CliqueClack TV

Eureka – Will we ever see Tess again?


“So, the laws of physics are in peril, my daughter is moving out, and the world’s coming to an end?”

We may not have had a big, multi-episode, mystery arc to conclude with the finale, but at least the stakes were at proper finale level. A polar shift threatening the whole of the planet? That’s big. And it came with some fun FX and a huge collection of the crazy science. So, thumbs up in that regard. Of course, the bigger story this week is the little lingering questions left behind. Zoe is off to Harvard, thanks to a recommendation from Henry. More interestingly though, suddenly Tess is no longer the head of Section 5. With no gig at GD, she’s off to Australia to work on a huge radio telescope array. Is it curtains for Jack and Tess? Or, more to the point, will we ever see her in Eureka again?

Before we try and guess whether or not “What Goes Around Comes Around” was the end of Tess in Eureka, I’m calling shenanigans. Where did this sudden unemployment come from? As I recall it, she was introduced to Carter in “Insane In The P-brane” as the new head of Section 5. Suddenly Section 5 doesn’t need management? Did they give the job to Larry, after his miraculous work on the fem-bot?1 Or, was it all just a pointless road-block for Carter and Allison, and it was time to move along?

Will we ever see Tess again? I’m guessing no. And not just because Jaime Ray Newman has that new job on Eastwick. Because, really, the smart money is on her being available to return to Eurkea sooner, rather than later. I am still operating under the impression that it was all about keeping Carter and Allison apart, as opposed to getting Carter and Tess together. And that’s too bad. I like the two of them together, and would certainly welcome more of it. Even if they stick to the Australia story. It’s Eureka, after all. Look at that, someone just perfected the teleportation device! Done. Heck, Zoe could even go to Harvard, while living at home with Jack.

So, that’s a wrap on what was a very odd season three. Between the writer’s strike, and the split season, it was a bit of a rocky go at times. Still, while not as good as it could be, this is still can’t miss TV for me. In fact, it closes the season as my favorite show currently on Syfy. Although, it looks like that’s all going to change when Stargate: Universe makes it’s debut. Still, a round of applause and a hardy well done. I’ll be looking forward to season four. Finally, we close the season out with some fun science links.

1Gorgeous fembots, with a penchant for evil.

Photo Credit: Syfy

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | Eureka | General | TV Shows |

9 Responses to “Eureka – Will we ever see Tess again?”

September 19, 2009 at 3:35 PM

I hope they keep Tess around. I think that her & Carter have way more chemistry than him & Alison. Plus she’s a lot cuter too.

Loved the ep

September 19, 2009 at 6:49 PM

I agree that Eureka is the best show on SyFy right now, and i don’t even watch it that often! :-p There is Eureka and Warehouse 13, and i can’t stand Warehouse 13.

September 20, 2009 at 5:08 AM

easy. it will all depend on how quickly ABC cancels “Eastwick”

of course, they could re-start the Jack-Allison thing again … as that was how they left off the end of the season

September 20, 2009 at 5:11 AM

also …

Tess was brought in to Eureka/Section 5 because of the signal they were receiving … since that was resolved, she was out of a job. Alison’s pregnancy just gave her a reason to stay around a while longer. But I would imagine that Alison’s maternity leave is up so she’ll be back to her old job.

Besides Tess though … will Zoe be back?

September 21, 2009 at 2:29 PM

Yeah, what’s with Zoe leaving a year EARLY? Not looking forward to her being off the show, it makes me sad.

It was kind of a sad episode in general with Jack losing his women, really. Though I did appreciate the return of Martha, and Fargo getting laid.

September 21, 2009 at 4:24 PM

I prefer another idea: Tess doesn’t need to be head of Section 5 anymore, because some of Kim 2.0’s data will lead to expriments that trigger Nathan Stark’s return after Ed Quinn’s character is obliterated from True Blood.

September 28, 2009 at 3:26 PM

They better bring Tess back, not only because she is awesome but because they simply cant keep playing on the Alison Carter idea. If they do i feel it will be just like Lanna and CLark from smallville where you just want her to die and clark to get over it.

September 28, 2009 at 4:04 PM

Exactly, Robert… Alison. Loves. Nathan.

Carter. Is. CoolWithIt.

Tess may have been brought in to head Section 5 because of the probe’s return, but even though that one thing is resolved, she was still head of Section 5 for everything else. Did some stoned writer decide that because the probe is gone, Section 5 doesn’t need a division head anymore?? “Oops! I forgot about that, man…. Must’ve had one too many brownies before Deadline…” I STILL think this is leaving an “out” for Ed Quinn’s return – Nathan’s return would require MUCH vivisection, and they sure don’t trust Henry enough yet to let HIM take it over, so Tess fits the bill.

November 13, 2009 at 2:28 PM

And “Eastwick” has been canceled now, so she’s free tu return, I guess…..

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