CliqueClack TV

True Blood – Can someone just put Bill out of our misery?

Lafayette at fangtasia

“Keep This Party Going” (Season 2, Episode 2)

True Blood has gotten off to a great start in its second season. The Eric/Lafayette storyline is very intriguing, and I’m looking forward to where it might be going. Jason Stackhouse is walking down a path that threatens to open a divide between those he loves and what he believes. Maryann and Sam have a history whose surface we’re just beginning to scratch.  But, Bill … Well, Bill just kind of sucks.

I have never understood Sookie’s attraction to Bill other than that he was simply the first Vampire that walked into Merlotte’s. Where she is young and bombastic, he is old-fashioned and boring. I have been told he is just as bland in the books, and that his nature can be explained away as being a product of his age, as he was born in a more conservative time. I say crap. Eric and Pam, who I believe are older than Bill, are a hell of a lot more fun.

The interactions between Bill and Jessica, being played for comic relief, are the only times he’s been interesting. In fact, him busting into Jessica’s parents house tonight just didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. Yes, he wants to protect the humans from being slaughtered, but the scene was left suggesting  (and many are speculating) that he’s going to kill them himself.

Bill is just dull. I don’t feel like I’ve been given any reason whatsoever to care about him, or his backstory. I’m sure he’s got a story, specifically since he’s become a vampire, but I’m not sure that I want to know it, because it either A) Continued his dull nature from when he was human, or B) Made him dull. I’ve got one word for a story like that, and it starts with D and ends with -ull.

But lest our readers attack me with the “If you don’t like it why do you watch” approach, I will point to one reason among many: Lafayette Reynolds. He was in fine form tonight, despite the whole being imprisoned in a bar basement and being shot thing. He gave up Jason in an instant, tried to wheel and deal his captors, even tried to escape, though that caused him to end up with a bullet in the leg. While the episode ended with Eric, Pam, and Chow grubbing on some “Ribs a la Fayette,” I doubt we’ve seen the last of one of my favorite little quote machines.

Photo Credit: HBO

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | True Blood |

4 Responses to “True Blood – Can someone just put Bill out of our misery?”

June 23, 2009 at 9:24 AM

I am really enjoying the second season. Last season felt disjointed as Ball couldn’t decide to focus on Sookie or the supporting characters, but now, although Sookie’s still the lead, he’s clearly decided it’s an ensemble and is balancing the show amongst the 4-5 lead actors.

I have to admit, I wasn’t impressed with Eric last year. Despite the throne, black spandex, and the fanger-ons, he came across as a wannabe emo goth. However, this season, the more ridiculous he appears, through the tinfoil highlights, beauty salon cape or 1980s track suit, the more imposing he is. And, he definitely seemed twice the vampire than Bill at their Forever 21 showdown. But, after kitty whipped Bill, I was impressed by his show of force with Jessica’s family what with kicking the door down, hypnotizing the youngest, and shutting Sookie down. However, I assume he’s just going to glamour the family.

Also, I had a total crush on LaFayette last season with his 6-pack abs and shaved head. Yet, even with a bit of a paunch and receding hairline (despite the creepy Roots basement setting), this actor can still pull them in. I have to congratulate Ball on his actors. No matter what he throws at them, they come through, including Tara’s mom, who brought the crazy last season but maintains it when sober. But, regarding Maryann, am I the only one creeped out that she took 17-year-old Sam into her bed (possibly by coercion) and essentially popped his cherry coke can?

June 24, 2009 at 7:52 AM

I LOVE BILL! Read all the books and hated Eric in them. Who would like a guy who goes after another guy’s girl! Conceited, full-of-himself, thinks he is God’s gift to women. Please in real life how long would that relationship last. Plus Sookie and a fling with him NOT A RELATIONSHIP! So made a mistake by having fling with him and Bill was FORCED to do what he had to do but ultimately he loves her to the point that he would put his existence on the line. Eric no way he cares about himself too much.

June 24, 2009 at 4:33 PM

Love ERIC!!!!! hope these season we get to see a little of the books story about him, that would be very interesting and a great medicine for dull Bill :)

July 3, 2009 at 11:36 PM

Ohh, I’m sorry but dull is exactly what sookie wants. She no longer wants to “‘see” the thoughts other men have.

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