. Lost lost me in season 3. IMO these shows should be 2 season life cycles. With a wrap-up that allows it to go out on a high note with the public wanting more. TMI, I’m sure. PAX2U

October 22, 2009 at 11:48 PM

I have to pretty much agree with you. I thought this episode was pretty boring overall. If Dominic Monaghan wasn’t going to be in it next week I am not sure I’d keep watching.

October 23, 2009 at 3:21 AM

My kids and I were enjoying the show. Sadly, tonight will be the last episode for us. Why do you need to have these women kiss like some cheap porn flick? Isn’t it enough to suggest their relationship? Why offend so many? We’ve already had one actor taking a dump. Why not film him from underneath?

Damn what a shame.

October 23, 2009 at 11:25 AM

Why is it wrong to show the women kissing, when they have already shown John Cho and his woman in bed together, panting and sweaty in a post-coital interlude, along with other “normal” hetero sexual interactions? I thought the lesbian scenes were rather tastefully done and understated. It is also interesting that you complain about the “sex”, but not about the fact that the final scenes showed people getting shot and killed, a main character bleeding out on a street, a wheeled clock tracking through her blood and explosions. Trust me, the violent images on this show should be far more important reasons to not have your kids watch than any lesbian/gay relationships.

October 26, 2009 at 1:31 PM

I agree with Billy. Any scenes of graphic nature whether violent or sexual should be slated for shows after 9pm. I felt like this was Hollywood’s way of pushing the envelope for ratings. Personally I’m anticipating for the introduction of a sympathetic pedophile character to prime-time network television. I mean, c’mon. Gay characters are becoming old hat…don’t you think?

October 23, 2009 at 12:25 PM

I have not been able to watch this episode yet, but I can say that the first episode would have been a deal breaker for my kids watching. Recall the babysitter and her boyfriend?

I just assume there will be objectionable material is most shows so when they are allowed to watch tv, it’s already been viewed by me, or if it’s live for them, I steer them towards shows like Survivor, Amazing Race etc. – but really they are too busy with school and sports for much tv at all.

Things like this, are however, a reason for ratings to drop.

October 23, 2009 at 4:18 PM

so you’re comparing two women kissing to a graphic shot of shit falling out of an ass?


October 25, 2009 at 1:47 PM

My complaint is that they have Peter Coyote playing the President. I can’t believe the writers couldn’t forecast Obama’s win. Alfonse Ribeiro has been out of work in Hollywood. Throw the brother a bone!

October 29, 2009 at 11:01 PM

Oh Boy do I agree! If I had kids watching this episode I would be so bummed. As it was .. I was sickened. I do not appreciate having the personal escapades of a lesbian love scene shoved down my neck. Keep it to yourselves Rainbow Bright flag wavers!

October 23, 2009 at 4:08 AM

I agree that tonight’s show was fairly boring and uneventful. I’m really hoping that next week’s episode is a little more exciting. The entire idea is great, but with these types of shows there are high expectations. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

In response to Billy, why do shows and movies need to have men and women kiss? Isn’t it enough to suggest their relationship? The heterosexual relationships in the show are much closer to a cheap porn flick than the lesbian one. With all due respect, get over it.

October 23, 2009 at 10:31 AM

I enjoyed it. We got to know someone other than the main dude, which was a relief. And, I thought the Asian killers? I thought they were sent by the President because he will do anything to keep the news of his affair covered. He did say he had something he needed taken care of right after the other guy left the office. Sorry I’m so cryptic – I’ve been sick for two weeks and cannot remember anyone’s names at this point. Oops!

October 23, 2009 at 11:09 AM

Good point about the president possibly sending the assassins.

October 23, 2009 at 8:29 PM

That could be a possibility, but it seems like the two attacks on janis and the other guys were linked. If so, then the president probably did not send the assasins because Janis was also attacked. I’m looking forward to the next episode.

October 25, 2009 at 10:09 AM

I think Janis’ baby daddy is going to be Dr. Bryce. It’s why he talks about the future “saving” him. I think Janis was the one he was drawing on his sketch pad. So when Janis gets shot and taken to the hospital, she will first meet him.

October 25, 2009 at 1:59 PM

Nice catch, Amy. I’ll have to look at my recorded episodes. Janice could be bi also. Being a lesbian was too predictible. It would make for better television IMO if they made her a more conflicted character. My big ? isn’t the dark-skinned boy Wedeck’s wife saw herself putting to bed in her FF, is the same boy shown sitting next to a women in Islamic garb at the fallen FBI agent’s funeral? Hmmmm.

October 25, 2009 at 2:13 PM

I disagree with the sentiment above that the intimacy was unnecessary. I’m sorry that same sex relationships offend people, but they are a part of our society and shouldn’t be ignored for the sake of sensibilities. Both (?) kisses were fairly chaste.

If I had kids (and I don’t), I would be more concerned with the graphic violence than anything else (the single guy in me found the alarm clock rolling through Janis’ blood as an interesting visual, but would never let my hypothetical young ones see that).

What bothers me considerably more was the complete lack of chemistry between Janis and Maya, and it seemed to be complete on Christine Woods’ part.

Also glossed over was the several bits of incredible guest casting that you know has got to pop back up in the future. Loved Coyote as the President, but you’ve also got to recognize Micheal O’Neil as the CIA Director and Frank John Hughes as the White House Press Secretary.

October 29, 2009 at 11:30 PM

Re: Violence. Depends on what is depicted. The other day we watched Glory. I felt the story was important enough to warrant “some” of the visuals, others I fast forwarded through. But again, it was an important story. Same is true for a movie like Schindler’s List which is shown at my boys school.

Get married and have some kids already Dorv!

November 4, 2009 at 2:29 PM

The only reason why there are so many GAY scenes on television are because most of the people that are “creative” in the writing and acting are GAY themselves. I don’t approve of it and don’t appreciate them. It doesn’t help and probably turns other straights off thereby HURTING ratings. Gays should stay where they belong…in the CLOSET. Now if there was a way to pre determine if a person was going to be gay, I might condone abortion.

If there is a God, I’ll let him/her sort it out. It’s their mess. I’m just here as a witness to the nonsense.

I know I can always change the channel, but lately it just seems like I’m changing the channel to yet more muff diving or something similar. What sucks is that I pay for this “entertainment”

November 5, 2009 at 3:24 PM

I am also getting worn out from having the homosexual communities’ fantasies being enacted on prime-time television. It’s becoming difficult to believe that the writers don’t have an agenda (especially working for ABC – which is a Disney-owned company) tot his effect. I really don’t care if people are gay or not – has absolutely no effect on me personally – but please stop trying make this ‘mainstream’ by cramming it down our throats. Gays are estimated at representing about 4% of the population; the other 96% of us may not issues with the gay community, but don’t necessarily accept this as ‘mainstream, prime-time entertainment. Let me save everyone some time as to where the plot is going with regards to the pregnant lesbian… In order to reflect the desires of the gay community, and make it more ‘acceptable’ to the rest of us, I guarantee that the pregnant ladies’ pregnancy will be based on artificial insemination (or sperm donor), and she and her current girlfriend will end up getting married. Any bets?

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