CliqueClack TV

Desperate Housewives – A sweet moment between Lynette and Tom


There were a few great moments on this week’s episode of Desperate Housewives. One was Gaby’s formerly socialite friend explaining why she was at the free dinner, saying that her husband had been sick and then died, leaving her broke and desperate (really puts the “desperate” in this housewife’s life). Gaby has been sinking back into her materialistic ways, but I think that message got through.

However, my favorite moment occurred between Lynette and Tom. He was thinking about getting plastic surgery after being turned down for a job, and she took each line on his face and pinpointed it to a specific thing in their lives together: Penny falling out of a tree and breaking her arm, Tom worrying how he’d provide for them, Lynette’s cancer, the millions of laughs that got them through all the tough times.

“This is a map of our marriage, and I don’t want to lose it,” she said.

And of course, a bit of humor at the end, when he started describing her lines, and she stopping him, saying, “This isn’t about me, Tom.”

I just thought all of that was a very sweet moment that we can all take a lesson from, especially after watching Joan Rivers on The Celebrity Apprentice directly after this, and her freakish face showing nothing but desperate attempts to regain her lost youth.

Do you have a favorite moment in this week’s Desperate Housewives? Does it seem like the show has regained a bit of its former glory over the past few episodes?

Photo Credit: ABC

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