CliqueClack TV

Glee puts a ring on it


Well, if there’s one thing you can never accuse Glee of being, it’s boring.

Sure, by now you thought you had the formula down. Finn and Rachel pine! Kurt comes to terms with his sexuality! Mercedes is sassy! Will has issues! Emma loves him from afar! We illustrate this through the cunning use of songs!

Well not so, with this episode. Not only were there a shockingly low number of songs, but there were more plot twists than… some pop culture reference that eludes me but implies a shocking number of plot twists.

Let’s just go over them for a second:

  • Kurt’s gay. And out. To his dad. Oh, and he’s a football star.
  • Which leads to the entire team doing the Single Ladies routine (and me nearly peeing my pants with laughter).
  • Rachel quits!
  • Which is all part of a secret and nefarious plot cooked up by Coach Sylvester and Sandy.
  • Quinn’s knocked up and Finn’s going to be a dad.
  • But not really, because Puck is the dad.
  • And in love with Quinn, but she won’t admit he’s the father because he’s a deadbeat.
  • Terri still hasn’t told Will she’s not pregnant.
  • Quinn hasn’t told anyone she is.
  • Cue a secret plot for Terri to somehow steal Quinn’s baby.

I mean, is your mind boggled yet? Is it?

And yet, shockingly, through all of this, the show manages to shock and repulse you (Terri Schuster, what is wrong with you?), enchant you (oh, the football team!), give you poignant moments (Kurt and his dad! Oh, my heart), and yet make you laugh until you think you’re going to vomit (“Yes. We. Cane.”). The genius of this show is, this kind of stuff happens every week. Every week, some new characters step up and make you adore them. Obviously, Kurt and Coach Sylvester were the two big winners this week, but I did not expect to love me some Puck as much as I do, and truth be told, I feel kind of dirty about it. Every week I laugh, I cry, and I wait desperately for more. And every week I think this show cannot possibly get better, and yet it does. I want to worry, because then maybe when this show inevitably disappoints me, it’ll hurt less, but why? Why ruin my Glee? It hasn’t disappointed me yet.

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | Glee | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Glee puts a ring on it”

September 24, 2009 at 10:32 AM

I loved this episode, probably my favorite so far. There were so many one liners and little things going on it was perfect.

I loved when the cheerleader coach went up to the glee teacher and made fun of his hair, it was perfect.

The stupid thing about getting pregnant in the hot tub, people still believe that.

And the beginning of the episode with Kirt is the funniest thing I have seen on TV in years!

September 24, 2009 at 1:29 PM

this is a cool show. when the pilot aired in the spring i shut it off after 3 minutes but now i keep rewatching eps. it has everything… also, i can listen to Lea Michele sing all day & not get tired of her beautiful voice.

September 24, 2009 at 2:22 PM

Dear god, did I ever love the football plot. And I don’t even LIKE that song too much.

September 24, 2009 at 11:11 PM

This was the best episode yet! I can’t wait to watch next week. My favorite parts were, of course, the whole Single Ladies routines during the game and Kurt coming out to his dad! I wonder how many parents and teenagers that will help?

And I’m with you: I like Puck, but I don’t want to admit it! lol.

September 25, 2009 at 9:26 AM

I still dislike Puck, but I don’t doubt that the writers will be able to change that in the future. I never thought I’d think of Quinn as a human being with real feelings before this.

My question is, can all the characters that hate the Glee Club (except for Jane Lynch) also sing and dance? It makes sense casting-wise, yet it still surprises me every time it happens.

Nice to see Tina C. get a solo. Maybe now we can finally learn something about her and Artie’s personal lives.

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