CliqueClack TV

Quotations Marks – Psych is back. Back again. Psych is back. Tell your friends.

Psych cast photo

How can you not be stoked that USA’s Psych is back? I was so excited, I completely forgot one of the most quotable shows on television last week! Just because I love you guys, I mixed in last week’s quotes in with this.

What were your favorite quotes this week? Mine was from our very own Bob Degon, announcing some suspect news to the CliqueClack team:

“They’re remaking BSG… again… Oy.”


“Note to self: be rich one day.” — Shawn

“He’s allergic to rich, white people.” — Shawn, addressing Gus’ coughing to family of wealthy murder victim

“I hope you have a plan of how we’re gonna find this crashed plane. And I hope that plan doesn’t end up having us being eaten by a bear.” — Gus
“Don’t worry Gus. I have a secret weapon” — Shawn
“A larger bear-eating bear?” — Gus

“Here’s the thing, Robert: I am a psychic.” — Shawn
“We work for the Santa Barbara Police Department. We’ve solved over forty-seven cases. I’m also a pharmaceutical rep, if that means anything to you.” — Gus
“You’ve seen The Mentalist, right?” — Shawn
“Yes.” — Robert
“It’s like that.” — Shawn
“Except that guy’s a fake.” — Gus
“Right. If I were a fake psychic, it would be eerily similar.” — Shawn
“Exactly the same.” — Gus
“A virtual carbon copy.” — Shawn

“You guys believe in Karma, don’t you?” — Victim’s Daughter
“Yes we do, but only because we are Karma Chameleons.” — Shawn
“We come and go.” — Gus

“He then confessed to me that his billion-dollar hedge fund was a giant ponzi scheme.” — Burned investor
“Stop right there. I simply refuse to believe that Henry Winkler had anything to do with this.” — Shawn


“Drop the pants; dunk the dean nuts.” — Doug to Dean, getting back at him for slamming his dick in a desk drawer last week

“I was gonna be a drug kingpin! I was gonna be Tony Montana! I got nothin’.” — Dean to Doug

“Stealing drugs from a drug lord. Bold. Hot.” — Andy to Audra, upon finding her stealing medical supplies from Esteban

“Doctor Teeth.” — Andy, claiming that he does indeed know some jazz musicians
“He’s a Muppet.” — Audra
“He’s a JAZZ Muppet.” — Andy

True Blood

“Spill no blood on your way out.” — Godric basically confirming we’ve (or at the least, most certainly I) got no clue what’s going on

“I gave you everything for a lie.  You’re worse than Judas.” — Sarah
“Why, what did he do to you?” — Jason

“He’s your maker, isn’t he?” — Sookie
“Don’t use words you don’t understand.” — Eric
“You have a lot of love for him.” — Sookie
“Don’t use words I don’t understand.” — Eric

“I don’t know what you heard, but those were screams of pleasure!” — Hoyt

“I reckon I’ve already been to heaven … inside your wife!” — Jason

“I’m actually older than your Jesus. I wish I could have known him, but I missed it.” — Godric

“They say I sodomized a pine tree. Must be true … My pecker’s got all kinds of scratches on it.” — Mike Spencer

“I’m a cadet with the Light of Day Institute. I’m strapped.” — Jason

Better off Ted

“It’s like looking into some bizarre alternate universe where I can drive a bull and wear tall shoes with throwing stars attached to them.” — Phil


“Pack your bags everyone, we’re going to D.C. to make news.” — Sophie

“That’s when you wanna….” — Nate
“Oh, that right there, yeah.  Pack your bags everyone, we’re going to D.C. to make news! [walks away]” — Sophie
“…she’s walking into the closet.” — Nate

“Do I sound that creepy when I….?” — Nate
“Hell. Yes.” — Eliot

“These conspiracies aren’t real, right?” — Parker
“What do you mean?” — Eliot
“Like that one over there that says that all the major wars of the past fifty years are decided by members of The Council.” — Parker
“I’m not cleared to discuss that with you.” — Eliot
“Well you’re not a member of The Council, are you? Eliot? Eliot? Is he?” — Parker

“Loch Ness monster.” — Parker
“Loch Ness submarine.” — Haridson
“No!” — Parker
“Waters are cold and deep, it’s a perfect place for testing.” — Eliot
“Area 51.” — Parker
“True.” — Nate
“No, she said Area 51. 51.” — Hardison
“I’m sorry, false. It’s Area 52.” — Eliot
“Been there.” — Hardison
“Yup.” — Nate

The Closer

“I’m having a hard time getting this guy out of your box … That didn’t sound right.” — Dr. Terence to Brenda

Make It or Break It

“I feel like we’re trapped in a Coldplay song … which is its own level in Dante’s Hell.” — Not-Razor (Damon) to Emily

