CliqueClack TV

Beckett’s sidekicks are Esposito and Ryan

Dear Detectives Esposito and Ryan,

I am writing this letter to sincerely apologize for not learning your names sooner. This week’s episode of Castle really helped cement your names for me, since this is the second episode in a row where you each actually had lines.

I’m almost embarrassed to admit it, but I kind of thought of you both as one guy. Neither of you had a distinct personality to me, so I just melded you into one semi-useless sidekick in two bodies. Paying the both of you for that role really wasn’t in the best interest of the producers, so I’m glad they started to delineate the differences between you.

Ryan, I now know that you have a significant other who enjoys warm milk before bed. And Esposito, you call just about everyone (except Beckett) “Bro.” It’s not much, but I’m confident I’ll learn more about you both as the season progresses.

Incidentally, “The Double Down” was one of my favorite episodes of Castle to date, and I have to give you both a little credit for that. As fun as it is to watch Castle and Beckett go at it, we’ve now gotten to see the interplay more between both of you and Castle, and it works. I’m all for a little fun and games at the precinct, and knowing both of you a little better made for a more entertaining episode, so thanks.

Again, I’m sorry it took me more than a season to learn your names, and if you keep giving me the fun you did in this week’s episode, I’ll never forget them.


Debbie, a fan of Castle, Esposito, and Ryan

Photo Credit: ABC

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4 Responses to “Beckett’s sidekicks are Esposito and Ryan”

September 30, 2009 at 12:40 PM

ha ha ha! that WAS a great episode… esposito was great in generation kill, btw.

September 30, 2009 at 10:25 PM

Well, who the hell is Compton, whom @WriteRCastle keeps mention w/ Esposito on his twitter feed?

October 1, 2009 at 9:57 AM

No idea, but maybe a guess — they seem to be introducing that female detective with the curly hair — could it be her?

October 1, 2009 at 10:27 AM

Isn’t it Compton the location, not a person?

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