CliqueClack TV

And so begins Walter White’s hatred of women

Breaking Bad

Sunday night’s episode of Breaking Bad showed Walter White’s life take quite a few turns. He learns his previously inoperable cancer is now operable, he nearly (or possibly already did) miss out on a million-dollar deal with the blue stuff, misses out on the birth of his daughter and, quite possibly, has a wife who’s very close to cheating on him. Three out of those four are negatives, and they all have something in common: directly or indirectly, they involve women in Walt’s life.

Remember last week, when I asked the question of who could be in those body bags? I’m going to put my money on one of those bodies being Jane. She’s going to lean hard on Jesse to take charge in his and Walter’s operation, and we’ve already seen what the drugs have been doing to them both. Jesse’s reliance on drugs, now that he doesn’t have to pay for it and it’s readily and plentifully available to him, have brought him so many steps backward that it’s hard to watch.

Jesse’s no longer the young man we saw who started heading down the road toward responsibility. He’s completely vulnerable and has become a shell of a person who’ll become one of those scumbags he saw with the ATM machine a few episodes ago. Just a pitiful mess. And it’ll become a mess Walter will have to clean up.

If we’re going to see Skyler cheat on Walter, it won’t be for a while at least, I imagine. She’s giving birth now via C-section, so that’s going to be a bit of recovery there. So, maybe it’s just a kiss closely down the road for the two of them? Let’s put that aside for now and consider how Skyler reacted toward the shenanigans she discovered at her job. That’s a clear sign to us viewers that, once she finds out about what Walt’s up to, she’s not going to accept it one iota. What that means for her is going to be interesting to see. And I do assume she will find out what’s going on sooner or later.

What’s going to be interesting is what Walter does once he gets that load of crystal off his hands for all that money promised to him. What will give him the itch to stay in business longer than he originally anticipated? I’ll say this much: if Gus’s idea of being careful is allowing prospective clients meet him in a place he’s found frequently and easily, Walter needs to learn from someone else.

Photo Credit: AMC

One Response to “And so begins Walter White’s hatred of women”

May 22, 2009 at 5:35 PM

I just watched the episode… I don’t know, I don’t get your premise. Have you already seen next week’s episode? I don’t get anything you seem to get from this episode.

At the moment I can only assume that Walter will want to get rid of Jesse because he’s now up to Heroin. If my cop-out theory isn’t right and two random people are in the bodybags, I’d suggest Jesse and his girl will be in them because Walter would need to get rid of them if he’ll follow the advice of the big dealer from the Pollos.

But I don’t think that will happen. In true random weirdness fashion I still think that desperation will take over and Walt will need to do a big deal with people you can not possibly trust, kill them, and Jesse will redeem himself. Because he’s useless for the whole show structure if he keeps on shooting up. That can’t possibly happen. Maybe his girl is one of the victims in the bodybags just for the sake of getting rid of her – she dragged Jesse further down with her right now, I think she needs to go.

But again, I can’t see the hate for women anywhere in this episode, I just can’t.

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