CliqueClack TV

My Name is Earl – Love it, or leave it?

Jason Lee My Name is EarlNot an easy question, my friends.

You know, we love to reminisce about the wonder that once was NBC’s Must See TV Thursday, but I don’t know if they ever gave us four consecutive comedy powerhouses in the eight to ten slot. To be honest, I think the issue is less about consistency, and more about how great the cornerstone shows are.

Not since 1987 have there been four great shows on, one after another: The Cosby Show, Family Ties, Cheers, and Night Court. The constant shuffling of the schedule has provided some cheers, and some jeers (1997’s Friends, Union Square, Seinfeld, and Veronica’s Closet was a bit of a stinker sandwich).

Like I said, it’s really an overall strength that makes or breaks the night. The Office? Not there yet on the audience side, but it can definitely stand amongst the greats as far as humor goes. 30 Rock I have some issues with, but I’ll concede to the fact that it rises far above the pack, although not to the top quite yet. The 8:30 slot is still falling on its face, and even with the renewal, Parks and Recreation is not long for the scrap yard. But, what about My Name is Earl?

Honestly, I’m not sure. I’ve been watching the show since the beginning, partially because I’m a huge fan of Jason Lee‘s. The conceit was like icing on the cake, and I loved to see just how bad a guy Earl had been, and how a crazy little thing called karma just spun him around. Ethan Suplee (Randy) is a talent as well, and I have fond memories of him from Boy Meets World and Remember the Titans, amongst other things.

There’s a large ensemble cast that makes up the rest of the Hickeys’ lives and town, some that I can take and some that I can leave. The truth is that they don’t really matter so much. Each one spins into focus for a different list item, and recedes into the background until needed. No harm, no foul.

Here, however, is the problem: the show has lost its focus. I don’t know what’s flying half the time now, and I don’t think the writers do either. To wit: “Our ‘Cops’ Is On!” in season two, was an awesome two-parter. “Our Other ‘Cops’ Is On!” season three, was so so. “Inside Probe,” this year, was just awful, and it’s clear that the writers are just phoning it in.

And then there are the list items. As varied as always, there’s just something about them of late that bore me. Maybe it’s the misdeed, maybe the cure, or maybe it’s just the quality of guest actor that’s tanked. Whatever it is, it’s just not working for me.

So, what to do? Should NBC cut it, or let it ride? Short order the new season, or put some faith in it? While I don’t have a crystal ball, I do have an opinion, one I’m sure you wish I’d just get to already: retool, and give it at least another full season pick-up.

First of all, ordering only a handful of episodes is detrimental to any show that’s enjoyed a modicum of success, because it makes everyone constantly nervous. It’s rare that a show can gain enough momentum under those circumstances, so all a network is doing is wasting money.

Second, there’s no point in throwing an older show out when you have other problems with your comedy lineup. 8:30 still stinks, and replacing My Name is Earl with something new now, when another new show will have to be slotted in at 8:30 come the winter, is just suicide for NBC’s 8:00-9:00 slot. It’s just not worth it, especially if all they have to offer is more garbage ala Parks and Recreation.

Now, had Greg Daniels heeded my open letter, this whole thing might not be a problem….

But I digress. What do you think; should My Name is Earl get another season to live?

Photo Credit: NBC

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8 Responses to “My Name is Earl – Love it, or leave it?”

May 15, 2009 at 4:18 AM

Earl is a great idea, with a great cast, but it’s just not funny.

May 16, 2009 at 11:34 PM

It’s a shame, but I agree. What a waste of a great opportunity.

May 16, 2009 at 1:23 AM

Ever since The Coma, the writers have been phoning it in. It seems like nobody making the show is having any fun any more.

May 16, 2009 at 11:26 PM

As long as “ever since” is inclusive, definitely agree!

May 16, 2009 at 3:14 AM

I kind of agree with Jenifer about the coma. I did like the whole prison jaunt in season three but the coma was lame. I have actually enjoyed this season except for that tornado episode, I don’t care if I ever see that one again.

What about the brief moment in time when it was Earl, Office, 30 Rock and Scrubs? That was a pretty good moment for NBC Thursday. It was at least important to note that it was four comedies that all fit well together stylistically. No laugh tracks, no living room being the main focus, no four camera. I remember thinking that it all felt right at that time. I also thought they had something with Andy Barker PI but I guess NBC didn’t think so.

Oh, and I will take P&R over Kath & Kim.

May 16, 2009 at 11:31 PM

I’ll take Parks and Recreation over Kath & Kim as well, but in a world when I can say neither (like my TV watching options), that’s my choice.

Scrubs is a show I’ve seen every episode of (syndication), but one I’ve never completely gotten into. I agree that the lineup you’re referencing was a good combo, but it was still weak. Earl was still good, but The Office was still finding its feet, 30 Rock was pre its brief nadir, and Scrubs was post its best years (or year. Whatever). A solid, but definitely not highly successful, two hours.

May 16, 2009 at 3:18 AM

@ Ayreh S: For syndication purposes wouldn’t it be wise to keep it going at least one or two more seasons? Isn’t that why shows like According to Jim still exist?

May 16, 2009 at 11:32 PM

Yes, although, it airs two episodes on TBS twice a week. I don’t understand how that works at this point, but whatever.

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