CliqueClack TV

Weeds – Shane gets into Pilar’s head

WEEDS season 3 young Shane and Silas

Wow. Honestly, I didn’t even see that crescendo building, and then, bam! There was Shane, smashing Pilar in the head with a croquet mallet, knocking her lifeless body into the pool. I guess the golf club beat down scene was included in the “previously on Weeds” for a reason.

Still … wow. There’s actually been a very subterranean evolution going on in Shane, even as he’s appeared to change dramatically on a superficial level. I was watching him at Esteban’s fundraiser — Silas sitting there, looking like the Abercrombie & Fitch model that he’s grown into, Shane looking like the young version of a serial killer to be profiled on a future episode of Criminal Minds. I realize I can say that now and not be called on it, but the truth is that, particularly due to the stark contrast between the Botwin boys, I did take significant note of how crazy Shane was starting to look.

Apparently, I didn’t even know the half of it.

There is actually a lot to say about this episode, and this season, but I just can’t seem to get over the fact that Shane just up and hit Pilar in the side of the head with a mallet. Jeeee-zuz. Insane.

That being all of the last 30 seconds of the finale, I’ll try and pull myself together enough to note some of what else happened. First there’s Celia, who is still trying to be like Nancy. What is it exactly that she’s so envious of? She lived in the Ren Mar house; she knows a bit of what’s up. What the hell does she want from that life?

Either way, I love Celia and Doug together. They’re not only hilarious, but they also make it hard to imagine that they were once sleeping together. It’s also the only times that I enjoy Celia, and I am having an even harder time with her as she takes on a poor-man’s version of Nancy. She looks awful, and sounds like an idiot.

But in making herself over in Nancy’s image, Celia pulled together a team to sell her drugs. There’s Doug, Dean, Isabelle, Ignacio (supply), and … Sanjay (Maulik Pancholy)! Why he’s back without Vaneeta (Indigo) I’m not sure, but back is back. Now, I was hoping for Conrad (Romany Malco), especially considering the prior relationship that he and Celia had, but Ignacio makes Conrad redundant. At least as far as Celia’s budding (nice!) empire is concerned. Either way, let the games begin!

I was not at all into the new Andy (a mini-van?), and I was trying to deduce some way for him and Audra to split. I think Andy’s successfully taken care of that himself, after running from psycho Gale and leaving Audra to fend for herself. Now that’s the Andy we know and love.

Nancy bet and lost on Guillermo — not surprising, but disappointing nonetheless — but she has Shane now. And I’m still shaking my head. Of course, Guillermo’s probably gunning for her, as will many people who learn of Pilar’s murder, but that’s next season’s problem.

At this point, quotes are but a pittance compared to the end of the episode,  but here are some all the same:

“Where do you get your intel?” – Silas, after Shane played six degrees of celebrity venereal diseases with him

“I make it up.” – Shane

“Adelita’s a junkie.” – Nancy
“I think with the accent it’s ‘yunkie’.” – Andy

In the head. With a croquet mallet. Wow, Shane. Wow.

Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows | Weeds |

16 Responses to “Weeds – Shane gets into Pilar’s head”

September 1, 2009 at 1:45 AM

This show is such a mess, it’s a train wreck you can’t take your eyes off of. Shane in the golf episode was freaked out with it, then he get’s shot and now he’s nuts.

I don’t know how Nancy couldn’t have seen him coming. The episode was extremely boring and most of the plot points were lame.

However one thing I love is the actor who plays Shane, this episode shows him off really well. I got a very “Mr Brooks” feel from him and that’s great.

September 2, 2009 at 6:57 PM

I’d say he’s been nuts for quite a bit now (he shot that bird). It’s just close-contact violence that he suddenly has a taste for.

Nice Mr. Brooks shout out; I hadn’t seen it myself, but you’re totally right.

September 1, 2009 at 2:59 AM

holy hell that ending was fucking awesome! i read the title to this post when i started the ep & thought he was going to talk to her & mess with her head.

did. not. expect. that.

great ending!

September 2, 2009 at 6:58 PM

The credit goes to Keith – he reversed my total spoilery title, which would have gotten me shot. :).

September 1, 2009 at 6:53 PM

WOW, awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

September 2, 2009 at 5:18 PM

I don’t think that everyone will be gunning for Nancy. I think this may be a touch of the Wizard of Oz, and Dorothy just killed the witch (all fingers will point to Nancy), freeing all the indentured servants. How else could Nancy live through another season? Esteban has proved to be a p-whipped pansy, so he couldn’t protect her. Enter the new Pilar.

