CliqueClack TV

Things That Didn’t Suck This Week – Season finales


Since this column is dedicated to highlighting my favorite moments on television from the past week, why not bring it out of hiatus when everything is ending? Sounds like an awesome idea, right? In any case, this really was a great week in television. I found myself being blown away time and time again by season finales. Just Thursday night alone, with 30 Rock, The Office and Parks and Recreation could pretty much be a column onto itself. So let’s get started.

House is not okay on House

Maybe it’s because I missed the last couple of episodes leading up to the season finale, but wow. I did not see this ending coming. Sure, I thought it was a little weird that the love of a good woman was all it took to get House off of Vicodin, but what do I know about addiction? I pretty  much spent the last five minutes of this episode with my jaw on the floor.

(Sorry for the crappy video, but this is all I could find since Hulu doesn’t post House episodes until eight days after they air).

Rose and Bernard return on Lost

I’ve already written about how much this scene rocks my socks off, so all I will say now is this: Kudos to Darlton for giving such a satisfying wrap-up to the storyline of these two beloved characters. It was short; it was simple; it was lovely.

Leslie and Mark get down to business on Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation has gotten better every single episode. I’m really disappointed in the fact that this week’s was the season finale — I really want to see more of these people. I love the fact that Leslie is becoming more than a one-dimensional character, and I’m especially glad that the writers had her and Mark kiss so early on. The story between them definitely isn’t over, but at least it won’t be dragged out for years before anything happens.

Michael gains perspective on The Office

The evolution of Michael Scott is one of the things that the writers of The Office have done best. As funny as it is when he eats an entire pot pie and falls asleep at his desk for hours, it’s also nice to see him acting like an honest-to-goodness grownup. The way he handled his encounter with Holly, who quite honestly probably is his soul mate, was unbelievably mature and touching. I know Jim and Pam had the big news on this episode, but this was my favorite scene of all.

Rhett Miller guest stars on 30 Rock

Sure, there may have been more high-profile guest stars on the 30 Rock finale (Mary J. Blige and Sheryl Crow spring to mind), and he may not have had any actual lines, but I squealed with delight as soon as I saw Rhett Miller on the stage singing about kidneys (he’s the guy on the top left in the blue jacket). Miller is one of my favorite solo artists and is the lead singer of my very favorite band, Old 97s. This basically made my week.

Photo Credit: FOX

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