CliqueClack TV

Glee gives me somebody to love

glee somebody to love

“You guys look like the world’s worst Benetton ad.” – April to Glee club

Well, Glee‘s living up to its strong start and giving us fun from beginning to end. I enjoyed Kristen Chenoweth’s appearance (even though I still stand behind my opinion that she either sings through her nose or has a funny voice), but the spotlight on her did leave me wanting more of the actual cast. I hope that Glee doesn’t fall into the “guest star of the night” trap and forget to utilize the incredible talents of its main cast. I longed for more Coach Sylvester and Principal Figgins. Really, if you’re going to steal Jane Lynch away from Party Down, at least use her until she bleeds, or something slightly less gooey.

On the flip side, seeing what they did with Chenoweth last night really made me realize how underused Victor Garber was a couple of episodes back (which Ivey noted in the comments), and hopefully he’ll be a recurring guest so they can remedy that. You really can’t have Victor Garber on Glee without singing (or kicking some evil spy butt — right, Glee live-chatters?) — it’s just wrong.

Aside from the hideous country misstep, I adored the performances tonight. There really was something for everyone (read: me), which was not the case with the Acafellas episode, in which all the music was the same and nearly as wretched as the country song last night. Now, you give me Journey and Queen in the same episode, I’ll do some celebrating. Thanks, Glee! Even the background music rocked tonight, from “You Make My Dreams Come True” to “Heartbreak Beat.” What can I say? I’m old-ish and I’m born and bred in the northeast — country and boy bands do not speak to me musical soul. Apparently mullets and gay men who can belt it out do….

One last point: Go Rachel! I liked seeing her evolve from a diva to a team player, and I hope this is the Rachel that hangs around.

What did you think of last night’s Glee?

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Glee | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Glee gives me somebody to love”

October 1, 2009 at 12:40 PM

good stuff… i liked the beyonce episode, but it was nice to have 4 or 5 different songs last night instead of the one over and over and over.
i’m northeastern born and bred too, and i hear ya loud and clear on that. somebody to love, though… awesome.
and the birthday cake, with the candles still lit!

October 1, 2009 at 2:03 PM

Just because Rachael rejoined the crew does not make her a team player…she came back to help Finn, but she really needs to tone it down before I stop grinding my teeth every time she opens her conceited mouth. At this point I like her almost as little as Coach Sylvester, and that’s saying A LOT. What they need right now is a good episode without any drama within the group…let the outsiders conspire in whatever way they want, but stop the infighting for an episode at least. It just ruins the fun.

October 2, 2009 at 10:43 AM

It just goes to show that Glee has something for everyone. Unlike all of your opinions, I enjoyed the country song. And seeing as Carrie Underwood is currently one of the top selling country music artists, I’m sure many, many other people (who enjoy country music as a whole) enjoyed it as well.

In addition, Rachel is hands down my favorite character on the show. I think she is showing character growth and by joining Glee club just for Finn she’s taking the first steps towards thinking of others. Sure there’s potentially something in it for her, but it’s not a completely selfish act like we’re used to seeing from her.

Between Chenoweth, all the songs and a whole oodle of Emma, this was my favorite ep so far.

October 2, 2009 at 12:23 PM

Clearly you do not live on the east coast … and who’s Carrie Underwood? ;-)

We northeasterners may be outnumbered, but we are superior! ;-)

October 2, 2009 at 12:44 PM

I live in NJ and have my entire life! And all good TV fans should know Carrie Underwood since she’s the biggest Idol winner to date! (Although we all know Daughtry SHOULD have won!)

I’m not even a fan of country music (just Carrie)…but I feel she bridges the gap towards pop a bit, and since country is such a big market, I think it was a smart choice to fill that genre.

October 2, 2009 at 12:49 PM

I know who Carrie Underwood is… I was just teasing, hence the winky face.

And if that country song on Glee was Carrie Underwood, it was a good choice for Glee to use that one, b/c like you said, it does bridge a gap and is perhaps more appealing to some than hardcore country.

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