CliqueClack TV

Lost in Lost – Juliet is the variable


I was talking with my brother this weekend at a family cookout and we inevitably got to discussing the Lost finale. He’s almost as obsessed with the show as I am. The focus of our conversation was on the big question that came out of the finale: where the hell is this show going? With the way they ended this season (the big bang)  the show could go in so many directions. The crux of the matter really comes down, however, to whether or not Juliet was successful in changing the future. Here is where I begin to blatantly steal all of my brother’s ideas.

My brother is convinced that the future was changed when Juliet blew up the nuke. His argument is that Juliet is the human variable that Daniel was going on about before his mom shot him in a cruel twist of fate. Daniel indicated that all his previous beliefs (whatever happened, happened) didn’t take into account the variable effect that a human can have on the outcome of things. Juliet seems to be a variable in all the actions on the island. If you recall, it was Ben that brought her to the island, not Jacob. With all the flashbacks of the various characters that we saw during the finale, Juliet’s was the only one that did not feature a visit from Jacob. This couldn’t just be coincidence, right?

Perhaps Juliet was never “fated” to be on the island like the rest of the characters that we have met along the way. Because of this, maybe she was able to affect the outcome of things and change the future. Through doing this, she may have begun the series of events that will break the cycle that Jacob and his enemy had discussed before the Black Rock crashed on the island.

With all that being said, I still have no idea what this show is going to look like next season. If my brother is right and Juliet did change the future, does that mean Oceanic 815 never landed on the island? I just can’t believe that that is the truth. All the work and intricate plotting that we saw from Jacob’s enemy (and the show’s writers) would be for nothing. I just can’t bring myself to believe that would be the case. I’m very curious to see how they are going to marry the story of the nuke going off and the events that we saw on the island with Jacob and “Locke.” For that, however, I’m going to have to wait eight months. Awesome.

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Columns | General | Lost | TV Shows |

8 Responses to “Lost in Lost – Juliet is the variable”

May 25, 2009 at 6:17 PM

How about this – you’re just assuming the nuke went off simply because the screen went to white that last time Juliet hit it. Could have just been a big psyche out. Maybe that was the electromagnetic force being released at that moment rendering the bomb useless. If the bomb went off and put things back the way they were before Oceanic crashed, then where could the show possibly go for 16 more episodes if none of these people had ever met or lived together on the island?

May 25, 2009 at 6:47 PM

Oh man, that would cruel and unusual, even for these writers, but I never discount anything. It’s an interesting thought, for sure.

I agree though, I just don’t know how they will deal with a changed future with only one shortened season left.

May 26, 2009 at 6:30 AM

Yeah why should the bomb have gone off? I think Chuck is right. “Fade to white” has been a simple jump in time for a half a dozen times in Season Five and when Ben moved the wheel before that – so why not now? I mean they drilled into the cavern and most likely un-hinged the axle and then the jump came. Most likely they will jump again in time, Juliet will die and they’ll have to deal with the latin speaking guys from the shadow of the statue in the last 16 episodes.

May 25, 2009 at 8:27 PM

She did change her mind twice with practically no explanation adding more weight to her “variableness”. Juliet really could have decided either way, set off the bomb or not set it off and it would have happened her way.

May 25, 2009 at 11:27 PM

Sounds plausible. I recall thinking it must be significant that Jacob did not appear to her too.

May 26, 2009 at 2:16 AM

I think we are all overthinknigit and most likely she played the role to get everyone to the island in the first place.

The thing I don’t get is Ricard said he saw all of them die in the 70s, but he wasn’t around from what we know.

May 27, 2009 at 7:21 AM

My personal theory: It’s all a loop. The people on the island think they are changing the future, but in fact the same thing will just happen over and over again and there is nothing they can do about it. So in the “next” 2005, or whatever year the plane crashed, they will all land on the island again, go through the same thing AGAIN and try to change the future.

But the Juliet variable thing sounds plausible too. I just don’t want the show to end with all of them landing in L.A. It would just be too boring, in my opinion.

May 28, 2009 at 6:52 PM

Ok… but what if this is exactly what Jacob wanted/intened to happen? Perhaps creating/recreating the “ioncident” was Jacob’s countermove to “other guy on beach”‘s loophole that allowed him to kill Jacob.

Jacob set all of the pieces in motion for the characters to hit the figurative “reset button”.

Just food for thought.

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