And Selections from the Virgin Diaries


[Kaylee has expressed her belief that Simon doesn’t swear]
I swear… when it’s appropriate.” — Simon
Simon, the whole point of swearing is that it ain’t appropriate.” — Kaylee

“[singing] The hero of Canton, the man they call ‘me’. [speaking] Eggs! The living legend needs eggs!” — Jayne

[upon seeing Serenity for the first time]
“Ship like this, be with you till the day you die.” — Malcom
“Because it’s a death trap.” — Zoe

Battlestar Galactica

“Athena tells me the upgrades should… triple the Fleet’s jump capacity.” — Helo
Absolutely. And that’s conservative. Their technology-our technology, is way ahead of ours. Yours.” — the Chief
Maybe you’d like a chart to keep it all straight?” — Tigh

“I don’t know anything about being a father.” — Hot Dog
It sucks… except the parts that don’t.” — the Chief

Veronica Mars

“If college is a boy buffet, she’s got two full plates and a purse full of boys wrapped in napkin. Look at her … she’s like boynip.” — Mac about Parker

“The ’70s had the Hustle. The ’80s, the moonwalk. We have the faux-lesbian dance.” — Veronica, in a quote that’s sure to make Brett a happy man

House, MD

[to Foreman] Not because you think I’m right. Its because you’re taking the safe route. You’re a wuss….  Don’t worry, you’re secret is safe with me [walks out the door]. Hey Wilson, guess what Foreman just did?!?” — House

“At the Boy who Cried Wolf, the wolf really does come.  And he eats the sheep, and the boy, and the parents….” — House
“He doesn’t eat the parents.” — Chase
“He does when I tell it.” — House

Photo Credit: USA

2 Responses to “Quotations Marks – Psych is back. Back again. Psych is back. Tell your friends.”

August 16, 2009 at 2:18 PM

There’s another great Psych quote from those Monk tributes USA is running. Shawn says “I have to say that [Monk] is one of the two most observant people I know. Well, three, if you count ‘The Mentalist’. Man, they’re going to harp on that CBS show all season, aren’t they?

August 16, 2009 at 7:52 PM

Yeah! I’ve been looking out for Psych-related posts here since Friday. ;) Nice quote choices, and I realize it’s hard to pick a few out of the plethora both eps provided… but can’t resist adding a few more to your list…

From British Columbia: Extradition:

Absolutely HAVE to include a quote from the laser scene– Shawn: Abort cheek spreading!

Lassiter: Looks like he’s packing heat!
Gus: That makes one of you.
Lassiter: Shut up, Guster!

(Defending the rose petals being everywhere to Gus) Shawn: “It’s not weird. It’s wonderful!”

[Also the running gag of Shawn not being able to get the names correctly, but then pronouncing Degas perfectly: Des-per-eeee-ay-ux. Despraoooooowoooooh, I believe that’s 11 O’s. John Manet. John Van Gogh. Hockneystein…stine.]

Plus Shawn wanting a walking stick with a ram’s head. Just so random.

From He Dead:
Garvin (about how his dad ruined his life): …Selling my tiger!
Rosa: Who is this man? Make me make him leave!
Shawn: I think I breathed in some dead guy.

And how could you only have ONE quote from the TWO Better Off Ted eps, and especially not from JABBERWOCKY!…for example…

“Spending money makes us sad, but we’re doing it because we love nature. Even when it’s being mean [shows image of a hurricane], or just acting stupid [shows image of a dog dressed like a clown]. Veridian Dynamics: Greening our world.”

Phil: No one would want to be us right now, and since we are us it’s very difficult.

Veronica: You do know about Jabberwocky, don’t you?
Chet: Of course I do. I just didn’t know that you knew.
Veronica: How could I not know; it’s in my department. Isn’t it?
Chet: Exactly. So we both know what it is.
Veronica: Yes… we do. Don’t we?
Chet: Yes! We do.

Phil:What if we came up a use for our burning plate?
Lem: A plate that you could also cook your food on!
Phil: A plate that is also a stove.
Lem: A “Plove”.

Lem: Fireflies: the flaming plates of the insect world.

Veronica: You don’t have to thank me every time I say hello, but it’s nice to hear. Ok, do it.

And my personal favorite–
Veronica: How do you redefine? With a new definition.

Oh and the translation of what the Japanese scientists say:
“There must be one page missing. Do you understand it?”
“Of course. It will revolutionize the way we do business. Don’t YOU understand it?”
“I understand it. I just think it would be better if there was one more page.”

And from the finale:
Rose: “It was ONE boat… ONE time.”

I see how easy it is to have really long quote posts. ;p

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