CliqueClack TV

Survivor: Samoa – Russell needs to worry about more than just seeds

Survivor: SamoaI’m pretty sure, based on prior seasons, that an Immunity Idol is an Immunity Idol. That means that even though Russell found the one in Foa Foa that was intended for Galu, it’s still valid should he choose to play it.

Speaking of Russell, though, I applaud the Machiavellian way he’s attacking this game, but he needs to realize that there are bigger things afoot than just planting those Russell seeds.

Going into tonight’s episode, we’re only seven days in and already Foa Foa is down three members. All the control in the world in Foa Foa isn’t going to help much if the tribe is decimated and massively outnumbered come the merge. Foa Foa needs to win.

Unfortunately, they didn’t. Again. It made me realize something else. Because Foa Foa has been on this losing streak all season, not only is Galu still ten members strong, but we don’t really know any of them yet. It’s going to be like a whole new show when we finally do start getting deeper into this tribe.

We did learn that their Russell, as their leader, made a pretty bone-headed decision. I can understand his thought that comfort is important, but at the same time the tarp is a big deal. They’re right, soaking wet pillows and blankets aren’t nearly as soft. And it’s only been seven days, so comfort shouldn’t be a  priority at this point.

And then there’s Foa Foa Russell. I think I’m actually rooting for him now. Yes, he’s a self-serving villain, but he’s also turning the game on its head. I was pleased to see that he’s willing to be a little bit flexible in his own machinations to appease his tribe. Thus, he flipped to getting rid of Ben.

But even as Ben was going down in flames this week, the only person he had anything nice to say about was Russell. Come on, you’ve got to give Russell credit for his gameplay! He just needs to be careful and think about the big picture, and the very big Galu tribe bearing down on Foa Foa.

Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Survivor | TV Shows |

One Response to “Survivor: Samoa – Russell needs to worry about more than just seeds”

October 3, 2009 at 12:40 AM

I think his game play is too much too soon.

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