CliqueClack TV

Webisode Clack – Dear Audrey, what is teabagging?


I said it once before, but it bears repeating — I love Canada, and Canadian things. And very high up on that list, just below Catriona Le May-Doan, but above curling and the fact that Canadian cities have names like Moose Jaw, are the girls from Seeking Simone. They’re just so funny. If you have also become enamored with the lovely canucks, you’re in luck; today they’ve released the first episode in the Seeking Simone companion series, Ask Audrey.

Audrey is the Kato to Simone’s Green Hornet (stretching there, I know, but who doesn’t love OG Green Hornet? And I didn’t think many people would get “the Joan McCusker to Simone’s Sandra Schmirler.”) She’s always ready with dating advice, but doesn’t really have to live it, being happily married and all. That “helpful” advice prompted an exchange where “Simone suggested that I get my own online dating vlog, and crawl out of her ass.”

And with that, Ask Audrey was born. Audrey will be dispensing her pearls of dating wisdom every Friday on the Seeking Simone site, and you can even get in on the game by sending @Ask_Audrey a message on twitter, or using their handy form. The first episode, which involves Audrey’s mother,  teabagging, and a lot of air-quotes, is embedded after the jump.

Photo Credit: Seeking Simone

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