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The Amazing Race – The final three teams … finally

LaKisha and Jennifer of "The Amazing RaceIt’s my own fault for not paying attention to the time, I guess. Don’t get me wrong, I always love it when the teams arrive at the mat expecting the leg to be over and Phil just hands them a clue and tells them to keep going. But I think I was looking forward to finally saying goodbye to LaKisha and Jennifer. They’re little feud with Margie and Luke brought such a negative energy to the show; and I put more of the fault of that particular squabble on the sisters.

Still, it made for an exciting continuation of our trek through China. It’s almost unfair to the other teams that Tammy and Victor are still in the race at this point, considering that they know the language and are even familiar with the country itself. Still, I guess that’s not their fault and they did have to make it this far into the race to be able to enjoy that advantage.

It took a lot of the fun out of the restaurant challenge, though. Sure, they mixed up the words “squid” and “fish.” But that’s nothing compared to what happened to Kisha and Jen. The translations of what they were saying to the chef were absurdly hilarious. And did you notice that we got no translations when they finally got it right (wink wink). I think they were still butchering it, but the chef felt pity for them.

I’ve always wondered if that’s possible for the indigenous race participant to “pass” someone even if they really didn’t earn it. They seem to have some autonomy. We’ve seen horrible dancers get passes and now this. It’s just hard to imagine the sisters were able to wrap their tongues around the language after butchering it for so long; but maybe they did.

In the end, though, it didn’t matter. Okay well I guess it did. This may be the first time a team has been eliminated because of having to pee. If the difference between the last two teams was as close as Phil indicated, than no matter what Kisha says, Jen will live with that million dollar guilt for the rest of her life. I guess she should have just let it run down her leg as she ran for the mat.

As annoying as the sisters were, they’re still not as annoying as Jaime and Cara. Those two say some of the nastiest things about other cultures, taxi drivers and just generally treat people like crap. Maybe they’re spoiled in real life and not used to having to treat people with respect? Or maybe they just don’t handle stress very well, particularly Cara.

While I’m all for an all-female team winning The Amazing Race, I’m just not sure if it should be this all-female team. I want a winner that I can be happy for, and that I think are genuinely good people. Jaime and Cara haven’t represented themselves too positively. Margie and Luke have done much better, but even then I’m not sure if I want them to win over Victor and Tammy.

The siblings have grown so much in their relationship and have had such a great attitude through most of the race, I think it would be fun seeing them win that final leg. I’ll be okay with either Victor and Tammy or Margie and Luke winning, I think. It would make a great finale to Luke’s story and his quest to prove that deaf people are every bit as capable as hearing people.

Photo Credit: CBS

2 Responses to “The Amazing Race – The final three teams … finally”

May 4, 2009 at 12:57 AM

I would of pis-ed in my pants. They had the long robe/dress on from the opera task – no one would of noticed and they’d still be in the running for a million dollars. I couldn’t believe it. Not only that but it allowed my least favorite team in a long time to make it to the final three, Jaime and Cara. I so wished they would of been sent home.

I’m hoping for Tammy and Victor to win this season. The most likable of the three teams left, they work well together now and seem to enjoy the race

BJ and Tyler knew Japanese during their season and were lucky enough to be in Japan during the 2nd to last leg of the race. Other contestants have known spanish in spanish speaking countries. Everyone has a chance to shine at some point. Some know how to swim better than others. Some are patient. Some people have traveled. Last week Tammy and Victor chose the wrong task , their speaking Chinese helps this leg at certain times but is no way unfair.
I can’t imagine Jamie and Cara speaking any other language than english because that’s all they expect of the world to speak – those two, well one (is it Cara? that is a raving lunatic). If they were the least bit polite to people along the way that would be help them out.

really you’d put most of the fault of the sisters and Marge and Luke on the sisters. I’d say it’s equal, siding more on Like and Marge’s fault
here’s the thing – unless there is a board with numbers on it to tear of at a clue box, it doesn’t matter if you grab it 10 or 20 seconds slower than the other team. Jen fell into Luke that first box, she didn’t push him and then he elbowed her. That second clue box he mowed her down (in my opinion). She called him a b-tch and then he was like she called the deaf guy a b-tch and saying that was wrong. Well, what did being deaf have to do with it, nothing. I didn’t like that Keisha laughed, but it very well could of been a nervous thing. She should of been more apologetic about that – but I think his deafness only comes into play in that they couldn’t talk it out to work it out. His mom is his interpreter and she was pis-ed of and not clear headed so there wasn’t a way to work it out. So they all held on to this resentment toward each other. does that make sense? I think Luke, Marge, Cara and Jen all brought a negativeness to the season so I don’t want Luke and Marge to win.

I’ve enjoyed this season a lot. It had a great mix of contestants but yeah I’d only truly be happy if Tammy and Victor won.

just my thoughts

May 4, 2009 at 1:00 PM

The “raving lunatic” (i.e., the one who is always being rude and impatient and snapping at anyone who doesn’t understand or speak English) is Jamie. She even directed some of her anger at Cara, her team mate, once they finally found the U-Turn.

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