CliqueClack TV

Dancing with the Stars – Cowboy demise

0000055647_20090317165111So … we’ll get the “highlight” of the evening out of the way right off the bat:  The world’s largest snake sacrificed itself so Samantha Harris had something to wear last evening.  Thankfully, we weren’t witness to any of the carnage that must have come about in the fashioning of said dress. Whew.

Look, I don’t know much about dancing.  When you put the words “Gene” and “dancing” in the same sentence, I have different ideas then you probably do.  Gene Kelly probably pops into your mind, doesn’t he?  Me?  Well, mine wanders off to Gene Gene, The Dancing Machine from The Gong Show (the terrific Gene Patton).  ‘Cause that’s who I gravitate toward.

That being said, it kinda goes without saying I’m not the greatest critic of performing bodies when it comes to the art of dance.

But I can tell you this: Mr. Stiffy — Ty Murray — is on the way out after his performances on last evening’s Dancing With The Stars.  And this time ’round, I don’t think there is anything his fans can do to save him.  Shawn Johnson, fireplug of a dancer that she is, is still holding her own.  I don’t believe she’s in trouble … unless her contingent doesn’t come through.  It’s Cowboy Ty that’s heading to greener pastures this evening, however.

It’s been a good run, Ty, and you’ve done your best to keep up.  We all appreciate your efforts.  But (in my best Bones McCoy impression): “Dammit, Jim! He’s a cowboy, not an Argentine Tango king!”

Photo Credit: ABC

4 Responses to “Dancing with the Stars – Cowboy demise”

May 12, 2009 at 9:40 PM

I have not seen this season but I have seen the cowboy you speak about on the news here. The newscasters this morning see it your way, they said he was going tonight. So here’s to you both being right in your predictions! :)

May 12, 2009 at 10:56 PM

You are good! LOL, I called you bad last night in your Pauler post. Anyhew, I digress.

Poor ole Ty, who shoulda left last week (I mean, c’mon, Lil Kim danced circles around the cowboy) can hang up his dancing spurs and go back to what he does best.

I mean no disrespect, he gets an “A” for effort, he just was not born to dance. Just saying.

May 12, 2009 at 10:57 PM

P.S. The Gong Show was one of a kind stupid fun. Thanks for the mention, made me chuckle.

May 13, 2009 at 1:47 AM

I can’t get into that show. But I’ve tried. I thought of Gene Gene the dance machine, too……. My husband was on the Gong Show in the 70’s. He won. They handed him a check for 15 hundred buckaroos. That was alot of money for a college kid. I probably saw him perform because I never missed that train wreck once…… Anyhoo….. He went out and got drunk with Jamie Farr afterwards. Isn’t life grand? :o)

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