CliqueClack TV

Harper’s Island – And that is how you murder someone

Harper's Island


The murder in this episode — well, technically the episode previous to this one — made up for the extremely lame one from a few weeks back. And can you say gruesome? I have to admit, I was pretty surprised that Tom Wellington bit it so early, as I thought for sure he’d have more hand in the nasty goings-on in this show. Points to the killer for patience and ingenuity for sure.

Finally dead bodies are being discovered all over the place, and we can get down to some business with this mystery. We’ve also seen some mention of where people thought Lucy was all this time, so it’s only a matter of time before we see her crispy corpse make an appearance. With everyone on edge and looking over shoulders, it’s going to be interesting how the rest of the murders will be going down.

As for who the killer is, I’m still going with Jimmy, though I admit that all the talk about Wakefield not being dead is tossing that theory out of whack a bit. Though J.D. and the burn-scarred man are certainly suspicious, I don’t buy that they’re involved in any of this.


At least this week was fun to watch, because the last two episodes were really boring. The dumb people are finally catching on to the “something wicked this way comes” stuff happening on the island. I fully admit, the plot has become so contrived that I trust no one and have no idea who did it; everyone is suspicious. But there are some clues we’ve been given:

  • Cal’s evil look after he told Chloe he’d propose someday… was it just nerves? Are they starting to shed some light on Cal as the evildoer?
  • I’m just not trusting the Sheriff completely. Every time he says he’s told the whole truth, I feel like we find out something else. We’re going to find out that the body Henry and Abby dug up is not Wakefield, that’s a predictable given.
  • J.D.’s association with the burned guy… things that make you go hmmm.
  • No Jimmy in this episode at all… is this to make us forget about him as a suspect?
  • Richard’s been outed as a cheating scumbag with no alibi… oh, and murdered. Starting to make me wonder if it’s possible for a woman to be behind all the murders.

What clues are standing out for you right now?

Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “Harper’s Island – And that is how you murder someone”

May 25, 2009 at 9:30 PM

I have decided to just watch and let the show unfold the mystery for me. I thought it would be more of a who done it with clues to help us, but if there are many-I am missing most of them.

Still enjoy the show, but can’t believe there are still 7 weeks left. Looking forward to seeing how it unfolds now that bodies are turning up.

June 2, 2009 at 12:57 AM

I am also at a loss when it comes to any obvious clues. But what I am coming away with, is that this killer is very angry about either the wedding itself, or something else and is using the Wakefield murders as a template for their own revenge.

Booth not dying by the hand of the killer bothers me. The subplot seems unnecessary, so I cannot believe it is not related to the plot in someway.

It has also occurred to me that it could be two people working together. Maybe a man and a woman. But no woman is pulling all of this off alone.

Trish’s ex that was killed in the boat bugs me too. Because why on earth would anyone be angry with him except for Henry? I honestly am beginning to think that Henry could be the killer. I thought about Jimmy too, but he doesn’t seem smart enough to pull this off. Jimmy and Henry could be working together…whoever it is, the identity has to be the biggest shock to the main character of Abby, plotwise.

One more thing that I noticed in last week’s episode, that might not mean anything at all: to me, Malcolm is the only one that’s been killed in a way that doesn’t have the ‘set trap’ feeling. It looks as if the killer just wailed on him instead of setting him up to be killed, like the others. That money, I believe was Uncle Marty’s. So how did it get on Trish’s ex’s boat? And was Malcolm killed because he took it?

The show doesn’t seem to be offering anything in the way of clues. But I did see a online article with the exec producer of the show. He said, ‘don’t assume you’ve already met the killer’. I don’t know what to make of that!

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