CliqueClack TV

FOX lays a giant goose egg


FOX Animation DominationI know that, for some of you, the announcement on Monday of FOX’s 2009-2010 TV schedule was a hallelujah moment. Whether you were happy about the consistency of the scheduling through the spring, or the shows that did (or didn’t) make the cut, many people cheered when FOX shared what it has planned for us this fall and beyond.

I, however, did not share in the excitement. I read through the schedule, and then looked again, slowly going from hour to hour, day to day. I couldn’t believe it! Not a single thing piqued my interest until I hit Sunday night, where Animation Domination rules. In truth, I only semi-enjoy the offerings, but I’ve been diligently recording The Simpsons and Family Guy for so long now, that, not only do I plan to continue, I will also check out Seth MacFarlane‘s newest drunken experiment, The Cleveland Show.

And, yes, I have no predetermined opinion about the handful of new offerings from FOX, most of which are set to premiere in the spring, suckling at the teat that is American Idol. However, the shows that make up the majority of the lineup? From House on Monday’s at 8, to America’s Most Wanted on Saturdays at 9, each show, and each hour, gets a quick pass from me.

What do you care, right?

Okay, haters, I’ll grant that yours is a valid opinion. But here’s why it should matter: I watch a lot of TV. My tastes are broad, and I will usually try close to 60% of new fare, even alongside my already over-crowded weekly dose of television. So, when a major network releases its new schedule, its fair to assume that I’ll have at least a handful of favorites returning, alongside a healthy dose of new series to ponder.

So, whose failure is it when fifteen hours of scheduled, primetime television can only come up with three half-hour animated shows that are of interest to an eclectic viewer like me? Come on! For sure I’m not alone in avoiding crazy doctors, human lie-detectors, dancers, a forensic love saga, freaky scientists, Brad Garrett‘s ill-fated experiment, Joss Whedon‘s latest mind-tickler, and the true crime Saturday night lineup. Plus, who’s looking forward to a show about a glee club, and a sitcom involving Michael Strahan and his handicapped brother? What?

It’s been a long time since FOX has sparked my interest in anything, and of late I even dread American Idol for its lack of talent, and 24 for its lack of good (I have five hours of 24 stacked up on my TiVo box, and am dreading that marathon.) I have to go back a year to find anything that I loved tuning my television to FOX for, and that was doomed for many months before last May: Back to You. In truth, the only shows I’ve enjoyed from FOX in recent years have been new ones that didn’t make the cut, from K-Ville to Standoff, The Winner to Vanished, and Justice, too.

I suppose that my recent history with the network may lead to some enjoyment, with the myriad of new shows slated for the coming fall and spring, but it does nothing to address my shock at a major network offering me absolutely nothing that gets me excited.

Particularly amusing was how Peter Rice, Chairman of Entertainment at FOX, chose to open up the announcement of the schedule: “As the No.1 network for the last five years, FOX is the first place viewers go to connect with the stories and characters they love.”

Maybe if he’s in charge of punching up FOX’s comedy scripts, they have a chance of being high on laughs. But if Rice is their main source for reality programming … he’s got a lot to learn about what’s going on in the market today.

Photo Credit: FOX

17 Responses to “FOX lays a giant goose egg”

May 19, 2009 at 5:22 PM

The way you describe it:
“crazy doctors, human lie-detectors, dancers, a forensic love saga, freaky scientists, Brad Garrett’s ill-fated experiment, Joss Whedon’s latest mind-tickler, and the true crime Saturday night lineup”

Does that not sound like a varied schedule that has something for everyone? Sounds like you have something against FOX… probably deserved, but not reflecting the quality of their schedule.

May 20, 2009 at 2:23 PM

You’re making two disparate arguments: just because they have a broad offering doesn’t make it a quality one. I’m not arguing whether or not they have different things to offer different people; I’m saying that I have eclectic tastes, and yet somehow they have nothing that interests me. And it’s more than a little surprising.

May 19, 2009 at 5:31 PM

Sounds like you prefer irreverant, immature cartoons to mature dramas with a nice sprinkling of humor. I prefer my characters to have personality rather than just dirty jokes that make pubescent boys giggle. While I agree that not all shows FOX has are perfect for everyone, it does seem that FOX has tried hard to have something for everyone. Except for you of course. Oh well, can’t please them all.

