CliqueClack TV

Where does Entourage’s Turtle get off dissing Seth Rogen?


In this past Sunday’s episode of Entourage, Turtle/Sal starts things off early by wondering how the hell a guy like Seth Rogen can be expected to be able to land someone like Katherine Heigl in the movie Knocked Up. It’s definitely one of those conversations that would come up just about anywhere between any number of guy (and probably girl) buddies. What I don’t understand is where Turtle gets off whining about how an “ugly” guy like Seth Rogen can be believed to land a hottie like Heigl, when it wasn’t until somewhat recently in the Entourage series that Turtle didn’t look dumpy himself.

I think I’ve figured it out, though. Last season we saw as Turtle hooked up with the “real life” actress Jamie-Lynn Sigler, which more than a few people thought was tough to swallow as believable. When it came out that Jerry Ferrara (Turtle) was dating Sigler for real, a few jaws dropped. My bet is that the little exchange at the start of the episode was a little shout-out to those who called bullshit on their relationship, both on and off the show, and it appears we’re going to see more of that play out next week.

But, to Turtle: though you may have shed that pudgy look and look more like someone with some muscle bulk than Twinkie fat, no need to go on hatin’ on Seth Rogen so harshly. Though … you do have a point.

Photo Credit: Claudette Barius/HBO

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6 Responses to “Where does Entourage’s Turtle get off dissing Seth Rogen?”

July 21, 2009 at 3:48 PM

The topic of conversation is funny, and definitely one that would happen in real life. But the way they kept harping on it, all I could think of was, what if Seth Rogen is watching this right now? Awkward. I didn’t realize they were dating in real life too. I think you’re right, that the whole thing was a shout-out to the actual situation.

July 21, 2009 at 6:11 PM

Because Seth Rogan has no talent!

July 21, 2009 at 7:13 PM

It also should be noticed that Seth Rogen is pretty damn skinny now too.

July 22, 2009 at 11:44 AM

I think Turtle talks about it because he knows _exactly_ how to pick up nice girls looking like he does in the first place. He says the situation in “Knocked Up” was fake because he’s an expert, and he details why. She wasn’t drunk yet, and he didn’t have any time to show that he’s funny. She either needed to be drunk to overlook his pudgyness OR he needed to have shown that he’s funny. Both didn’t happen in “Knocked Up” and that’s why Turtle was upset about it.

So IMHO he has every reason to diss the movie.

Drama’s the one who obsessed about how ugly Rogen was when he talked to his date, and considering Drama’s shallow that also fit that character.

July 22, 2009 at 3:16 PM

Yeah read that just now too :-)

But honestly don’t you think that’s just to promote the show? It so smells like “Hi I’m David Duchovny, I’m a sex addict, my movie “Trust the Man” is available on DVD and by the way “Californication”‘s next season starts in the fall on Showtime(tm)”.

And honestly, I don’t understand why it “makes sense he doesn’t like me (Seth Rogen)” because “he’s an idiot”.

So only idiots don’t like Seth Rogen or his Movies?

Sorry, but the fact alone that the LA Times reports that “In monday night’s episode of ‘Entourage'” discredits the whole thing. I say that’s hearsay at best and just hoppin on the Page Impression bandwagon…

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