CliqueClack TV

The Unusuals – Darn! Banks put the vest back on and 42 survives!

unusuals_banks_harold_perrineau_no_42Well, crap. Just when I was thinking Banks had a whole new life ahead of him — free from germ phobias and fear of dying and kissing girls — the damn psychic died on the bus just like she said she would.

I mean, let’s face it. It was pretty freaky when she stared into Banks’ eyes and asked if the number 42 meant anything to him. And it keeps popping up everywhere! You’ve gotta wonder if it’s just because he’s looking for the number 42 that he starts to notice it everywhere. Still, it IS freaky that it’s EVERYWHERE! $42.42 on the cash register, 4th Street and 2nd Avenue, 42 passengers on the bus….

And the psychic’s  cryptic words to Banks: “Trying to cheat your own destiny is as pointless as wearing a bulletproof vest.” Yikes.

So when Banks thwarts the robbery on Bus #42 and throws his body OVER THE GRENADE (so what if it turns out to be a fake? I still imagined him wearing a superhero cape in this scene), I was cheering!

Banks to Psychic: “It was never fate. Look, I know about your husband. I know you wanted to die to be with him, but fate doesn’t work that way.”

Psychic: “I know what I saw.”

Banks: “You know what I saw? I saw fate get its ass kicked.”

After all this went down, Banks copped an awesome take-charge attitude, threw away his antibacterial wipes, ripped the vest off, grabbed his new woman and dragged her into a supply closet — Go Banks!

But oy vey, it was all for nil when the psychic ended up dying in a bus accident later that day, and Banks wearily put the vest back on. That’s great storytelling!

Photo Credit: ABC

Categories: | Clack | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

2 Responses to “The Unusuals – Darn! Banks put the vest back on and 42 survives!”

May 3, 2009 at 7:23 PM

i really like this show. & banks & his partner are my favorites. they’re like best friends. it’s awesome!

May 3, 2009 at 10:12 PM

Who knew that is a few short weeks I would care if Banks put the vest back on but I did. It’s too soon for me to care about these characters.

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