May 20, 2009 at 2:25 PM

No, I’m not choosing the animated shows over anything else. All I’m saying is, of FOX’s lineup, it’s all that I watch, and I made the point of saying that I only semi-enjoy them. However, it’s easier to swallow 22 minutes of semi-enjoyable comedy than 44 minutes of horribleness.

Plus, I can certainly enjoy an animated sitcom while still loving something intense like Lost, as I do. What does one have to do with other?

May 20, 2009 at 1:58 PM

I agree and disagree with you. I think fox is just one step ahead of NBC with the mistakes they have made and are making with decisions to take off great dramas without giving them a chance, ie K-Ville, Standoff and Vanished, I loved them and was so disappointed they axed them. However, the cartoons? pleeeeze! Not worth mentioning. And so many nights of Idol-it’s for kids also. Fox can’t seem to decide if they’re for teens or for adults. Which market do they want? I love the dramas they have on now and hope they keep them on. At least they don’t have a barrage of reality!

May 20, 2009 at 2:28 PM

I hear you, but the animateds are good for light fare. Plus, my son laughs when he sees the cartoon characters running around in the theme song of The Simpsons!

FOX may not have a lot of reality programming, but still; 3 hours per week, when they only air 10 Monday through Friday? That’s a pretty large percentage.

May 20, 2009 at 2:08 PM

“The Winner”?!?

Glee. Please. And.. I mean… 24, House, Fringe, Dollhouse, Human Target… I mean… COME ON…

*throws his hands in the air and leaves the room*

(quiet, from a distance) I give up…

May 20, 2009 at 2:30 PM

I find it interesting that so many people love Rob Corddry, and yet no one watched that show.

Exactly! Come on! Give us something watchable! Wait a second and I’ll leave with you! ;)

May 20, 2009 at 5:49 PM

To be honest I don’t like him as much as I like his brother Nate. He was awesome on “Studio 60″ and The Daily Show. The Winner, to me, was a trainwreck. Just like Jason Jones on HIMYM. Some people from The Daily Show just don’t work on comedies. I liked Rob Riggles appearance on Gary Unmarried, that fit (don’t like “Gary” that much).

By the way did you catch my “Grand” pun last time when you called me on my “Really?!?” on “Community”? That was taken from “Rules of Engagement”. You know. “You’ll give me a thousand dollars to judge” :-)

The two episodes that aired this week were great. Somebody should write something about it again. You know. Somebody who’s not me ;-)

May 20, 2009 at 8:44 PM

I hate to admit it, but I’m actually about six to eight episodes behind on Rules of Engagement. Damn three shows of interest airing at the same time; it’s impossible to keep up with the VCR tapes, too.

May 20, 2009 at 7:50 PM

Sorry, dude. Glee saves the entire FOX lineup, and I have a great deal of hope for Human Target.

That being said, I think the entire Fall Schedule, of all of the Networks, leaves a lot to be desired.

May 20, 2009 at 8:46 PM

What’ll be with the new stuff, I can’t yet say. I haven’t watched Glee yet, though I can tell you that the premise does almost nothing for me.

I do, however, agree with you overall. Something’s wrong with the turn that network TV is taking.

May 21, 2009 at 9:15 AM

Oh trust me, the Glee premise didn’t do anything for me either – “Highschool Musical” written all over it.

I watched it because it’ll be the reason for Jane Lynch not to be on “Party Down” in its second season and I had to find out if “Glee” would fail or not and went in fully ready to turn it off once it started sucking but by… err… all means it’s so friggin awesome (wow this self-censoring is hard ^^;) – check it out, it’s on Hulu. And you better catch up on “Rules” or I’ll have to be angry with you ;-)

May 21, 2009 at 11:50 AM

It’s sitting on our DVR. We’ll get to it, though at this point I’m in no rush … it’s not on again until September!

May 21, 2009 at 9:16 AM

Hey same here Ivey. That’s _exactly_ what I thought. Let’s just hope “Human Target” won’t become the next “My Own Worst Enemy”

May 21, 2009 at 11:51 AM

Exactly my thought when I read the description.

May 21, 2009 at 10:29 PM

Just absolutely, disgustingly, awful

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