CliqueClack TV

The Closer – No state dispenses justice like Texas


Shenanigans! I call shenanigans! I did really like the big season finale of The Closer, “Waivers Of Extradition.” One thing though… I can’t be the only one that was left wondering just what the hell all that foreshadowing of Stroh was about. Come on. I can only guess that this is all part of whatever screwy season split TNT is playing at. It couldn’t really have been their intention to set that story up that far in advance, could it? Shenanigans aside, it was a really good episode. It featured a very interesting case, and a wrap-up for the Charlie story (for now!).

Starting with the case, the thing that stood out most to me was the guest casting. Xander Berkeley was great as Detective Landry. What was really odd though was the addition of Connor Trinneer as Jeff Webb. Is my fascination with Stargate: Atlantis overselling Trinneer’s acting clout? Or did that seem like an awfully small part for someone with his list of credits? Odd as it was, I welcome it, because it flew in the face of the ‘most famous suspect’ trap procedurals occasionally fall into.

The case really was going according to the Closer plan, right up until the end. Brenda using the threat of Texas justice to get not one, but sixteen confessions was fitting, and worthy of a season finale. I have to admit that, much like Brenda, I was taken in by Landry. I really thought he was defeated, somewhat in awe of what it is that Brenda does, and happy to be done with it. I was completely caught off guard when he turned to Pope and said, “I played that one just right, huh?” I didn’t see that coming at all. I suppose I should have though. This actually ties in rather nicely with Brenda’s conversations with Joey O. This is how far Brenda will go.

Back on the homefront, it was nice to see Clay (Barry Corbin) again. Although, as it turned out, I had that half of the story all wrong as well. I was convinced that Charlie was going to end up staying with Brenda and Fritz. Even when Fritz made it all so clear that he was against the idea, “When I said I wanted kids, I didn’t mean other people’s.” The final scene between Brenda and Charlie was nice, although I thought it could have been a little more powerful if we had actually seen more of the changes Charlie had made. While I think it worked in the context of the show, I’m not ready to give up on Charlie yet, and fully expect her to be back at some point.

And that’ll do it for The Closer until December. Taking the whole season into account, it was very good. My only gripe is the lack of a payoff to all the Stroh hints. Other than that, I like the direction of Brenda and Fritz, and Brenda and the team just keep getting better. The show is as good as it ever was, and I’ll look forward to its return.

Photo Credit: TNT

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3 Responses to “The Closer – No state dispenses justice like Texas”

August 25, 2009 at 12:02 PM

I think that the Stroh references were to show that Brenda is constantly struggling with him and that he is out there somewhere. The main ep it was referenced really would have brought the memory back-the retired cop that killed a serial killer he didn’t catch.

So, when he does come back it we will understand her emotions and motivations better. It won’t come out of the blue. Also, it shows that Brenda isn’t perfect. She has an unsolved case out there.

I also hoped Charlie would stick around and hope she will be back. I was a little surprised with Fritz’s reaction to her. He was the one originally who was all supportive of her staying with them. Then, was just ready to ship her off. Seemed out of character and makes me question just how good a father he will be. Will Brenda end up the parental one and not him?

August 25, 2009 at 7:13 PM

What I have heard is that Kyra Sedgewick and Kevin Bacon have said that their daughter could appear in a few episodes as long as it doesn’t interfere with her school. I don’t think she is intended to be a character who returns to the show for long periods. I do think she was used to show the fact that neither Brenda nor Fritz is really ready to be a parent. She was a interesting character while she was there, but I think the resolution was fine.

August 26, 2009 at 4:30 PM

It’s occasional that writers can layer in hints over a long period. The example I like best is how NCIS dragged out the search for Ari in season two.

Charlie grew on me and I was sad to see her go.

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