CliqueClack TV

Webisode Clack – In Gayle We Trust script giveaway


The CliqueClack prize closet isn’t just for DVDs, and this week we have a signed script from the new NBC Digital Studio’s show, In Gayle We Trust. This is the second effort from NBC Digital. They are the also the home of Ctrl, which we talked about earlier. Written and directed by Brent Forrester, In Gayle We Trust takes us to middle-America, where Gayle Evans (Elisa Donovan), insurance agent, has become the cure-all for the small town.

One CliqueClack reader will be the lucky winner of a script, signed by Elisa Donovan (Clueless), Brent Forrester (The Office), or Brian Palermo (Every show you’ve ever watched). To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post.

Just leave the comment by next Wednesday, October 7, at 5 PM ET. We’ll pick one recipient completely at random and alert them after the giveaway ends (make sure your spam filters aren’t blocking mail from!). Only one entry per person, and you must have a valid U.S.-based mailing address. Not following these guidelines voids your entry. Good luck!

If you’ve been playing along with the home game, you might recognize Elisa Donovan from The Lake. I’ve been a fan since she was in Clueless, so I’m happy to see her showing up anywhere. And for those of you that liked her in Clueless, In Gayle We Trust is much more in that vein.

Maple Grove is full of odd characters, and they all seem to find their way to Gayle’s office at some point. From a hypnotist, to an amorous plumber, to a father that is just all too eager to spy on his son. And Gayle cruises through it all with a sunny disposition and an always look on the bright side philosophy. It’s very cute.

My only real complaint with the show is that the episodes are just too short. I want to see more of Gayle, especially with her husband, Mike (Brian Palermo). Ultimately, I suppose that’s a good thing. As of now, the show is scheduled to run for 10 episodes, and five of them are available on the site. My favorite so far is “Gayle and the Teen Driver.” Have a look.

Photo Credit: NBC Digital Studio

Categories: | Clack | Columns | Videos | Webisode Clack |

5 Responses to “Webisode Clack – In Gayle We Trust script giveaway”

September 30, 2009 at 2:53 PM

I work for American Family Insurance (the company Gayle works for), and have specifically worked on the Teen Safe Driver Program, and I absolutely loved that particular webisode. It is really spot-on from the kid’s perpective.

Most people have really enjoyed them within the company, as we get some of the issues that they’re poking fun at. It’s nice, though, to see that someone outside the insurance world enjoyed them as well. And I agree, I wish they were longer.

September 30, 2009 at 3:01 PM

I didn’t even mention American Family Insurance, because I like the way that they added it to the show. It’s there, and obviously a sponsor, but given no special consideration. That’s the kind of product placement I can get on board with.

October 1, 2009 at 3:49 AM

the teen driver’s parents are hilarious!

October 1, 2009 at 1:43 PM

I could see them spinning off a show just about the son. He is hilarious ! Keep it coming

October 16, 2009 at 5:19 PM

I had never heard of this show before and I love it now that I’ve watched it, really wish they were longer though.

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