CliqueClack TV

Diary of a Weeds virgin – There are no easy answers for Nancy

WEEDS (season 3)

(Season 3, Episodes 1-3)

Ever since its excellent cliffhanger at the end of season 2, I’ve been super-exited about starting season 3 of Weeds. I’m happy to report that the first three episodes do not disappoint. We start off exactly where we left off, and the story takes a bunch of twists and turns that I never saw coming. I’m still not certain where some of the storylines are going (Andy’s going into the Army, Celia’s divorce), but I can’t wait to keep watching so I can find out. Plus there’s an extra bonus for me in these episodes: there’s so much action and Nancy’s in so much danger, that I actually forget to hate her most of the time. Win!

(Season 3, Episode 1 “Doing the Backstroke”)

What a great/horribly frustrating season opener. After leaving off with a pretty amazing cliff hanger, I was looking forward to seeing how Nancy was going to get herself out of this situation. Instead I got a (very entertaining) half-hour of her just getting deeper and deeper into the shit. Not only does Celia end up with Silas’ car that has all of the pot, but she finds it and throws it into the pool. Now I’m no drug kingpin, but something tells me that even if you could dry it out again, the chlorine may negatively affect the product. On the other hand, drugs are cut with all kinds of crazy stuff, so maybe it’ll end up being just the ingredient MILF weed needs to take it to the next level.

So where exactly is poor Shane? He gets dumped by Kat, learns how to drive the van, but by the time Andy catches up to him, the van is on the side of the road and Shane is nowhere to be found. Did he hitch a ride? Is that going to be another horrible situation that Nancy needs to get her family out of?

The other thing that made this episode for me was Doug and Dean popping pills in the bathroom together. I love how Doug’s marriage works despite the fact that his wife may be a lesbian. She buys his underwear and new razor blades for him! The dick measuring contest was a little awkward, but at least they came to the realization that they took too much drugs before things got even weirder.

(Season 3, Episode 2 “A Pool and his Money”)

The whole Shane thing was pretty anti-climatic: he just ended up in the police station with Silas. It’s kind of funny that Andy got his ass kicked by a group of truckers for being a child-molester though. In the end, the Botwin family all makes it home, almost in one piece.

I really expected Nancy to find a brilliant way out of her predicament, but I guess there are no easy answers on this show. The Armenians are at least out of the picture, but now U-Turn owns both Nancy and Conrad. Conrad is growing for him, and Nancy has to come up with $150,000 to pay U-Turn. I still don’t really understand why she doesn’t just sell everything she owns, pack up her kids and get the hell out of Agrestic. Now that Peter’s dead and she’s had half a dozen guns pulled on her in the past 24 hours, I would think she would come to the realization that things are going to get a lot worse before they get better. However, Nancy does have quite the history of poor decision-making skills.

Oh, and way to tease me with a Doug/Celia reunion, show. You know I love them together!

(Season 3, Episode 3 “The Brick Dance”)

Could this episode actually be the beginning of the easy answer I thought Nancy would find to get out of her predicament? Throughout most of this episode, she’s pretty much in the shit, with U-Turn ordering her to become much more of a drug dealer than she had previously been. However, at the very end, what seems like a terrible development may actually turn out to be pretty great for Nancy.

Nobody wants to see a DEA agent at their door when they have a brick of pot spread out on their dining room table. This particular visit, however, I think will save Nancy. After all, she mailed in her marriage certificate before Peter died, so I’ve got to think that that’s going to come into play in some way. He probably had some assets, and I have a feeling Nancy is going to be able to use them to get herself out of this current mess.

On the other hand, I could be completely wrong about this. I thought Sanjay was hiding in the closet because he was going to come in and save the day at the last minute, much as he did when he set the bakery fire. However, he just turned out to be literally “in the closet,” as he came out as a homosexual, which I totally did not see coming. So who knows why the DEA agent is there? I’m certainly no good at predicting where this show is going to go.

Photo Credit: Showtime

One Response to “Diary of a Weeds virgin – There are no easy answers for Nancy”

July 4, 2009 at 11:34 AM

To answer all your questions for the next 2+ seasons…

Nancy is an idiot! She is the dumbest person on the face of the Earth!

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