CliqueClack TV

Would you watch Entourage without Ari Gold?

Ari Gold

Let’s say you heard a rumor about Entourage, that Ari Gold (Jeremy Piven) is being written out of season seven (that’s next season) of the show. Just, you know, hypothetically. Pay no attention to the big storyline being set up for Ari in the season finale (I won’t spoil it for you here). As a watcher of Entourage, what would you think if that news were true?

My first reaction would be that HBO is out of their fucking minds. Without Piven, the show will go down faster than a ten-dollar whore on a Congressman. What the hell would they replace him with, more of the “boys?”

But then I got to wondering: what do most fans of Entourage think of Ari Gold? Are you watching the show and enjoying it as a whole, or are you thinking that a half-hour is not enough time to give us more of Ari and Lloyd? Would you give up on Entourage or, hell, even HBO entirely if Piven were given his walking papers? Or maybe you just hate Ari and think he takes away from the show; good riddance to him.

If you’d likely give up on Entourage without Ari present, what would it take for you to change your mind (you know, besides not getting rid of Ari in the first place)?

Photo Credit: HBO

Categories: | Clack | General | Polls | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “Would you watch Entourage without Ari Gold?”

September 17, 2009 at 4:11 PM

No Ari. No show for me. But HBO has too much good stuff on the way that would bar me from engaging in a protest cancellation.

If they want to get rid of someone, my suggestion would be knife wielding Ashley (Oh that knife is on it’s way.)

September 17, 2009 at 4:17 PM

I wouldn’t stop watching, but they might as well just cancel the show if Piven goes

September 17, 2009 at 5:43 PM

I’d probably watch a couple of episodes just to see how miserable it could be. Ari, Drama and Lloyd are the pillar of that show. E is somewhat watchable, Vince is horrible, Turtle is one of the worst characters I’ve seen on TV. My opinion is that the show is going downhill this season but don’t they dare to blame Ari. Hairpiece or not, he is pure gold (pun intended).

September 17, 2009 at 5:52 PM

I definitely enjoy the show as a whole, but Ari is certainly one of the best parts. I wouldn’t give up on the show, but I’d be upset and confused as to why they would get rid of him.

September 17, 2009 at 7:55 PM

Ari’s important to the story as Vincent’s agent. That position could be filled by someone else that’s equally good but a lot less obnoxious. Maybe in the nearer future someone could get rid of Ashley. If Eric had a pet bunny she’d probably cook it.

September 18, 2009 at 1:10 AM

I would still watch and see what they would do with the show. This season has been rather blah. I really hoped that Eric and Sloane would get back together. There could have been some great moments with that. Ashley needs to go!

September 21, 2009 at 9:33 PM

Piven gets the best lines! What are they thinking? (Hypothetically.)

January 14, 2010 at 3:21 AM

The show is not as successful as it is without the original cast.. Say what you want about the boys, but all of them makes the show funny. it wouldnt be the same without Ari, so i doubt if they would ever kick him off the show..

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