CliqueClack TV

Unfortunately, Army Wives brings new meaning to the word boring


I don’t mean the show, so much as where we’ve arrived to at this point. Specifically, Sunday night’s episode, and the potential for continuing stories. What happened, Army Wives? Are you out of gas so soon?

I mean, I was just getting nothing from Sunday’s episode. Sure, I had a long day — we went to a “pick your own” farm, and my 15 month-old son is just tall enough to dive into the lower third of everything, including his favorite: blueberries. He was standing there, picking berries off the branches, and popping them into his mouth. I do not want to think about how much of our home we could paint purple with the juice that he inhaled.

Um, what were we talking about? Right. See, your image of my son picking berries is more exciting than where the ladies (and gentlemen) of Army Wives have arrived. I’ve been trying to think back to the types of stories we got in season one, and what’s not getting my juices flowing here, and, while I haven’t yet been able to put my finger on it, it’s something.

Claudia Joy is suddenly very ho-hum. Not that her character’s become ancillary to the show, but her role in other people’s stories is certainly secondary. Even her role in her own life is somewhat minor. Michael’s off being a general, and while I think the show’s been blurring the line of what his old job was and what his new one is (isn’t there a new base commander who would be tasked with half of what he and Claudia Joy do?) to give him more to do, he’s missing his pizazz.

Denise, now that her Frank saga is over, and her job is fin, has nothing going for her. Frank, as much as I love him, was always the other half of Frank and Denise. Again, no saga, no nothing. Pamela and Roxy keep getting nonsense tossed their way (Pamela’s 10 year-old is already self-conscious about her appearance?), while Chase is still gone, and Trevor’s new-found status as a sergeant doesn’t make for interesting TV.

The only real “drama” going down right now is between Joan and Roland, and my problem with them is that I think Roland gives her too much of a pass. Look, she should have left him after the affair; no arguments from me. But she didn’t, and she’s not the type to keep it as a point against him, so assume their relationship is back to normal … why is he the one working so hard to make her deployment easier, WHEN IT WAS HER CHOICE???

Seriously, she needs to own that a lot more than she has been. She’s acting as if it’s something being forced upon her, and that’s totally unfair to Roland. I do not take away from her the pain being away from Sarah Elizabeth will cause her — I can’t even begin to imagine it. But when she passed on an opportunity to stay on base and work for Michael, instead choosing to go back to Iraq with her men, she was actively choosing to leave. It’s hard, okay. But don’t make Roland feel like he’s the one who has to make it right.

It does bring up an interesting point, however. Joan has a history working in an administrative position (and I think she may change her mind at the last second about deploying); Frank just took a desk job, and Trevor’s contemplating a career as an Army recruiter. With a lot of focus on Chase, and the “life of a Delta” possibly harbingering some shake-up there, will Army Wives still be the same if all five Army spouses have jobs on post?

One more for you: what’s up with the shot of the five women running in slow-mo, barefoot and in dresses, as the theme, or whatever, for the show? Not only would Joan never do that, but could it be any more off for the type of show that this is?

I’ll eat some blueberries as I ponder.

Photo Credit: Lifetime

Categories: | Army Wives | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Unfortunately, Army Wives brings new meaning to the word boring”

August 18, 2009 at 1:56 PM

Suggestion: drop the show already. How many “It’s boring” articles are you willing to write? This is wrong, that is wrong, now it’s boring. Is somebody standing next to you with a rifle aimed at your head? Are you trying to tell us something?


August 18, 2009 at 2:10 PM

Yes, and he’s going to turn back in our direction any minute now….

Seriously, though, while I can understand why you’d think that, I love this show! I mean, not like season one, but Army Wives is extremely high up on my favorites list. Which, by the way, means I only know, or care, that Pamela and Roxy are getting screwed and could do better, because I’ve seen it.

And, aren’t we hardest on the ones we love? A day never feels quite as good as when you berate your kids into an eating disorder … or something like that.

KIDDING!!! :-)

August 20, 2009 at 5:21 PM

I first got into to Army Wives at the beginning of this current season. It is 1 of only 5 channels I get that isn’t home shopping networks, and on Sundays it is 1 of the 2 channels I have that isn’t showing worship services all day. So I started watching when Denise was dealing with her whole Frank thing. My friend Ame got so tired of me calling her everytime they made a reference to past episodes for an explanation. Like “Who the hell was Amanda?” “What do you mean Roland cheated?” So she finaly loaned me the 1st and 2nd seasons on dvd. And let me tell you I was shocked!
From that 1st episode when Justin slapped Denise, my mouth just dropped and I was pissed! I kept saying; “Wait, this is so not the same show!!!”
But then I found myself completely hooked. Justin’s all beating his mom, Pam’s all pregnant and Chase that first season was just such a jerk towards her, there were all these rumors going around about Claudia Joy killing someone, and Roxy was so sassy and such a bad ass that you just had to love her especially paired with Trevor, those two together were simply deliciouse.
Now, I find myself repeating that same reaction towards the show this season. It is not the same show!!! It has become so tame. Remember when pam had her stalker? That was intense, now the biggest thing to happen to her so far was that a dog stole her wallet? Please!!!
Believe me when I say that I completely agree with you. This season is BORING!!! But, I’m not ready to give up on them just yet. I don’t bother leaving wherever I am early just to get home to watch the show, if I see the last 10 minutes I figure that’s enough. But I have hope they will turn it around soon.
Dear God please turn it around soon!
Although I do want to add, I am intrigued at their attempt to bring back the drama by having Claudia Joy get in the car accident. That story line could go somewhere if they do it right. But, it does dissapoint me that it was all because Claudia Joy fell asleep at the wheel. I mean that is how she killed someone back when she was in college so I don’t understand how she could let that happen again. The whole thing makes me roll my eyes with frustration but I’m hoping, really really hoping, that they know where they are going with all that and it will make for some good entertainment.
One more thing, as much as I ador Trevor and don’t want him to leave. I don’t want him to become a recruiter, that’s lame! I liked the dinamic of Roxy’s storyline, in dealing with this new husband who is getting ready to leave her for so long. Having him take a job on post just seams like such a copout. I understand that they don’t want that character to go away for too long because he is probably responssible for a good amount of their viewers, and they can’t keep coming up with new ways of getting him injured to stick around. But at the same time they have to do the character justice and Trevor isn’t one to stick behind especially after they spent the first 2 seasons with him itching to get over there.

August 23, 2009 at 6:36 PM

Wow. Sounds like a rough (and unusual) television channel situation. Army Wives is certainly better than most, though, even at its worst.

That’s hilarious how out of things you must have been! I guess it never occurred to me what that would be like, walking in in the middle.

Yes, very different show back in the day. But, I too am not leaving any time soon … my wife saw the accident coming, but I agree with Abigail, that I think I recall Claudia Joy having vision problems first. I did, however, have the same thought about her earlier experience with a car accident. I imagine it will somehow play a role.

August 20, 2009 at 7:42 PM

Hear, hear Court! But I got a different impression than you did about Claudia Joy’s car accident– I don’t think she fell asleep at the wheel this time. I thought that they showed that she had blurred vision for some reason which caused her to get into the accident. In fact, I’m wondering if the car accident will cause drama because it will be the way they find out that Claudia Joy is ill in some way. But I guess we will see!

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