CliqueClack TV

Supernatural – Sam and Dean discover the anointed one


The team over at Supernatural HQ threw us a bit of a curveball this week. As “I Believe The Children Are Our Future” started, it seemed very much like another standalone episode. And one with a comic bent. When the stories children believe started to become real, I couldn’t help be reminded of a certain suicidal teddy bear. Things were not what they appeared to be, though, and our story took a decidedly darker turn with the appearance of Castiel.

This wasn’t another goofy standalone at all. Instead, it was a bigger picture episode that could have far reaching effects as we get deeper into the war.

It really was a nice twist. The story felt so familiar when compared to other standalones that it really drew you in. When Castiel showed up and explained what all of it really meant … that was a big moment. Not just the anti-Christ, but a being with the power to destroy the host of Heaven, with a word. Those are some stakes. Of course, if you’ve been paying attention at all, you had to know that there was no way Sam and Dean were going to go for killing the kid. That certainly would have been the simpler route, but it looks like their gamble has, so far, paid big dividends.

For now, we have to operate under the same impression as Sam and Dean. It appears that they got to Jesse (Gattlin Griffith) in time, and that Sam telling him the truth has set him on the right path. Unfortunately, with his disappearance, none of us will know that for sure until he reappears. That’s a good thing though, from the point of view of the series. Jesse is, in fact, too powerful to keep around. Whichever side had him would win by default. We’d be wrapping up the series next week if he hadn’t taken a powder. This way, we know he’s out there. And the idea of his return will be a constant force at the edge of every story in the war. While we wait for that, we can get back to the business of Lucifer being risen, and having his sights set on Sam.

A few other shining moments this week:

  • Castiel’s reaction to the whoopi-cushion. “That wasn’t me.”
  • Ever Carradine as the birth mother, Julie. Eureka alums are all over our TVs this fall.
  • Castiel calling Sam out after Sam suggests Jesse will make the right choice. “You didn’t.” Snap!
  • Dean, and the ham. The Dean eating gag never gets old.
  • “Those kissing vampire movies….”

Photo Credit: CW

4 Responses to “Supernatural – Sam and Dean discover the anointed one”

October 16, 2009 at 4:20 AM

I really liked this episode though I was a little thrown off by the appearance of Jesse. So we have both Lucifer AND the antichrist now? It seems a little redundant. I mean, why did the demons even need to free Lucifer if they already had a kid out there who had the power to bring about the Apocalypse? Because he was misplaced? Jesse’s the most powerful creature we’ve seen on Supernatural, his abilities already seem to surpass Lucifer’s, I wouldn’t be surprised he ends up deciding the fate of the world at the end of this (and if that happens Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett should sue for copyright enfringement).
…but other than that little aside, I really enjoyed the episode. Thanks for the review.

October 16, 2009 at 10:27 AM

My only complaint is that they didn’t explain whether Jesse was completely unique, or if there were more demon spawn out there.

Other than that, the episode was pretty solid. Pretty good Apocalyptic stuff and some lighter moments (the hairy palm was hilarious).

October 16, 2009 at 7:19 PM

Great espidode!!! where’s debbie??? i though that she woul be all over the post, after her virgin diaries!!!

October 16, 2009 at 7:20 PM

Great espidode!!! where’s debbie??? i though that she would be all over the post, after her virgin diaries!!!

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