CliqueClack TV

Cuddy’s red dress – what’s it mean?

house-walks-awayThere is a lot to write and think about the Season Finale of House. I know some people who were livid, shocked, saddened, and disappointed. I was none of those things: I was fascinated and interested. I am also curious about what will happen next season. But I’d like to focus my remarks on the colors chosen in this episode (and last week’s).

What first springs to mind is the stark contrast in lighting between Wilson and House driving toward House’s fate and Cameron and Chase’s wedding. Presumably both events are transpiring at the same time, because Wilson is not at the wedding (and House, obviously, wouldn’t be). However, the wedding is sunny and beautiful, but there is a shadow cast over House and Wilson. A literal pall, as they ride together in silence. What is there to say?What particularly struck me, though, was Cuddy’s red dress at the wedding. Even though she is sad, holding her daughter close for comfort, she is also wearing a striking red dress. I think colors are chosen for a reason in books, movies, and television shows, so let’s unpack her outfits in general for a moment. We have clues (only in retrospect in my case) that House was hallucinating his affair with Cuddy. She was wearing a blue shirt when she was tending to House. Blue is cold, frigid, not sexual. This is not significant by itself, necessarily. However, it is in contrast with her dress in the rest of the episode.

Cuddy wears variations of red throughout the finale. She begins in a brick-color of red, with a high neckline. This is uncharacteristic of her usual bosom-revealing outfits. However, in the scene in which she and House have their final confrontation, she is wearing a low-necked red top and a black skirt. I think she was wardrobed in red to show the direct conflict between what she is saying to House and how she feels about him. Red represents sexuality, aggression, attraction. Red baboons indicate a readiness for sex. Red is a strong, power color, and I think Cuddy’s anger and attraction and heartbreak radiate from her in that scene. However, it wouldn’t have worked as well if she had worn, say, yellow.

In some ways, it would have been more appropriate for Cuddy to be wearing black at the wedding: That would have suggested mourning for House. However, the wedding wasn’t an evening event; it was held outdoors in the afternoon sunshine. And Cuddy wore red — again. She was wearing a vibrant color that indicates that she still has feelings for House, that she is open to their relationship (when he gets his act together), or perhaps, at the very least, that she has feelings for him. Blue would have meant, I believe, that it was over.

Maybe this is too much of my former English professor self coming out, but I think the colors were chosen purposefully. Did any of you notice the colors in this episode? Different thoughts?

Photo Credit: FOX

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | House | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “Cuddy’s red dress – what’s it mean?”

May 14, 2009 at 3:12 PM

She wasn’t wearing red during the poo interrupted meeting, and her high neck lined outfit didn’t look red to me at all. Regardless, I think you’re reading way too much into it.

May 14, 2009 at 5:46 PM

People read way too much into everything.

All I’m “mad” about is that House and Bones this year will most likely have the same huge fake out in each.

May 14, 2009 at 6:12 PM

I think that you are reading way, way too much into it. But if it meant anything, I think Cuddy wearing bright red at the wedding meant that she did decide to move on from House. Yes, she was sad about what is happening to him, but she did say they never can have a relationship, and the bright red dress comfirmed that she was starting a new phase in her life, not pining over a relationship that could never work.

May 15, 2009 at 6:05 AM

I noticed the red dress too but I think you came to the wrong overall conclusion.

In Houses hallucinations she was wearing dark colors. Once that was revealed the only scene she had was the wedding and there she was wearing bright colors, meaning the dull and depressing version of reality, even when something wonderful happens, is all in House’s head. That would be the symbolism if you ask me. It shows how depressed House really is I think and how close he has now come to suicide like Kutner, for his life doesn’t work for him anymore. It makes no sense. He’s unable to diagnose without fault and he imagined detoxing with the woman he loves – who didn’t come back, whom he didn’t apologize to. If he hadn’t checked in to the psych clinic at the end of the finale I think we’d now be guessing if he’ll off himself or not. A full pill bottle in his hands, a knife, a look in the mirror – that all would’ve done that perfectly. And the finale would’ve been much more dramatic.

But that’s just me. Still great article, you picked up on something I noticed too :-)

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