CliqueClack TV

Castle – Strangers on a boat


Last week, Debbie talked about how the sidekicks were getting a little more play. That trend continued this week, and hopefully that means she’ll learn that their names are Esposito and Ryan (I kid). The dueling murders, complete with a bet, were the perfect setup to give the two of them more of the spotlight. Also, I have to give bonus points for the case of the week. The Strangers On A Train story is certainly nothing new for a TV crime show, but the Grovener misdirection had me going.

Along with just being a fun case, I really enjoyed the shenanigans involved with trying to keep Beckett from finding out about the bet. The best bit was Castle standing right behind her in the bullpen and taking bets. That was followed closely by Beckett’s reaction as she realized something was up. Of course, it’s all sold by the fact that Beckett really is that fearsome. They’ve done a good job establishing that she is the Alpha in the precinct. As tough as Castle, Esposito, and Ryan might all pretend to be, they know their place.

Tucked in the midst of all of that fun was one very interesting little exchange between Beckett and Castle regarding her mother’s case. She was speaking about the current case, but was talking about thinking it was random, and then finding out it wasn’t. And she ended with, “Knowing why matters.” I take it as confirmation that the two of them will be reopening the case at some point, and working on it together. And really, the sooner the better for me. I’m very interested in that story.

Other thoughts:

  • Alexis really is the best kid ever. Told to be home by midnight, she answers, “I’ll be home by nine.”
  • She also scored with the rehearsal scene with Martha. The real kicker there though was how proud Martha was of her performance.
  • It was good that Beckett got caught up in the bet, even if it was with some reservation. “Are we really rooting against solving a murder?”
  • “Soccer? Really? You’re going with that one?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Castle | Clack | Episode Reviews | TV Shows |

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