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Lost – I’m starting to think John Locke is going to be trouble



Everything is falling into place for the big finale. This episode, while entertaining, was one of those frustrating episodes. It’s one that if I were watching season 5 on DVD, I wouldn’t be able to resist watching the two hour finale, regardless of what time it was or what sort of obligations I had. Unfortunately, I’m not watching on DVD and we’re all forced to wait another week for the season finale. It was all set up this week for the end of the season, and, as usual, things are shaping up for a great finale (or FINALE EVENT!!! as ABC would like us to believe).

Before we get too ahead of ourselves, however, let’s talk about this week’s episode.

It had been a while since we had seen Locke and company, so it was nice to see them back in the picture. Although, I do have to complain about how Sun has been reduced to a single-minded non-character this season. I know several characters have been forced to take a back seat this year (*cough* Desmond *cough*), but, seriously, I think she could have spent the entire season saying one word: “Jin!” and she would have been just as effective.

I’m curious about Locke’s quest to kill Jacob and the implications of that. When Locke first met Jacob, Jacob asked for help. The sense that I got was that Jacob was trapped (there was a strange ashen ring around his cabin, if you recall), and perhaps he is looking to be killed and released from his trapped existence. I’m sure we’ll have to wait for next season for definitive answers about Jacob though. It also makes me believe that perhaps Jacob is not as closely linked to the island as I believed. I don’t think John would do anything to damage the island, and killing Jacob seems like it would do just that if Jacob were a manifestation of the island.

More likely, next week is going to focus on Jughead and whether or not that crazy bomb is going to blow. I would be betting money on the future not being affected at all by Jack’s actions, but I’m not so sure anymore. When Richard told Sun that he saw all the Dharma recruits (including Jack, Jin, et al) die, I started to think that maybe Jack is going to end up changing the future. Afterall, I don’t think there is going to be a season 6 without Jack, Kate, Sawyer, Hurley, and the others.

My best guess right now is that Jack is going to believe that he is going to change the future, but will instead play exactly into what happened, causing “the incident.” I also believe that, somehow, through Jack’s actions the rest of the folks stuck in 1977 are going to be sent back into the island 30 years later to set up season 6. We only have to wait a week to see if I’m right…

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | Lost | TV Shows |

11 Responses to “Lost – I’m starting to think John Locke is going to be trouble”

May 6, 2009 at 11:03 PM

cant wait for season finale

May 6, 2009 at 11:47 PM

what I think is that Locke didn’t mean he was literally going to kill Jacob just the idea of Jacob.
Locke just wants to kill the idea of Jacob, think of this like in carnivale season 2 let’s expose Management aka lets expose jacob, let’s expose big brother 1984.

May 7, 2009 at 12:13 AM

Kate, Kate selfish Kate probably did not want the plane to land because she did not want to answer for being a murderess. Jack gets zero help from her.

May 7, 2009 at 12:52 PM

Or, you know, she’s afraid of dying in a Hydrogen Bomb blast.

May 7, 2009 at 9:43 PM

Negative. *Palm pressed to forehead* I’ve looked inside this characters heart, and I have determined she’s just selfish. ;)

May 7, 2009 at 2:44 AM

Locke kills Jacob to set him free good think’n. what if jack were Jacob and the “surprising” season finale was Locke killing jack to save the island and everything that’s happened to them all

May 7, 2009 at 9:58 AM

I think Locke can’t do anything to hurt the island since he died and something on the Island brought him back for the benefit to the Island itself.

I think the first time Jacob is mentioned is by Locke himself in 1954. So there is possibly no Jacob and Locke is going to prove it. But then again….who was the guy in the cabin that said “help me”?

Jack tries to change the future by stopping the incident. But he ends up saving the island from blowing up from the drilling by setting off jughead. But the catch is they now have to push a button every 108 minutes.

May 7, 2009 at 11:53 AM

From a story wise point of view Jack of course fails because it sets up the last 5 years of the show.

Everywhere if there is no twist then that would be a lame ass ending. I think that maybe Jack does indeed change the future and the last 5 minutes are in the changed future. However they didn’t really change the future, it just seems like they did.

May 7, 2009 at 12:08 PM

Yeah they all get killed and the last season is all about Sawyer, Kate and Juliette living together in a house without shower-curtains :-D

May 7, 2009 at 12:54 PM

@Sebastian – Yeah they all get killed and the last season is all about Sawyer, Kate and Juliette living together in a house without shower-curtains :-D

I hear they move to 1977 LA and they are forced to tell the grumpy landlord named Roper that Sawyer is gay so they can all live together. Sawyer pursues his lifelong dream at cooking school under his powerful mentor of one Dean Travers.

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