CliqueClack TV

Fringe – How do you stop an exploding man?

Fringe - Fracture

While we continue waiting for Agent Dunham to hurry up and remember what happened in that alternative universe, we get another “monster of the week” story to tide us over. I kind of like Dunham better as a freak in her own right than as the regular lead of the show.

In fact, has anyone else noticed that Peter is basically the lead now? He stepped up in the season premiere, demanding a more pro-active stance on these fringe incidents. Now, with Olivia recovering, he’s essentially leading all their moves and determining their next best move.

Considering Peter’s a genius in his own right, I don’t have a problem with this. I like his character better as a natural leader, with that renegade past, and I like Olivia as part of his support staff. Particularly the part that comes with a hell of a lot of government pull.

Of course, nothing needs to be done with Walter. John Noble captured the essence of the mad scientist flawlessly and maintains it to this day. I loved him licking the powdered donut in the briefing. At least Astrid understands him.

I’m not as big a fan of Jasika Nicole’s new shorter ‘do as I am her performance as Astrid. She’s a great counterpart for Walter because not only does she understand him enough to aid him in his work, but she’s come to learn how to communicate with him so that he understands her.

Her gentle nudging helped Peter get the new apartment he needs so he doesn’t have to watch his father do jumping jacks in the nude, and the probably even more disturbing things he doesn’t talk about.

But let’s talk about this week’s case, since it wasn’t until the end of the episode that Olivia made some real progress according to her bowling guru. Progress which means she’ll probably lose the cane; I kind of liked her as the female House. Next week, finally, it looks like we’ll get some answers as to what happened in those Twin Towers.

It’s a pretty clever technique, injecting people with a compound that crystallizes and explodes when subjected to a specific sound frequency. Even more intriguing is why the rogue Colonel was sending his explosive operatives to blow up these briefcases.

Is he truly an operative for “our side” trying to disrupt “their” flow of information? Is the Observer a part of the “other side.” And if so, what is the point of this upcoming war. From what hints we’ve gotten about that other world, it’s in better shape than ours.

This episode felt kind of like a place-filler, to give Olivia a little more time to heal before we delve into her experiences on the other side. Next week, we finally get there and hopefully get some more pieces to this puzzle and what it all means.

Oh, and a note to Jean the cow. I’m totally going to eat a cheeseburger right now and it’s going to be … delicious! Love ya!

Photo Credit: FOX

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