CliqueClack TV

Medium – Surprise, surprise: Allison gets fired


Yeah, so I guess it’s not exactly shocking that Allison’s big fancy job didn’t last for long. Frankly, I’m amazed we actually got three episodes of the fancy new Allison. While the conclusion was inevitable, we were actually offered some surprises along the way. I, for one, did not see the whole Mexico City thing coming, and I like how they were able to dovetail Ariel’s seemingly unrelated visions into what was going on with Allison.

Of course, there were some things that confused me. Now, I’m not the CEO of a multi-national corporation, but I’m pretty sure I can’t just do whatever I want as long as the people around me sign Non-Disclosure Agreements. If so, next time I have to move, instead of packing and making myself crazy, I’ll just have everyone around me sign NDAs and I’ll burn my house down and start anew. I always threaten to do it, and now it looks as though I can actually follow through!

The whole contract thing did bother me though– especially when Mr. Lydecker called Allison into his office and told her that his son raped and murdered multiple women, and not only was he aware of this, but he helped cover it up and donated money to the victims’ families as some form of reparations. Again, I’m not a lawyer, but I’m pretty sure Allison would be in the clear to alert the authorities to that little bit of information.

I really thought that it would turn out that Mr. Lydecker was more heavily involved in the murders than simply hiding the fact that his son committed them– that perhaps he put his son up to them, or even committed some of them himself. Either way, I was wrong and was surprised when his son actually killed him.

Oddly enough, since it was a fairly obvious twist, I also had no idea that Catilyn was more involved than she appeared. I honestly thought she was in the same boat as Allison– albeit a more willing participant. I never guessed that she not only knew about Mr. Lydecker’s son’s plans to kill him, but actually conspired with him to do it. It was a nice twist that actually provided a pretty satisfying ending to the episode.

In all, I’m not sure this needed to be three parts. Medium has never really been billed as a straight procedural, so I’m pretty sure they could just continue a storyline from one week to the next without the ominous “To Be Continued…”. It’s also weird that they would end a TBC episode and follow it up with a completely unrelated episode, but I’ll be writing more about that later.

What did you think of the conclusion? Were you as surprised as I was, or did you see all of the twists coming?

Photo Credit: NBC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

One Response to “Medium – Surprise, surprise: Allison gets fired”

May 12, 2009 at 7:47 PM

Not surprised in the least. I don’t think they could have portrayed the “big evil” corporation any clearer, right down to the pitiful son who had it all except the love and acceptance of his father. Gag. Three wasted hours of my time on these episodes.

I thought Tracy Pollan’s acting was horrific. David Morse only seems to show up on television if he’s going to be the big bad.

I also knew last week that the two sets of visions (Ariel and Alison’s) would be on the same wavelength. Although poor Ariel seems to having her visions right in the middle of the day far more than Alison does. What a horrible “gift” for someone her age (or any age, I’d guess). As usual, the family parts (even the colliding visions) were the best part for me. I still think they write one of the best family dynamics ever seen on TV (so I guess my time REALLY wasn’t wasted.)

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