September 2, 2009 at 7:04 PM

We certainly have every reason to believe you’re correct. Knowing this show, though, I contend that one of the following things will end up being true: a) Pilar is not king of the mountain, b) There’s more to loyalty in the Mexican drug/murder/political world than we imagine, or c) Pilar had the foresight to add the following clause to everyone’s life-sentence contracts with her: “In the event that I should die at the hand of another, you must avenge me.”

Plus, if this really was the way out, I think a guy like Guillermo might have risked his life to grab it.

But we’ll see what happens.

September 3, 2009 at 11:59 PM

The season finales was awesome! I was so sucked into the catfight that i didn’t see it coming. I have a whole new respect for Shane! He was so annoying in seasons 2 & 3, but he definitely redeemed himself. I love how thug he has become after getting shot in the arm. I can’t wait for season 6! I how Nancy becomes stronger and doesn’t take Esteban’s crap anymore.

September 7, 2009 at 12:54 PM

Assuming that Pilar was the be all and end all, I actually wonder if Esteban’s bubble didn’t pop with her death. Next season might find him out of a job and on the street. Then it’s Nancy who has to wear the pants and “go to work.” Could be interesting….

September 8, 2009 at 1:13 AM

How do I end up stunned at the end of EVERY SEASON FINALE?!

I wonder how Esteban is going to take this…after of course he pisses his pants.

September 9, 2009 at 1:00 PM

He’ll realize he backed the wrong psycho!

September 9, 2009 at 3:59 AM

Finally got around to watching this.

OMG. I think I have the excitement of the end of Season 2 back. I didn’t know where they were going to take the show. I was so surprised that I was completely out of the loop.

Shane’s character has always been a favorite of mine and this show may turn into the character study of a innocent, damaged boy turning into a dark and twisted young man. Clearly, he’s a murderer (if Pilar is dead)…how much further can he go?

I can’t wait for season 6 (wow, I’ve been watching this show for a long time…)

September 9, 2009 at 1:00 PM

Interesting theory … I do believe that the grand arc will take us by surprise in the end … maybe this is all older Shane’s testimony as he stands trial for murder in the future…. ;)

November 5, 2009 at 4:59 AM

I think that the end it´s too much nonsense and intricate. why? we all know that shane had a tramautic life since judah’s death, and the episodes of the bird, the knife with aldelita friends, etc. But killing a person is way to different. In addition, It can’t be justified with the fact that he heard the threat of pilar, and then he kill her, becouse he wasn’t near (and if he was, the threat was said and a second later he make it, the logic way would be that he hear the threat, he go to look for the stick and then he kill her). The other option is a premeditated murder, but it brings again new questions.

I hope the sixth season clarified this murder in a reasonable way.

2. I don’t understand why the episode it’s called “all about my mom”. I mean the relationship that has with the things that had passed.

3. Do you know when the sixth season will start?

Diego, desde Argentina.

Sorry for my english.

November 6, 2009 at 2:39 AM

Nothing at all to apologize for. :)

I think Shane’s character made a gradual, albeit unusual, progression up until the show skipped ahead six months this season. We have no way of knowing what life was like for him during that time, and I think the show failed to explain it to us. It made no sense that he could be so violent with his teacher, and then shun violence later on. Shane post gunshot was also totally not defined. I think the writers were under the impression that his killing Pilar was a natural progression, but they’d failed to really outline it.

I’d guess the season won’t start until next summer; I think Weeds has been pretty consistent that way, but I have no information on it. Sorry!

December 17, 2009 at 11:38 PM

What was with Esteban giving Nancy shit for wearing his deoderant? They haven’t spoken for days, she has no idea what happened to him and he is giving her crap about wearing his speed stick – that was weird. Shane has pulled at my heart strings since his turtles died. He is doing his mother’s bidding, he knew she wanted Pilar dead he stays close to her, easedrops, checks her phone, knows what’s going on, he saw the opportunity and took it. The ending made me jump right out of my seat. I have enjoyed all the episodes, loved it when Celia and Doug were getting it on. Now Doug has turned just a bit too coarse for me, but I’m sure the menboys just love his trash talk shit mouth. Alana Morrisette – who knew she could sing and act – I thought she was fantastic this season, funny, interesting and made Andy grow up – she’ll forgive him for taking off or he’ll sneak back and save her. Next summer is too long to wait!!!!

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