CliqueClack TV

90210 – I’m confused; is Annie supposed to be likeable?


I’ve been confused about Annie since the beginning. She started off as a nice, innocent, naive girl from Kansas, but over the course of the season, she’s become crazier and meaner. It would be interesting if this were a by-product of living in Beverly Hills, but it’s not being played like that. Annie Wilson hasn’t changed — this is just how she is: a bitch dressed up as a nice girl.

I’m not a fan of the Liam character; I find his whole “rebel without a cause” act trite and tiresome. But God bless him, he’s the only one who seems to see that Annie’s nice girl act is just that: an act. When she passed by Charlie in the hallway, the look of disdain she gave him was so cutting that it actually hurt me. The patronizing way with which she spoke to him was worse than anything in Mean Girls, and I can’t believe she makes it through a single day without getting smacked repeatedly.

Eventually, Charlie called her out when she pulled the whole disgusting, “and I know how much you wanted to go with me…” thing, but all that really came from that is one stage hand doesn’t like her. Sure, he’s the reason that everyone thought Annie told her dad about the prom after-party, but that doesn’t prove that she’s mean, just that she’s a daddy’s girl.

She’s snotty, entitled, and has an over-inflated ego. She’s so obviously awful, that I do not understand why Liam’s attempt to get Annie to “drop the act” is supposed to prove that he’s wise and/or insightful. Charlie seems like a smart guy; why did he fall for it? Probably because he’s a student at West Beverly, where “seeing what is obviously right in front of you” is apparently not part of the curriculum.

Silver has always thought she was better than everyone, Naomi’s sister is obviously a slimy liar, and Annie, as we’ve established is a total bitch. Yet no one wants to believe any of these things. I guess there’s nothing to worry about, though, since Karma has a way of working these things out. Annie is going to feel like such an idiot 20 years from now when she realizes that by dissing him at prom, she totally screwed up her chance to be Mrs. Neil Gaiman.

Photo Credit: CW

Categories: | 90210 | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

3 Responses to “90210 – I’m confused; is Annie supposed to be likeable?”

May 14, 2009 at 11:12 AM

My favorite character since the very beginning has been Naomi. She seems to be the only character that grows, is true to her nature and underneath is just a girl at heart. I absolutely hate her sister and wish they had not introduced her to the mix. We already have plenty of annoying characters on the show.

I don’t think the writers are fooling anyone with Annie. They have no idea who they want her to be. They write like she’s supposed to be sweet and good, but maybe the actress is completely unable to play the part they intended, and they don’t now how to write themselves back out of it.

On another note, if the actor who portrays Dixon could have dragged his face any lower after winning the crown and Silver dissing all things prom, I would have been shocked. That acting was way over the top, and he is another character they cannot seem to “find” in their writing.

Bottom line is that there is no way those parents would have raised those two children.

Eh – we’ll see whether I tune in next year. The one thing that makes CW shows easy to catch even if I’m not totally into them is I have a Dish package that plays three different CW time slots from across the nation. Seems like I can always record 90210 and not miss something else!

May 15, 2009 at 11:46 AM

It’s funny, because earlier in the season, it seemed like the writers didn’t know what they wanted to do with Naomi, because she was all over the place for a little while. They seemed to have found their groove with her, and that character has become a lot more interesting.

Annie, on the other hand, I just don’t know. I think you’re right though: Shenae Grimes just isn’t that good at pulling off “nice girl.”

May 18, 2009 at 1:31 PM

I think Annie is supposed to be like this…and I think the actress may just be pulling it off. I think she’s come out as the bitch you mention, but it won’t go over well and she’ll need to figure out how to be herself and stop trying to please everyone all the time…

I love having Jen in the mix, it makes Naomi seem more of a kid and less of a harlot.

And I don’t see how these two kids can’t be products of the Wilson’s themselves…that doesn’t make sense to me at all. Dixon was super upset about the prom thing because he’s a teenager and that stuff is important to 98% of teens…and maybe he’s realizing that he and Silver aren’t a good mix, so he’s depressed about it. VERY realistic for a teenager IMO.

I also think its easy to point out inconsistencies in a show thats only 1 season deep…alot of seeds need to be planted for the future, so I think thats what we’re getting here….

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