CliqueClack TV

American Idol: Giving good show

wagt_american_idolGlambert vs. Kute Kris. The Showdown. The second to last American Idol episode everyone would be watching … waiting to hear what they would sing … how they would interpret the songs … who would get the kudos.

Out of the gate came a shakey Adam, very vampiric and oh, so black and gloomy. “All around me are familiar faces … worn out spaces … worn out places …” swooned Adam in his opening song, a redux of his earlier “Mad World.” “I went to school and I was very nervous … no one knew me, no one knew me …” We all know you, Adam. You’re ingrained into our memories. And trust us: it’s a mad world indeed.

Maybe Kris followed up with “Ain’t No Sunshine” because Adam came out all dark and dreary to begin with. But, by the second verse, there went Kris, putting his stamp on a timeless standard and winning the Round #1.

For Round #2, is there any doubt that “Change Is Gonna Come?” Oh, yeah. It’s like the tide is coming in, Adam. It’s a perfect storm. But don’t worry:  no matter how bluesy the backing guitar (as it was last eve), it’s never going to drown out your frantic, signature screech. That’s yours … all yours.

But, frantic as Adam’s second round was, it out shown Kris’s “What’s Goin’ On” in several ways. Ultimately, however, Kris’s song was what it was. It didn’t compliment Adam’s half of the round in the least; it wasn’t meant to. What it was meant to do was leave a mark, and it left a superb one, one that was all together different than Adam’s. And the judges? They were talkin’ out their backsides.  I gave Round #2 to Kris. By a hair.

Lastly, “No Boundaries” — the co-written by our own Kara DioGuardi. (Side Note: What a goofy bridge that song had.) Yet, Adam restrained himself in the singing of it. Wonders … they never cease.

And then some of the “Huh?” moments kicked in. From Kara: “It is amazing when someone with your level of talent sings a song that we’ve written.” What?!? I could sing that song and I’d do it in scads of terribleness … but that wouldn’t be any less amazing than “a talent” signing it, would it Kara? So, the question is: What in the world are you talking about?

But wait … there’s more.  This one from Paula Abdul: “Adam … I … we’re … adjectives can’t express what you brought to this show …” Now Pauler … what are you going on about? If not adjectives (and, more correctly, adverbs), what do you intend to use to express what Adam brought to the show? Donuts? That Pauler – she never disappoints, does she?

I had to give that final round to Kris.  Even with the couple of pitch glitches he committed, Kris did a superior job in comparison to Adam’s performance of “No Boundaries” … and despite the judges’ seeming dismissal of him before the finale airs. What’s up with that, Randy? Kara? Pauler? Simon? Never before on a season of American Idol have I seen the judges give the cold shoulder to a contestant at the end of a finale as they did to Kris. That was an eyebrow raiser.

And so it comes to this. Ultimately, the proof won’t be in the pudding, it’ll be in the voting. Good thing the majority of those votes are going to Kris. Thanks for giving us a good show, boys. See you both tonight …..

Photo Credit: Fox

6 Responses to “American Idol: Giving good show”

May 20, 2009 at 2:19 PM

What a shock EVERY round went to Kris from someone who just spends EVERY week bashing Adam. You are like the Fox news of AI, you don’t even try to hide your hatred of the other side.

May 20, 2009 at 3:02 PM

Hey, that’s your opinion but here’s mine. I think the judges are wrong in the way they treat Kris, that we can agree on. However, Kris won nothing last night except the first round. Kara’s song was awful, just plain awful but I do believe Adam did a better job than Kris. You could actually see Kris straining to reach the notes while Adam did it effortlessly.
I have no idea who will win tonight and neither do you so…we’ll just have to wait and see.

Have a good day UG :)

May 20, 2009 at 3:47 PM

Oreo needs a chill pill. Hate is a little harsh, don’t you think?…. hmmm? I haven’t seen any hate in your blogs, Dude. Just some well deserved good fun at the expense of a screamer. It’s hard not to take a jab at a screamer.

ANYHOO! ‘nough of that…..

Loved the show….. love your take on it and hated Kara’s song. Paula was a little more tongue tied than usual but what the heck would we do without her? Kris was a bit written off by the judges but honestly they weren’t as mean as I thought they were going to be.

If you still have access to the show….. or go to the tube place and watch Adam’s ‘Change is Gonna come’….. I swear the last 20 seconds of the song I thought I was watching a Liza Minelli impersonator…… NO FLIPPIN’ KIDDING! I said as much to my husband and he got the giggles. My husband NEVER gets the giggles. I’m thrilled because sometimes I worry that he doesn’t see how funny I am……

May the best man *who doesn’t wear make-up* win!

May 20, 2009 at 3:56 PM

“You are like the Fox new of AI….” **snicker snicker**I forgot all you wrote and everything I was gonna say after reading that!

Me liked Count Dracula!

Hey, UG, you have family from Tempe, AZ?

May 20, 2009 at 5:28 PM

Fox News Rocks!! Unless, you are kool-aid drinkin’ PMSNBC fan. *shudderin at the thought* You don’t have to agree with me, Fox’s ratings speaks for itself.

Awesome take on last nights show. I didn’t care for Kara’s song and I pray we wont have to hear it again. I realize we will but I can still hope..LOL The song wasn’t good for either Adam or Kris. I agree with you that Kris took the first round, hands down! I actually thought Adam was doing great at the beginning of “Change is going to come” but then he had to start that screaming-mimi crap again. I hit the mute button until it over.

Not sure who will be the winner tonight. To be completely honest, not sure I really care. However, I wish them both the best and much success.

Here’s to the results night. Sure hope it’s a great show.

May 21, 2009 at 3:48 AM

Dumb ass he didn’t scream like at all. Thats what you call a master at work. He was hitting high notes that you tone deaf assholes don’t know nothing about but yet you are making Adam more popular. Let me explain it to you the more you hate on him the more recognition he gets dumbasses. So thank you for making Adam the number one story in America the most popular artist in the world. Thank you really. Clueless losers who knows nothing about music.

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