CliqueClack TV

HIMYM – The origin of Chewbacca exhibit is in Albuquerque, of course

HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER stripper lily

“I once fantasized about that silhouette chick you see on a truck’s mudflaps. It took me less than a mile.” – Barney
Does this one even need a setup?

If you were looking for some forward movement on the “mother” story, you were probably sorely disappointed with this episode. What you got instead, though, was some classic Bays / Thomas non-linear storytelling, an actual Marshall / Lily story that was funny and a date with Ted that was only mildly annoying.

What might have disappointed you (read: me) was Robin turning into the typical girlfriend….

Let’s just get this out of the way before I gush all over this episode, which made me laugh out loud frequently. Please, I’m begging you, Bays, Thomas and whoever else may be listening: don’t turn Robin into Typical Girlfriend #27. What attracts Barney to her in the first place is that she can smoke cigars with him and be … cool. Being jealous over going to a strip club is not cool and I don’t want to watch relationship angst, so please keep it funny.

The premise for Ted’s date was pure comedic gold. Imagine going out on a first date with someone for the second time, and not remembering; that’s funny. Watching it play out was clever and I always welcome the non-linear storytelling, but Ted pretty much never gives me more than a mild case of the giggles.

Usually, it’s Barney that gives me the belly laughs, but no so tonight. Tonight, it was Lily. Stripper Lily was funny enough all on her own, and fit perfectly with poor Marshall trying to have a fantasy independent of Lily. But the real gem was Lily’s excitement over stripper Lily. Um, she switched places with her!

I think my favorite part of the episode was the three doppelgangers: Lesbian Robin, Mustache Marshall and of course Stripper Lily. Like the slap bet, I know this one’s coming back and we will eventually meet the last two doppelgangers.

I couldn’t write up this review without mentioning The Origins of Chewbacca exhibit, and that’s it’s an annual event. Consider it mentioned.

Photo Credit: CBS

2 Responses to “HIMYM – The origin of Chewbacca exhibit is in Albuquerque, of course”

September 30, 2009 at 1:04 AM

I loved this episode. The use of time in this show is one of the things that makes it so remarkable. Also, the set up of a completed joke to take the place of the Goat now that we have the conclusion of that joke.

It’s like a mini-macguffin. Now that would be a great article for the site, listing all the mini-macguffins from HIMYM (goat incident, slap bet, ect).

October 1, 2009 at 1:24 PM

I thought this episode was just alright. The funniest part was by far Lesbian Robin. Ted annoys me to no end.

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