CliqueClack TV

90210 – Annie’s little bump in the road


Okay, weren’t the last 5 minutes or so of 90210‘s season finale pretty hilarious? Actually, the whole episode kind of was, what with the Wilsons getting accidentally high and Adrianna’s fever dream involving Brenda and a dragon. But the last 5, Carrie-esque minutes with Annie? Priceless.

The entire 90210 finale was filled with boring, yet random strife: Liam has been acting nice to Naomi for a good five minutes or so, so naturally he has to go sleep with her sister. Ethan has already discarded Naomi, Annie, and even little Julie Taylor, so Silver really is the only one he has left to go after (personally though, I was rooting for a Nate Archibald-type play for Kelly Taylor). Ryan has completely disappeared, leaving Kelly no choice but to suddenly and inexplicably develop a crush on Harry.

All of this though was merely filler leading up to the piece de resistance: the booze-fueled hit-and-run. Of course, since we need to have some sort of cliffhanger, we don’t see the victim — but I’m pretty sure I know who it is.

Look; I’m no TV psychic (even though I did totally go on record and say that Kris was going to win American Idol), so the only reason I’m so certain I know who that bump in the road is, is because it’s fairly obvious: Annie totally killed Ethan.

There has been talk for months that Dustin Milligan (Ethan) had outlived his usefulness on 90210, and that he would be leaving. However, during the finale they didn’t really spend a whole lot of time wrapping up his storylines. In fact, they were starting more. Not only did he make it clear that he’s kind of in love with Silver, but Silver may be at least sort of reciprocating his feelings (kind of an awkward position for a girl with a giant “Dixon” tattoo above her hoo-ha to be in, but such is high school life), and they totally make out at the after-prom party.

So what gives? Is Ethan actually going to be back next season? I’m still saying no — because he’s lying in the middle of the road, dead. Giving Ethan the whole storyline with Silver and Dixon will only serve to make the death more horrifying, giving the remaining characters more interesting issues to deal with than if Ethan had just died while being a beloved lacrosse player. Dixon is going to have to deal with the fact that their fight drove Ethan out of the party, while Silver is going to have to deal with the fact that she kissed the dude right before he died.

Killing Ethan also completes Annie’s transformation from nice girl from Kansas to bitch on wheels, but I have a feeling the show is going to screw it up. What needs to happen is Annie needs to lose everything and have a complete meltdown. What will happen is somehow everything will work out, and after the appropriate time of stern looks from her father and scrunchy-faced crying, she’ll be back at West Beverly trying out for her next musical. Because only in Beverly Hills can you grab a bottle of vodka and mow down your ex-boyfriend in your hybrid with a witness (Miss Taylor?) and still graduate on time. Oh, lack of consequences. How I love your many, many television appearances.

Photo Credit: CW

Categories: | 90210 | Clack | Episode Reviews | General |

12 Responses to “90210 – Annie’s little bump in the road”

May 21, 2009 at 5:24 PM

I’m with you. The actual hit and the aftermath was filmed so poorly that my wife didn’t even catch what the hell was happening.

May 22, 2009 at 3:47 AM

I just find it hard to believe that Milligan is leaving for creative reasons. Granted, his character started off about archetypical (did I just make up a word, or just misspell it miserably), but I like where the last part of the season has taken him. I’m not saying the “finding oneself” storyline hasn’t been overdone too, but not enough to merit his release. I’m much more interested in what happened to him in this episode than I am Annie.

May 24, 2009 at 9:01 AM

I actually think it was Liam whom Annie knocked down, he had a reason to be there, for all we know his step-father could have thrown him out there, in the middle of nowhere to frighten him and bam Annie comes along and mows him down.

May 25, 2009 at 2:02 AM

But Liam wasn’t being thrown out. He was being forced into military school.

May 26, 2009 at 11:16 AM

I can’t se how she killed anyone to be honest. She’d have to do jail time! I think it was liam as well, or possibly ty.

Ethan is going to be in some episodes next season, so he’s not dead.

May 27, 2009 at 9:58 AM

Ethan – apparently has some episodes next season, hes alive
Ty – Just left the hospital, could be him
Liam – is going to be a regular next season, hes alive
Dixon – could be him

May 27, 2009 at 11:46 PM

i think your ideas are great! but my opinion is that it was Dixon who she hit, because he wasn’t any where to be seen in the last 10 minutes of the show. Liam is most likely to come back from military school, and Ethan has to return because he and silver have unfinished business. Annie probably will get away with the hit… but be rebellious, and haunted with the fact she hit her brother. Naomi will rule the school once more and find out bout her sister once Liam returns, and Annie and her will once more be friends… but for her sister, she will be hated forever.

May 28, 2009 at 12:28 AM

I definitely agree with steve, because the only legitimate reason Annie could get away with a hit and run without ending up behind bars or in court the entire season (which could not happen) and CW not getting flack for simplifying the consequences of hit&runs is if she hit Dixon, since her parents wouldn’t charge her. Plus it couldn’t be completely random person because the people from the show have confirmed that it will greatly impact everyone.
Its been confirmed that the death is not Ethan, and once again as steve said there is the silver business to be finished before he leaves the show.
Also since Liam has been a confirmed regular for next season he will have to get out of the whole military school thing… maybe naomi will help with that since he hadn’t hung up yet while leaving that voicemail and she would hear him being practically kidnapped.
And well Annie will get to go be crazy depressed annie and be the third member on the show that needs therapy.

May 28, 2009 at 2:18 PM

So do we think Dixon is DEAD? If it is Dixon she hit….Ariana’s thoughts make sense and I can see the CW going this way.

June 7, 2009 at 10:51 PM

I completely believe with steve and ariana! i mean, since they producers know that everyone knows ethans leaving next season, they wouldn’t use that as the way to get rid of him! and it’s probably dixon like ariana said, because the CW won’t let them show a different example. anyways, i hope at the same time i am wrong because dixon is like my favorite charater in the show!

June 19, 2009 at 2:27 PM

OMG!!! He cannot b ded i love dixon. :(
But if liam is leavin 2 go 2 military camp :(
and dixons ded :(
…and ethan is barely gonjna b in it :(
the only mane character is really navid :(
plese dnt say there all levin :(
so theres a gd point proved lol :(

August 10, 2009 at 5:14 PM

Are you people stupid? Annie leaves when it is dark. She hits something in broad daylight. Silver and Ethan were still making out at the party. Dixon wasn’t seen leaving and why would he leave walking?

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