CliqueClack TV

Cougar Town rocks out Single Ladies to Glee standards

cougar town into the great wide open

“You know, people can’t unhear the things you say.” – Grayson to Jules

I would be the last person to call myself a fan of Beyonce’s (although Destiny’s Child’s version of the Bee Gee’s “Emotion” is stellar), yet I find myself giddy that her song “Single Ladies” is being used in some of my favorite new shows in such a fun way.

A few weeks ago, we heard “Single Ladies” on the football field over at Glee headquarters, with Kurt kicking to it and the rest of the team confusing its opponents with their joyful dance during the game. Yeah, it was a little hokey but so cute and the absolutely perfect song to accompany the antics.

This week, Cougar Town created a hysterical montage of a drunk Jules (Courteney Cox) out on the town and embarrassingly photographed, all backed by the tune of “Single Ladies.” I’d like to say the song choice was the best part about that scene, but I can’t stop lusting after the blue dress Cox was wearing… I would look so adorable in that little number….

Regardless, I’m having fun feeling the Scrubs vibe on a different show, and I completely adore Travis’s character. On riding on the golf cart with his dad:

“This shouldn’t be embarrassing at all.” – Travis
“Helps with the bugs.” – Travis’s dad, as he sports some goggles

Equally as adorable is when Travis sprays the bouncer who was mean to his mom with the fire extinguisher: “This is for my mom.” Unfortunately, golf carts don’t go very fast.

I’m also enjoying the banter between Jules and her neighbor, Grayson. Her trying to get him to be “paper buddies” was great, and how about his favorite double standard? It’s adorable when men age, but when women get old, it’s icky. Priceless.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Jules’s defensive moves sound effects, so now I just did.

Are you enjoying Cougar Town?

Photo Credit: ABC

2 Responses to “Cougar Town rocks out Single Ladies to Glee standards”

October 4, 2009 at 2:57 AM

Did you catch Bill Lawernce as one of the cops on the beach?

October 4, 2009 at 10:05 AM

Nope, but I don’t know what he looks like, so I wouldn’t have noticed. Very cool that he did a cameo, though!

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