CliqueClack TV

The Closer – Brenda Leigh vs Rodney McKay


It took a few episodes, but this week we finally got our first really good look at Mr. & Mrs. Howard. After all the struggles getting to the altar, things have been surprisingly smooth for Brenda and Fritz … until now. We were told earlier that they had decided to keep their personal and professional lives separate. But then, if you believed that, you really haven’t been paying attention. Those shaky barriers came tumbling down as Major Crimes got mixed up in a missing person/drug/murder case with the FBI. Along the way, we got an answer for just what’s up with Provenza.

Look everybody! It’s David Hewlett! I’m probably a little more excited than the average Closer fan about the casting of Hewlett as Special Agent Jerry Moore, simply because I’m a big Stargate Atlantis fan. Truth be told, he didn’t really have a lot to do here. Still, it was fun to see him. There was a little bit of the Rodney McKay mixed in with Jerry, especially in his reaction to seeing Austin’s body.

The bigger story was, of course, Fritz and Brenda. It’s something that I’ve been waiting for ever since they declared that they were keeping their personal and private lives separate. There was just no way that was going to work out. And as obvious as it was that they would eventually get tangled up together, it was even more obvious that the interaction would be rocky, at best. Brenda will never be accused of playing well with others, but that trait is only exaggerated when she is placed under the prickly thumb of the FBI, and all of the pesky rules that come with that.

The really interesting bit of it, as we found out later, was that Fritz had the whole thing planned from the beginning. At first it seemed like he was just trying to find something to distract Brenda from the hysterics brought on by Kitty’s death. The real twist though, was that Fritz knew his easiest path to closing this case was to turn Brenda loose on it. Her personal tornado of justice whisked away a whole mountain of FBI red tape.

It all made for a very fun episode. Occasionally Fritz gets lost in the shuffle, so I’m always game for any way we can bring the FBI, and their cool badges, into the picture. Ditto for more Fritz/Brenda time. It’s a fascinating relationship that all too often gets swept to the side. This week, I particularly enjoyed the scene where Brenda faked the hysterics about Kitty and Fritz totally called her on it. Her reaction at being caught was perfect.

Finally, we finally got to meet Lauren, the inspiration for the strange and new Provenza. She’s beautiful, and YOUNG. The reaction of the team was great, especially Flynn. At first he came off a little jealous, but there is more to it than that. As they pointed out, Lauren sells menswear, and Provenza has been buying a lot of new suits. (It’s called Country Gentleman, and it’s going to be huge next year.) I’m sure there is a bit of a jealousy coming from Flynn, but I think more than anything he’s just trying to look out for his friend. And he’s doing it in that very Flynn way. All things considered, another very good episode. Season five is motoring along nicely.

Photo Credit: TNT

Categories: | Clack | The Closer | Episode Reviews | TV Shows |

One Response to “The Closer – Brenda Leigh vs Rodney McKay”

July 1, 2009 at 11:19 AM

I think what saved the episode was Brenda Lee giving the boyfriend the money in the end, but not just giving it but the way it is shown, acted. Just like Flynn looking out for Provenza that’s what sets “The Closer” apart from other procedural dramas on TV these days.

But I must say I was disappointed in David Hewlett’s guest character. He had no persona whatsoever compared to McKay. It was almost more interesting following Hewlett on Twitter talking about his upcoming role than watching him on the show. He was just some guy, nothing special. FBI Agend #2 could’ve been the name of the guy in the script… *sigh*

I miss his Stargate Atlantis shenanigans. Reading him and Jewel State going back and forth (again, on Twitter – nerdc0re I guess) is always nice. It’s as if the show continues without them actually on it.

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