CliqueClack TV

And the stupidest Harper’s Island death award goes to …

Harper's Island Booth


Let me start out by saying that I can’t believe Lucy Daramour hasn’t been missed yet. When the Katherine Wellington was handing out the incredibly shit-tastic pink hoodies to the bachelorette party attendees, I thought for sure she’d hold up one last one and say, “hmm … we seem to have one extra here.” I guess since Lucy’s rat of a dog was finally gone, nobody wanted to look a gift horse in the mouth and were just glad to be rid of them both.

As for the stupidest death award, that would go to Joel Booth for putting a cap in himself, for no other reason than he’s a klutz with a gun. When the murderer is revealed at the end of this show, he/she is going to say, “I killed all of them! Well, except that idiot Booth … he went ahead and did the job for me.”

Could it be, though, that Booth elaborately faked his death to Malcolm? Eehh … I dunno about that. However, I’m betting Malcolm Ross is close to being the next victim. His greed will get the best of him in the end.


OK, let’s break this down. The money has gone from Uncle Marty — dead — to Hunter — dead — to Booth — stupid and dead (unless you’ve got a major conspiracy theory mulling about in your brain like some people we know). It’s pretty much a given that Mal’s got the money now. If you carefully, painstakingly study the pattern, you will perhaps come to the conclusion that Mal is not long for this world, since the money seems to carry the grim reaper with it.

I know not what to say about Lucy, since Keith wrote my observation. Note to self: don’t talk to Keith while watching Harper’s Island.

One last thing … Richard is beyond scumbag. I am wondering if he didn’t actually save Trish, but rather tried to scare her with his wordless warning. Look what could happen if you cross me, so you’d better keep your mouth shut. I’m sure the word “bitch” would be in there somewhere.

Really, really one last thing. It’s, um … clever? of the writers to have next to none of the bodies be discovered in a way, even though the Lucy thing could be better written. Because no one has seen fit to cross Uncle Marty’s bridge, no one has ventured into the priest’s final resting, I mean hanging place, and the guys sank Hunter with his boat, the police aren’t exactly on the job, which mean the killer or killers can continue with theiir killing spree. Although a truly clever killer could murder right under the law’s nose and still get away with it, so I’m voting that they find some of these bodies soon.

Photo Credit: CBS

Categories: | Episode Reviews | General | TV Shows |

4 Responses to “And the stupidest Harper’s Island death award goes to …”

May 6, 2009 at 4:12 AM

I’ve been enjoying the show very much but I wasn’t too thrilled with this episode. I agree that Booth’s death was beyond stupid but they really need to start finding these bodies soon.

May 7, 2009 at 4:05 PM

okay, just finished watching this episode, and i am utterly bored and annoyed by this show. why hasn’t anyone ask about the many missing people? and why did they hire such awful actors!? the leads are fine, but the supporting ones should go back to wait tables.
i am just hoping for these characters be killed off so i don’t have to endure such bad acting. seriously, the death scene with the fat guy and the wimpy guy with glasses was so painful to watch, it was almost unintentionally funny. please, let the fat guy die next week, the actor is just terrible. and then there’s the psychic and the stripper, oh my god, i actually feel embarrassed for the actress playing the stripper when she was wiggling on the floor, it’s a crime to have such unconvincing performances.
there are too many characters and too many episodes.

June 7, 2009 at 6:34 PM

Booth’s finger was never on the trigger- he didn’t shoot himself.

June 7, 2009 at 7:53 PM

Really? I didn’t think he shot himself either, but others said I was crazy. I wish I had it on my dvr to watch in slow motion.

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