CliqueClack TV

Webisode Clack – The Lake answers a question I didn’t think of asking


Did you ever wonder what it would be like if Jason Priestley directed Falcon Beach? No? Maybe I should back up and ask if you ever saw Falcon Beach. I’m not sure how it happened, but somewhere along my television viewing path I developed an affinity for the teen drama. Mostly, I blame the-N. Because they go there! At any rate, after more Degrassi and South Of Nowhere episodes than I could possibly count, I’m hooked on the things. The Lake is’s latest entry into the genre. And everyone’s favorite 90210 alum, Jason Priestley, is at the helm.

Priestly’s presence obviously calls to mind the 90210 references. But there are a host of shows that you can see in The Lake. There’s a little Gossip Girl. Maybe a little O.C. And certainly a hint of Popular where Alexis (Samantha Cope) and Madison (Erica Dasher) are concerned. With their newly married parents, and contentious relationship, it’s a short hop to Sam and Brooke. They even got the hair colors right. More than anything else though, it makes me think of ABC Family’s Canadian(!) import, Falcon Beach. The setting, the dynamics of some of the relationships, and just the feel of the show seem so familiar.

All of those are positive things. If that laundry list of shows contains something you like, The Lake will be worth a click. Even if you haven’t been bitten by an angsty, radioactive, teen drama spider, you might want to take a look as well. Because The Lake offers us another glimpse at just how fast the web series is progressing. I’d stop short of saying it’s at the level of a made for TV series where production is concerned, but it’s close. The show looks very good. There are just a few things that occasionally signal that this is a lower budget production. A little money for some extras so it didn’t look like there were only 10 people on the entire lake would go a long way.

Thankfully, that’s an easy sin to forgive. The show really is well done. While it certainly does echo so many of the teen dramas we’ve seen in the past, the team behind the scenes understands their new format very well. Even though the episodes are much shorter, they’ve managed to set the tone for so many of the relationships, and hint at a variety of little character mysteries, in a very short amount of time. Many of those little mysteries have already started paying off in the first four episodes.

The show also has an interesting mix where the cast is concerned. Most of the younger actors are relatively new, and you probably won’t recognize them. When you get to the grown ups though, it’s a whole different story. How about Elisa Donovan (Clueless), Mark Totty (Joan Of Arcadia), Amy Stewart (Glory Days), and Mim Drew (United States Of Tara)? They’re really good. I especially like the relationship between Claire (Drew) and Dennis (Totty). And, this is really obscure, but I’m fascinated that Drew, Totty, and Robb Derringer all had guest spots on She Spies. Who didn’t love She Spies?

The first four episodes are up now at, and four more will be released each Monday. Here’s the first episode, just to get you started.

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4 Responses to “Webisode Clack – The Lake answers a question I didn’t think of asking”

August 13, 2009 at 5:28 PM

I’m excited to see how this show evolves as well, should be pretty interesting with all the new comers attached and Jason Priestley at the helm!

August 13, 2009 at 5:57 PM

It does have a lot of potential. I’m really impressed with how well the story works with the short episodes.

August 13, 2009 at 6:04 PM

I didn’t even know this existed, but I was absolutely addicted to Falcon Beach. I’ll have to check this one out.

Thanks Brett!

August 13, 2009 at 10:34 PM

Loved the first four episodes of The Lake . Lots of chemistry on the set – beautiul scenery – and a little mystery surrounding Lake Eleanor ! Loved it ! Could there be a television series in the works ???

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