CliqueClack TV

Casey’s the real geek on Greek

Greek casey_and_rustyThat’s right. From ZBZ president to nerd in residence. Queen of the ball to dork at the mall … you catch my drift.

Why? Because, somehow, despite the maturity that being a senior in college would suggest, Casey is unable to spend time by herself. No, I don’t mean she doesn’t enjoy it; I appreciate that solitude isn’t for everyone. I’m saying that she’s incapable of sitting home alone on a Friday night. To me, that’s rather pathetic.

And even moreso because that was essentially her entire plotline last night. Is that what Greek‘s come to? What’s next? Ashleigh anxiety eating over tuition hikes? Sure, Casey’s “sad” that Max is away, but for an entire episode to be about her isolation phobia? I did like how present Casey and Rusty assumed one another’s roles in their sibling relationship, but wake me when the writers come up with something interesting for Grammer.

Um, what else?

No Clark Duke again (I guess three consecutive weeks was too much), but also no Rebecca, and no Frannie. So that’s sort of even. Oh! The close quarters at that fancy restaurant that Rusty and Jordan ran into Casey-as-third-wheel at, actually reminded me of an anniversary celebration that my wife and I had while we were dating. We went to a little Japanese restaurant in New York, one we frequented often, and one known to have a wait out the door. As a result of popularity and Manhattan real estate prices, one table was parked right next to the other. Suffice it to say that we spent a romantic night out with two guys who were trying to conduct a little business over their dinner. On the plus side, they did buy us wine and leave our tip as an anniversary present!

On an unrelated note, the Amphora Society made its return after a week’s hiatus with purge night. While I thoroughly enjoyed Alice’s (anyone know the actress?) animal serial killer share, why cut out before Cappie and Evan had the chance to go? Sure, we could all pretty much guess at what’s eating Evan, but what makes Cappie tick? What could possibly be lurking behind his widely-known depravity that he was hesitant to divulge in front of Evan? And what part of “my life or my family” was Evan nervous about Cappie learning? Not everything on Greek needs to be of the snappy, fun variety; why not try delving a little deeper into some of the permanent cast’s true selves?

Grant (Gregory Michael), the other homosexual Omega Kai, was Greek‘s latest foray into the as yet unknown character who will have a significant impact on one of our favorite characters, in this case Calvin. Aren’t there enough guys in the house that we’ve already met to potentially fill the quota? I really hate when shows abruptly introduce a new path that seemingly should have existed already, like Amphora weeks ago, or a brother who Calvin apparently knows well this time around. Not to mention the fact that hooking up with his roommate is about the dumbest thing that the writers could have Calvin do. Have they really lost his way so badly from the first few seasons?

What the writers did manage to find again were some quotable lines. I’ll leave you with two:

Rusty, to Calvin, when the former was offering the latter a place to spend the night: “Dale’s at a barn-raising this weekend, trying to convert some Amish people.”

Cappie, to Rusty, on his social life in high school, after confusing Joan of Arcadia with JAG: “God, I missed a lot of great television by having friends. It’s a shame.”

Photo Credit: ABC Family

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

5 Responses to “Casey’s the real geek on Greek”

June 2, 2009 at 5:11 PM

Have they really lost his way so badly from the first few seasons?

It’s only the second season. :) Season 3 starts August 28th I think.

Nothing else to say… the show was blah and boring.

June 2, 2009 at 5:28 PM

Always nitpicking. :)

Okay, let’s say they’ve lost Calvin’s way since the first few installments.

June 2, 2009 at 10:07 PM

Yeah Calvin was an awesome gay guy, and now it’s just sex and sex and sex. Sure they are both fine looking guys, but there is more to these characters than sex!

Only a few more episodes left in this horrible season.

June 4, 2009 at 11:22 PM

Actually i like this episode better than the last : the sibling bonding between Casey and Rusty is cool (but miss cartwright no be able to spend one night alone is dumb, she is a grown-up please !)
Evan/Cappie was cool (i love these characters and the dynamic between the actors) and Alice was a funny female character (it’s rare in this show), i would like to see her again !
But but….i miss seriously Dale (aka Clark Duke genius comic delivery) !!!

June 7, 2009 at 1:43 AM

I think the sibling bonding was done really well prior to this season. Now it just feels as if the writers are groping in the dark. Casey’s drama is pathetic!

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