CliqueClack TV

FlashForward – A return to the characters


Last week on FlashForward the hour seemed to focus heavily on the Mosaic investigation, with Mark questioning an old Nazi in Germany. I thought it was a slow episode and was disappointed that so many of the characters were essentially left out of the story.

This week the show did a complete 180, with the attention turning back to characters and character development. Those hungry for answers may have been a little disappointed, but I thought it was a much better installment than “137 Sekunden.”

I think FlashForward has its work cut out for it when it comes to keeping all of its viewers happy. There will constantly be a battle between those watching it to find out what happened and those who want to see the characters. I find myself enjoying both aspects of the show right now, but I can definitely see myself growing frustrated if all the character development continues to be based around people yelling at each other over the flashes. There has to be more than that or this is going to get old fast.

With the mystery continuing to move ahead pretty quickly, even without being the focus of every episode, I’m hoping that the character portion of the show can follow suit. I feel like FlashForward revealed more about the big mystery in the last five minutes of this episode than Lost did in their first three seasons. It’s clear that Lloyd is involved with the blackout, and we finally caught a glimpse of Dominic Monaghan‘s character.

It’s my hope, moving forward, that the character development can catch up with the mystery, advancing a little faster than it has through the first four episodes. Up until now it seems like it has been a little one note, but perhaps I am rushing to judgment. After all, if the blackout did actually happen, I think people would still be talking about it constantly after two weeks.

What do you think? Were you happy to have some character development? Are you excited to see Dominic Monaghan? Would you like to hear people talk about something other than their flashes?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “FlashForward – A return to the characters”

October 16, 2009 at 12:49 AM

This is my favorite episode yet. I didn’t really like last week’s and wasn’t sure I’d keep watching beyond tonight, but it was good enough to bring me back at least for another week.

October 16, 2009 at 3:37 AM

Why are they having Joseph Fiennes doing Chuck Bass impression when he is so much better in his natural tongue? too many Brits on the show perhaps? his American accent is very distracting.

October 16, 2009 at 3:41 PM

The show is called FlashForward. The future memories and the mystery about what caused the blackout are what the show is about. The characters primary purpose in this kind of show is to serve the mystery, so character driven episodes are weaker to me than the mystery driven ones.

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