CliqueClack TV

Weeds – Time for a Doug/Dean style bomb to be dropped on Pilar

WEEDS 5.07 Andy and Audra

Although, I have to say, I would hope it would be a sight better than the bomb the duo, plus Isabelle, dropped on Celia in this past episode of Weeds. Talk about failing to meet expectations — I expected something really awesome from the pair, only to be woefully disappointed by the little sting operation they ran.

First of all, if we’re talking just getting even, with no regard for scale or scope, I suppose scaring her to death and getting her weed succeeded somewhat. But, Celia ripped Silas and Doug off for some grade A, medical-quality weed, buds grown with love by Silas, and known far and wide as some of the finest herb around. In exchange, Doug and Dean got some crap Mexican hash — if I had to guess — and they did it with about as little Doug as we’ve seen this season. Not worth it.

For once, I did enjoy Celia to an extent; her Nancy was okay, particularly Nancy’s way of drinking from a straw. Sure, Celia looked like a very poor imitation, but I suppose it’s the thought that counts.

Over on the other side of the crazy line, Andy’s prepared to propose to Audra? Does the couple in the picture up top look ready for that? I felt a bit sorry for Nancy, though, as I think losing Andy’s affection put her current place in life into a pretty harsh light … how far must you be from the right path if your inappropriate brother-in-law has moved on?

Silas was pretty boring this week, too, as his chivalrousness towards Adelita (Seychelle Gabriel) didn’t really hit the spot. But, hello, Shane did! Talk about stone cold; it must be the gunshot that did it to him, because his time with Ignacio (Hemky Madera) had just left him even more scared than he’d ever been.

Another unexpected reveal was that Cesar has been happily married for 27 years. And he has kids! He sure is full of surprises.

But flashes in the pan did not a good episode make. I was just bored, largely because Nancy was stuck dealing with Esteban’s nonsense (and a surprisingly annoying Andy), while Silas is Doug-less, as was most of the episode.

Of course, the big reveal was that Esteban is back on Pilar’s ticket, angering an already cantankerous Nancy way beyond normal levels. Enough that she was prepared to part with the engagement ring that Judah gave her … not sure where the connection was, and I’d have thought that seeing Esteban for who he really was would have shoved Nancy back in the much-discussed direction of back before all of this happened. Which equals Judah…. Then again, she’s always been playing her own game, on her own field, with her own rules.

I still see the show coming around full-circle to Nancy selling dimes to support her family, but now I really wonder just how far afield everyone will have traveled by that time. Silas is still hovering around normal, but Shane, partly due to simply growing up, is not the little boy that she once worried about. Maybe Sammy will assume that role.

And, then again, maybe everyone’s hurtling towards a life-altering event that will toss them back in time. While rot can never be fully scrubbed away, as long as born-again virgins can exist … well, Nancy’s too far gone for that, but she can always try for abstinence.

Of course, that’s just an analogy — like her stoner family and their weed, Nancy loves her some sex too much for that.

Photo Credit: Showtime

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows | Weeds |

2 Responses to “Weeds – Time for a Doug/Dean style bomb to be dropped on Pilar”

August 25, 2009 at 2:05 PM

Another bad episode in this rather bad season.

Silas and Shane together at the house was the only good part for me “I’ll fuck you up the ass with this knife” is a line I will need to learn. :-]

Then the Mexican complaining about the white bitch not knowing Spanish was fun too.

However it was really REALLY boring. I’m trying to think of who dies next week because someone has to.

August 27, 2009 at 1:57 PM

What’s interesting, regardless of whether the individual episodes have been good on their merits, is that, as we move farther and farther from where Nancy started, the long-haul arc of the show continues to remain a mystery. And a pretty good one, I would argue.

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