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Lost in Lost – A look back at the deaths in season five



As each week passes we get closer and closer to the final season of Lost. Alright, so it’s still about eight months away, but I have to keep going somehow. It’s just too depressing to think about Lost ending, let alone the fact that I have to wait the vast majority of a human gestation period just to see a new episode.

This week I thought I would take a little time to reflect on some of the characters that we lost in season five. It was a bit of a brutal season with a few main cast members meeting their ends. I know that I will miss the majority of them, but I’ve gotten used to death on this show, as the list of dead characters seems to grow with every new episode.

While doing a little research for this article, I headed over to Lostpedia. I thought it was pretty hilarious that, on their page of main characters, only four are listed as alive and well (Ben, Sun, Desmond, and Walt). Every other character is listed as either unknown (our losties back in 1977) or deceased (the other twelve characters listed as main players). I guess I had underestimated just how much this show loves to kill off characters.

Anyways, here is a look at this season’s major casualties:

  • Charlotte: I know that she wasn’t the most popular character, but I thought there was a lot of potential for Charlotte. She had a fascinating backstory, having been raised on the island in the Dharma Initiative for a good portion of her young life. Aside from that she had an awkwardly cute relationship going with Daniel Faraday. Though in retrospect, that didn’t matter so much, because the twitchy little physicist is on this list too….
  • Daniel: His death was so poetically tragic that it’s hard for me to really feel bad about it. In my opinion it was one of the highlights of the season. If Ben thinks that destiny is a “fickle bitch,” I can’t even begin to imagine what Daniel would have to say about it.
  • Juliet: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that she might not be dead, and I hope that she’s not, but I want to talk about her anyway. Juliet has been one of my favorite characters since she was introduced at the beginning of season three. She was really a tragic figure on the show. Always “the other woman,” she finally found some happiness with Sawyer, even if Kate did manage to screw it up in the end. I feel like Juliet was always just trying to do her best, and unfortunately it wasn’t enough to overcome her bad situation. I see her death, if she is dead, as being very similar to Charlie’s. It will probably amount to a noble sacrifice for the betterment of the group. Only time will tell for sure, though. I’m still holding out hope that she’ll be back in some living capacity.
  • Jacob: Another death that I don’t quite buy is Jacob’s. Are the writers really cruel enough to tease us with a character for three seasons and then kill him off in the same episode in which they finally reveal him? I think they are, but I hope that his burning corpse doesn’t mark the end of Jacob on Lost. After all, it’s become clear that Jacob has some serious power, are we really supposed to believe that Ben and a knife can kill him so easily?

What are your thoughts on the major deaths of this season?

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Columns | General | Lost | TV Shows |

6 Responses to “Lost in Lost – A look back at the deaths in season five”

June 8, 2009 at 3:42 PM

As I first brought up the notion that the bomb didn’t go off, Juliet could still be alive. However, the immense electro-magnetic force which was pulling the equipment into the hole where she was could have caused her death (the fact that Elizabeth Mitchell is starring in the “V” reboot doesn’t bode well for Juliet’s return in a regular capacity). If the bomb did indeed go off and reset everything, then Juliet is alive and back on the other side of the island but she probably won’t be a part of the story. They have said Juliet will make appearances but won’t be a regular, so we’ll see if that holds true. But I will miss her!

June 8, 2009 at 4:38 PM

Charlotte’s death disappointed me a little. Faraday’s grief aside, I just didn’t think it had the impact on me as a viewer it should have had since we didn’t really get to know her all that well before it happened.

Faraday’s death I was content with. Sorry as I was to see him go, I also thought we got a good episode out of it.

While I’m not sure about calling post-mortem on Juliet yet (yeah, I know about Mitchell getting cast in “V”), I will say that those were some great final moments and I’m interested to see what impact it’ll have on Sawyer in the coming season (if those were indeed her final moments).

I’m still skeptical that Jacob is really dead and gone.

No mention of Locke? Though we spent much of the season believing he came back to life, it seems like that death scene we saw in “The Life in Death of Jeremy Bentham” may have been permanent death for the real Locke. I wonder what that will mean for O’Quinn next season (or will he just go on playing anti-Jacob).

June 8, 2009 at 6:34 PM

I toyed with the idea of including Locke, but in my mind, he really died in season 4. At that point we didn’t know that he was going to come back to life… or not, as it were.

I also considered adding some speculation about Sayid. Afterall, he looked to be in pretty dire shape. I would say his living isn’t exactly a sure thing. That being said, if he did die, I would be shocked.

June 8, 2009 at 5:39 PM

Charlotte’s death reminded me of Libby’s death. They set up this character finding polar bear remains with Dharma tags. Hmm what could she have been doing during those times I can’t wait for her flashback so we can kno…. and she’s dead.

Just like Libby’s: She was in the mental hospital with Hurley and now she seems to be crushing on him. Hmm I wonder if sh… and she’s dead.

June 8, 2009 at 8:53 PM

yeah, i also have a hard time thinking that Jacob is really dead. maybe in the mortal sense, but he’s some kind of demi-god and looked all too willing (or knowing) when ben was going to give him the knife.
the big question… what’s ‘not-locke’ gonna do now??

June 9, 2009 at 3:40 PM

Locke died this season in “The Life and Death of Jeremy Bentham”. The title spells it out, and they reaffirmed it twice, once when Ben said, “Locke is dead. You don’t get to come back from that.” then again in the finale when his corpse came rolling out of the metal crate. The confusion comes because he’s the first Lostie that we know definitively has a doppelganger walking around as well.

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