CliqueClack TV

American Idol – 100,000,000 votes just weren’t enough


Idol Finale

Kris Allen: American Idol.

Get used to it, folks. It’s a fact. Thing is, we’ll probably be used to it before Kris is. “I don’t even know what to feel right now. This is crazy,” Kris mumbled to Ryan Seacrest as he leaned against the host of the show for support at the end of the finale.

And you have to hand it to Adam Lambert. He was gentlemanly, he was supportive, he was accommodating. But then, he has been throughout the entire season, hasn’t he? That’s always been Adam’s greatest asset. With almost 100,000,000 votes cast (that’s almost one hundred million votes, folks), it still wasn’t enough to garner what Adam needed to win the whole enchilada. But that’s all right. Don’t worry – Adam will be just fine. I mean, everyone wants to work with him, y’know? And after the Glambert and KISS-capades in the midst of the show, who wouldn’t want to?

Look … I have nothing against the guy. He just wasn’t my cup of tea, s’all. And anything further I say about him is just going to get turned against me, feeding into the “hater” reputation I’ve somehow developed, anywho. (Nothing could be farther from the truth.) So let’s just let bygones be bygones, shall we? Hey … least the dude didn’t have to yelp Kara’s “No Boundaries” again, knowwhuttamean? See? There’s justice in his loss after all.

And yes, there was a 2-hour show attached to this Idol finale. Among some of the “finale fun”? Well …

Of the duets and gang performances: Lil Rounds and Queen Latifah mixed it up like oil and water. Kris Allen and Keith Urban sang a rendition of “Kiss A Girl” that about had me sawing zees half-way through the performance.

Let’s see … I still don’t understand what anyone sees in the Black Eyed Peas – especially after the performance of their latest single. Danny “The Gokester” Gokey and Lionel Ritchie? Bravo. Brahv – freakin’ – Oh. Smashing stuff, Gokester. (There was even a cool little sly smile on Danny’s face at one point during their duet, a “What the hell am I doing on stage with Lionel Ritchie?” kinda look. Spiffy.) Allison “Red” Iraheta and Cyndi Lauper – a more than decent duet. (Though, Cyndi, seriously: not the most elegant instrument to be performing with all spread-eagle like that, y’know?) And, of course, Adam and KISS. The perfect pairing. The. Perfect. Pairing.

Best for me was the Steve Martin / Michael Sarver / Megan Joy folk tune “Pretty Flowers.” You bet I’m out the door and headed to my local Best Buy to pick up Steve’s latest disc. (Yes, I’m dead serious about that.)

Best of the night for the attending celebrities, however, had to be Rod Stewart. His “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” was outstanding. Given: the dude’s sung it twenty thousand times and he kept terrific tempo … but was Rod-o drunk? And, if so, just how drunk was he? He tripped coming down the stairs … he stumbled on one of the floor lights on stage … he was a dancin’ fool during his performance. He was a clappin’ fool. He was a plaid jacket wearin’ fool. He was a “Let’s do a jig!” fool. “Thank you kindly” were his final words at the end. This was classic stuff. Sorry if you missed it.

And last of the fun was our own Kara DioGuardi, showing off her snaredrum-taut stomach. This had to be the only time I’ve ever liked her the entire season. And not for the fact she stripped. But for the fact that she had the guts to do so.

Hhhmmmmmmmm. Kris Allen – American Idol. Imagine that. Guess I was right after all; Adam Lambert didn’t win….

Photo Credit: FOX

8 Responses to “American Idol – 100,000,000 votes just weren’t enough”

May 21, 2009 at 12:27 PM

Loved the write up/recap…as usual your prolific writing cracks me up. I was a little taken back with all the guest performances, a good show indeed. Rod is beginning to look a little like Barry Manilow…they could possibly be related. Lionel has still got it…Kiss has still got it…Cyndi has still got it, but the leg spread was a little too much.

Yes, you were right Adam didn’t win; however, I never agreed or disagreed with you on that one because I saw what happened at the Kentucky Derby. Next time, just come over and put…wanna see me gloat!! LOL

May 21, 2009 at 1:01 PM

I actually thought Rod Stewart is starting to look like Barbara Walters

May 21, 2009 at 1:24 PM

In a world that’s going crazy it was darn good to see some excellent entertainment and a ‘feel good’ evening! All I can say about the guest list is WOW….. except for Black Eyed Peas and there I said ‘huh?’ But I’m old. *not quite as old as the Queen and Kiss guys but old non the less* Those guys still got it and they BLEW me away! A-flippin’-mazing!
Adam will do well to follow their lead with a fantastic band and we’ll be seeing him for the next 30 years too.

With you 100% with the ‘Pretty Flowers/SteveMartin/Michael&Meganthing’ and will be hot footing it to buy the CD too. (dead serious as well)

Kara’s moxie won me over as well….. That was great fun.

Cindy Lauper, Lional Richie, Santana, Rod Stewart, Queen L., Fergie *my husband suggested she could snap necks with those thighs* Norman Gentle and Tatiana???? How the hell could the night have been any better? Loved it, loved the outcome and glad that Adam will be on his own and not dictated to. Both guys were winners last night. And so were the rest of the kids! *Danny? No, I’m not really singing with Lionel Richie? Yes, you were, Dude and you earned it….!* They all earned it.

May 21, 2009 at 3:09 PM

Most of the show got a big ol’ HUH? from me. I knew Adam wasn’t going to take the title when the top 3 were named. If Kris went packing rather than Danny, Kris supporters would have rallied around Danny … Now, had it been Allison, Kris and Adam in the top 3 and Kris went home so it left an Adam/Allison finale?

But none of that matters. I’ll be buying Adam’s cd when it’s released. I didn’t buy David Cook’s cd nor David Archuletta’s… now, Michael Johns is releasing his solo album in June. I’ll be getting that one :)

And Rupe, that Steve Martin cd is a humdinger. I dig it.

May 21, 2009 at 5:27 PM

Rod Stewart sang “Maggie May.”

May 21, 2009 at 8:02 PM

Nice catch, MarcDom7! I am not immune from making mistakes and I stand corrected.

The intro song by the Idols prior to Rod-O’s appearance was “Do Ya Think I’m Sexy” …..

………….. Michael

May 21, 2009 at 8:49 PM

Did I hear a NarNeeNewNeeNeerNew after your last line above? I was pretty excited with the outcome. Not that I wasn’t entertained by Adam. I just take such pleasure in unpredictability.

My favorite part of the night was Cyndi and Allison. And the instrument and it’s position?….come on Michael…we’re talk’n Cyndi Lauper.

Some stuff you liked, I didn’t like and vice versa. I loved the Gokester’s duet. I couldn’t get over how great Lionel Richie looked. These guys and gals from my generation usually look like they just stepped out of the local wax museum. Speaking of which…is there anytime that Rod is un-drunk?

And in the end Adam goes where he wants and Kris gets the guidance he needs. I’d call it a win win.

PS Michael Nobel…Who will you review now that the season has concluded? Michael fans want to know. Later, Lo

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